HomeMy WebLinkAbout504 0RDI WCS o._f9 Ai~ ORDINANCE OF ,7 , -- FLORIDA .4t~,~-~-~ .... ~THE CITy OF 362 ~ ~1~ O~ ~ - ~S~G A G ~ 0RDi~ ~=, ~ID CI~ ~ ~.~NG pI.~M ~,~ ESE'B_ T~RRITORY IN R-2 T0 DIS~iCT C-1 IN ~ID BE IT ~CT~ ~ ~ PEOp~ 0F ~E CI~ 0F ~0~, FLORIDA: Section 1. That Ordinance N~ber 36~ ~ the City of ~n- ford, Florida, passed and adopted December 26, 19~4, as amended, said ordinance being entitled: "~ Ordinance establls~ng a zoning plan wit~n the City of Sa~ord, creatl~ eleven (11) districts, regulati~ and restricting the location and use of bUildi~s, StrUCtures, l~d and water for trade, industry, residence or other purposes, the height and Size of Structures, and size of open spaces for light and ventila. tion; adoptl~ a map of said district; defining terms Used; PrOViding for the adjustment, enforcement and amen~en~ thereof; and prescrib. ing penalties for Violation,, be, ~d the sa~ Is hereby amended as foll~s: The Property zoned In District R-2 Multiple Fa~ly District, particularly described as Lots 2 and 3, Block 16, Chapman and TUCker,s Addition to Sa~ord, Florida, as recorded in Plat Book l, page 24, PUblic records of Se~nole County, FlOrida, is hereby ~ransferred District C-1 Retail Co~ercial District. Section ~. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances In CO~llct herewith be, a~ the s~e are hereby repealed. Section 3. That t~s ordinate Shall beene effective i~ediately upon its passage ~d adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this __ £~h _ day of August, 1952. ATTEST: City of Sanford, Florida. ~, H. N. 8~Yer' C~ty Clerk of the C~ty of 8anford, F~or~da, hereby cert_~fy that a tz~e and correct copy Orddnance No. 504 of She C~ty oS ~anford, Flor.~da, Paseed and adopted by the C~y Comm;~ss~on of the FlOrida, on the 25th day of August, 1952, front door of She C~ty HaL1 ~n She l~h.~s the 271;h day of August, 1952. GAry of Saz~ford, was POSTED at the C~ty of Sanford, F~.orA~a