HomeMy WebLinkAbout505 Op,~It'~A-~C:~ ~0. ~0%.__~ DING SECTION 1_~ '~9~ V~I~ ORD~ ~_ FORD ~ICI~ ~ ~_ ~ ~'~ICH SECTI01~ ~0VIDES T~ FOR ~o~'~ ~'~L~ ~TS ~N, EXOLUS~ ENEY ~ p~ID TO 0F ~ T~S, Tt~ P%~ 0F SUCH TIOI~T OR FIF~_0~~ C~N~ OH ~0%, O~T OF SUCil ~E IS OF ~ T~S' ~ F~ CEi~S '~' EXCLUSI~ SUCH ~ p~CE OF ~ TIGHT OR ~io~T 0F ~E IS FIF~ c~TS OR ~SS. BE ~ ~AC~D BY ~ ~OPLE OF T~ CI~ OF ~Fo~, ~O~DA: · of 0rdinano~ No. 451 of the sECTIO~ 1. That SectiOn 1 adopted ~arCh 28, 1959,which City of sanfO~, Florida, paSse~ ~ . ordinate pro~ides for a tax on ad~sslons to the sanford M~ic- ipal Athletic Field ~d the details rslating thereto, and ~hich section Pr°~ides for the le~Y, assessment, collection, and pay- ment of such t~x, be and the s~e is hereb~ ~ended to read follOWS: ,,SectiOn 1. That there shall be levied, sessed, collected and ~id for admission to any event conducted or held at the S~f°rd M~Iclpsl Athletic Field, and for which ad~ssiOn charge is ~de to ~Y person, a~ssiOn tax as to e~ch such person, in . . ] charge ~d all dition to the adm~ss~oz er taxes, ~s follows: Ten cents f~ each general admission ticket sold or entry fee paid when, exclusive of all taxes, %ke price of such ticket or amount of such fee is fifty-one cents or more, and fi~e cents for e~ch general a~issioI~ ticket sold or entry fee paid when, exclusive of all taxes, the price of such ticket or amount of such fee is fifty cents Or less." SECTION 2. That all ordinances and parts of ordinan- ces in conflict herewith be, add the same are, hereby repealed. SECTI¢~,~ 3. That this ordinance shall become effective i~ediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED A~D ADOPTED this 13th day of October, 1952. ATTEST: Mayor ~ City Co~ission of the City of SaM~d, F~orida. C E R T I F I C A T E i, H. ~. S?yer, City ~lerz. of the ty of S~nford, '" Florida, hereby oert''~ titbit. - true an~ correct c~py ~o~e.~o~. b Oro. nance ~o. 505, pass. e~] "~ ~::(o~otea by the ty Comr:~s~;~,)n cf the OJty of S~ford, ~ ,-~s the _3~h day of Oct,.~ber, 1952, was POSTED at the front door of the C~ty n~i] ~n the City of 5~nford, Florl~, ~!s 15th day of Octobar, As~of t~e City -2-