HomeMy WebLinkAbout513NO. AN 0RDIi~,~CE OF ~i~ CITY OF SA~{FORD, FLORIDA, A~ENDIlfG SECTION $ 0F 0RDIi~Jf~CE N0. }97, P~D ~ D3OPED Oi~ ~tE 26TH DAY OF AU~T~T, 19&6,S~D 0~i~f~ EST~LISH!~G P~f~JG 1,u~JR ZOA~S ~ S~D CI~' ~D Iv~fG ~]G~TiO]~S IL REG~ ~_ T0, ~,[D S~D SECTION ~ P~SCRIBILG THE T~ V~ PARKIi:JG ]]E~ PROVIDED BY S~D ORDILY~[CE StOL BE IN 0~]~T!0IJ. BE IT E~,,ACi'ED BY TT[E PEOPLE CF Z~ CITY OF SM~FORD, ~LO~TDA: =CTI0. 1. That Section ~ of Ordiaanc6 ~o. ~97, passed and adopted August 26, 19~,6, such ordinance stab~lsh~ng parking ~,eter zones in the City of Sanford, and making certain regulations in regard thereto, be a~d the sallie is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "SECTION ~. That the p r~.~ meters authorized to be iastalled in the aforesaid pawking meter zones, as Pr,~ded in the next precedin~ section hereof, shall be in Operation from 8'00 O'clock ~. M. until 6:00 o' ~ '- ' c~oc~ p. ~. Eastern Standard Time each da? except Sundays and the foll~,ving holidays, to-wit: New Year's Day ? ,. ~ · Tha~s~ivlng Day ~ndependence Day ~d Christmss Day; LaLo~ Day in addition to the days above e:~copted, t~e Ci- ty Co~lission may from time to time, by p~oper motion, authorize ~spensioa of ope~,tlon of said meters for li~ted periods fey any partic~la~ day ow pa~t thereof it may designate in such ~+' SECTION 2. That all ordinances or pe~ts of o~imances conflict herewith a~e hereby ~epealed. ~CTZON 5. That this ordinance shm!l beco<le effective Lm~ediately upon its passage and adoption. ~,o~ ~D ~Ci~i) this~day of ~ovember, 1952. AT~E.~T: ~, City ~l erk CERTIFICATE I, H. N. ~ayer, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Flor!da, hereby cern!fy that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 513, passed and adopted by the City Corem!ss!on of the City of Sanford, ~lor!da, on the 24th day of November, 1952, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, ~lorida, th~e 25th day of November, 1952. As City ~rk of the C~ t~ ~ef~n fo rd, Flo r! da.