HomeMy WebLinkAbout516-Tabled-Not Passes(TABLED a NOT PA~$ED) ORDINA~YCE NO. 516 AN (RDI~fANCE A~.~EhDING 0RDII?ANCE PTO. 511 OF THE CI- TY OF SAk~0RD, FLORIDA, A~NDING ORDINAI~ CE NO. 24, i~T~ T0 Tt~ C0~C- TION ~D DISPOSITION 0F ~B~GE BY ~ROVIDING FOR SPECI~ PICK-UP S~RVICE ~JD ~E h~E ~-~REFOR IN CERT~N Cf~ES, 'EtlS ~D~NT ~i~JG ~0VISION ~R ~ PA~IfT oF THE i~01~S~D STA].I.~i~TS, ~D ~0~DII~G FOR ~f~D 0F PORTION 0F SU~ PA~i'~ IN ~R~IN C~ES. BE SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. Florida, l~ssed and adopted the llth day IT ~NACTEJ) BY THE PEOPLE OF T.~E CITY OF SAi~FORD, FL(RIDA: 511 of the City of Sanford, of November, 1952, amend- ing Ordinance No. 2&, passed and adopted July 25, 1921, said latter ordinance providing for collection and disposition of garbage, and said amendment providing for special pick-up service in certain cases, and the fee to be paid for such service, be and the same is hereby amended by revising Section 1.5 (a), as set forth in said Ordinance No. 511, to read as follows: Section 1.5 (a) When no public alley adjoins the premises occupied by the party offering garbage or refuse for collection, such party, in lieu of placing the receptacle for collection at the curb line in front of his prmaises as above provided, may obtain pick-up service for such receptacle from the rear of his premises upon payment of a fee therefor. ~uc]~ ~'~ ~ti b~ at ti~e rate of $1.00 per month and shall be payable quarterly in advsmce, on or before December 31st, March ~lst, June ~0th, and September 30th each year for the ensuing calendar quarter, provided that if commence- ment of such service be desired after the commence- ment of such calendar quarter only the l~o-rata charge for the remainder of that calendar quarter shall be so paid. Payment, at the option of the party paying same, may be made in advance for the en- tire calendar year ending December 31st, or por- tion thereof in excess of a calendar quarter, pro- vided that any party making such full or extra payment in advance who, prior to the end of the calendar year, shall desire to discontinue the special service herein provided shall, upon fil- ing written application therefor with the Tax Collector of the City of Sanford, Florida, re- ceive refund of any unearned prepayment covering the period from the end of the calendar quarter