HomeMy WebLinkAbout517 ORDNANCE ~0.__ 517 AN ORDINANCE OF THE OITY OF sANFORD, FLORIDA, A/~tDING SUB-SECTION (a) OF SECTION 9 OF ORD- INANCE NO. 256, PASSED AND ADOPTED JUN~ 28, 1937, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 450, pAS~ED AND ADOPTED ~ARCH 15, 1959, SAID (RDINANCE RELAT~WG TO SALE OF INTOXICAT~G BEVERAGES AND WI~ES AND BEER, SAID SUB-SECTION RELAT~G TO HOURS OF OF, A~D THIS A~T EXTENDING THE HOURS OF S~TE, PROVIDING FOR EXCEPTIONS IN CERTAIN CASES TO THE REQUIREMENT THAT V~NDORS KEEP THEIR PLACES OF BUS- INESS GL0'~ED DURING HOURS ~EN SALE IS PROHIBITED, AND PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE AKD REVOCATION OF PER- MITS COV~RING SUCH EXCEPTIONS. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FL01~IDA: SECTION 1. That Sub-section (a) of Section 9 of Ordin- ance No. 256, passed and adopted June 28, 1937, as amended by 0rd- inance No. $50, passed and adopted March 15, 19&9, relating to the sale of intoxicating beverages and wines, be and the same is here- by amended to read: -Section 9 (a) It shall be unlawful for any intoxicating beverages, including wines and beer, to be sold, c~sumed or served or be permitted to be served or consumed, or, having been sold or served, be allowed to remain open in readiness for consumption, on the premises of any licensee under this ordinance between the hours of 12:00 midnight each Saturday and 8:00 A. M. on the follow- ing Monday, and between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 8:00 A. M. on all other days. All vendors of intoxicating liquors and all vendors of intoxicating liquors and wines and beer shall keep their places of business closed during the aforesaid hours, provided, however, that upon prese~tatlon of evidence satisfactory to ~he City commission that the principal business of any s~ch vendor is the handling of food supplies, and that sale of the aforesaid beverages is only an incident to such principal business, the City oommis- sion may authorize the Chief of Police to issue to such vendor written permit for such place of business to remain open solely for the handling of food supplies during the aforesaid hours. Such permit shall in no way be construed to alter the prohibitions contained in the first sentence of this sub- section, and shall be revocable at the will f the City Commissione All vendors holding ~ermits issued as hereinabove provided, shall make provision under which, during the afore- said hours, the place of storage, keeping, or display of any intoxicating liquors, wines, and beer, whether under refrigeration or otherwise, can be kept locked, and during said hours, said place shall be kept se- curely locked. Failure of any vendor to make provision for a place which can be locked as required or to keep such place securely locked during the aforesaid hours shall be sufficient ground for refusal of the permit hereinabove authorized or ~voca~ion and withdrawal of any such permit after it has been authorized." SECTION 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOP~ED this 23rd day of February 1953. Mayor ATTEST: OitY~rk ~s t~the City of Sanford, Florida. -2-