HomeMy WebLinkAbout521ORDINANCE-NO. ~21 AN ORDINANCE OF ~HE CITY OF S.&NFORD, FLORIDA, A~ENDING ORDINANCE NUI~-BER 362 OF THE CITY OF SANFORD AS A~Y.~.h~)ED, SAD~ BEING Thee ZCNING 0R- DINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, BY PROVIDING FOR A ~fELFTH CLASS OF DISTRICT INT0 I'~HICH SAID CITY IS DIVIDED FOR THE PURPOSES OF SAID ORDINANCE, DESIGNATING SAID ~'fELFTH CLASS OF DISTRICT AS "C-T TRANSIE~T C0~'I~RCIAL DIS- ?RIOT" AND SETTING OUT THE USES, LI~TATICNS ~ ' NG AND REQuIRE5D~ANTS pmRTzINI TO SUCH CLASS OF DIS ?RI CT · BE IT ~ACT~ BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SAEFORD, FLORIDA: Section 1.That ordinance number 362 of the City of San- ford, Florida, passed and adopted December 26, 1944, as amended, said Ordinance being entitled: -An 0rdinance establishing a zoning plan within the City of Sanford, creating eleven (ll) districts, regulating and restricting the location and use of buildings, structures, land and water for trade, industry, residence or other purposes, the height and size of structures, and size of open spaces for light and ventilation; adopting a map of said districts; defining terms used; providing for the adjustment, enforcement and amendment thereof; and prescribing penalties for violation", be, and the same is hereby amended as follows: (A) The Title of said ordinance is hereby amended to read: "An ordinance establishing a zoning plan within the City of Sanford, creating twelve (12) districts, regulating and re- stricting the location and use and water for trade, industry, height and size of structures, of buildingS, structures, land residence or other purposes, the and size of open spaces for light and ventilation; adopting a map of said districts; defining terms used; providing for the adjustment, enforcement and amend- ment thereof; and prescribing penalties for violation." (B) The first paragraph of Section 3 of said ordinance is hereby amended to read: "In order to classify, regulate and restrict the uses of land and buildings; to regulate and restrict the height and other and bulk of buildingS; to regulate the area of yards open space about buildingS; and to regulate the in- tensity of land used, the City of sanford is hereby divided intO twelve (12) classeS of districts to be known as folloWS: R-1 AA - one (single) Fa~lY District R-1 A . one (single) Family District R-1-B - one (single) Family District R-1 - one (single) Family District R-1 X - one (single) Family District R-2 - ~ultiple Family District R-3 - One (single) Family District R-4 - l~ultiple Family District R-5 - l~ultiple Family District C-1 - commercial (retail) District C-2 - Commercial-Industrial District "C-T Transient Commercial District" (C) A new SeCtion, numbered section 1SA, and in the folloW- ing words and figures is hereby added immediately following Section 13 of said ordinance: DISTRICT USES pEilk~TTED 1. Any use permitted in the R-Z District. Hotels, L.~otels and Tourists Courts. 3. Restaurants and other eating establishmentS- 4. Automobile filling stationS. 5. Retail stores except those dealing in second- hand merchandise- 6. Barber shops and beauty parlorS. professional offices. 8. Automotive sales agencies. above uses are permitted under the conditions All of the__ . a olicable municipa~ and state *~t they ~umply wzth ~ll__~._s tv~es of businesSeS. ordinances gover~,~ o B. _parklnE There shall be no curb parking on any main thorough-fare within this zone. C. _BUILDING HEIGHT LIb~ The maximum building height shall be forty-five (45) feet. D. BuILDING sITE AREA REQUIRE~.. No minimum requirementS, except that in no case shall a sin61e, two fn~ff~!y or luul{~ie}e ,~,,~,-~ dwelling be · ed on a sl'e ,,' ~ - ' ,,h~ch provides nn ..... ~-~ ..... is recuire-I under ~ · - ~, front yard at least 20 feet in depth fro~}~ the ad- j~iceNt hisi!~,my ri{iht-of-way shsl] be ~'~s{vided. This p,-,~l, lz, ti~ and ~ ~,~ con- ~ ~ ~ '~ mn::?kers slid ctf:eP devi cos to control su ch ~arl~'- in~. parkin~ in such front , ~,1-~ lated and controlled ,ss o prevent usc of the hi,h- way for i,,aneuvei, ing incidental to parkinc, and entran- ces ~nd exits shall, be so designed ~,s to ins[re a mum of interference with h~ch,.:ay traffic. O0 ~,~lri %rees and other vegetation so f~?eded be%veen 50 inches .... 10 2ee~ above ~,l~e an,'f ,ay a]~:o i~".clu, le incoRspicuous licit:ins for the ll¢(m~zn,tlon of the front yard :nd ether ticis cf the prem!z;es. % ',vail or hed~'e not e~zceeding O0 ilches in ?eir-~+, ...... - ~,. . ,~- ~a,.~ occu~,,~ the edge,f; c,f ,~ ld~ ~r J[: ~,ne items ,~;~ 'n'-,, '~, ~eCl~locl_, j ,~e~+' .... lo :eE. above, no o~on, ~dvertising ~ .' play, or any porli~a~ t~ereof, shall be constructed or set up in sLch front yards, exc~t that si:~zu3 cable to the bus, ness conducted }hereon may be i'rovidod lhut snob s[Cns do not cr,~ate : traffic haz- ard a~d ~lso that they co ply with any o~her ordinances of t. he City of ~anfor~2 ~.'hicb may .regu?aae sicns. No bui]dinu r~ay be erected wiohi~ o , ~0 f,~,et' of an ad- jaeen':, ' '' -'- · ou].zd~!~ on neidlborln,,, pro~)el%y = ~ ~ ~ nor ',,,itl]in 10 feet o~ any properby lille. ~;11 parking areds and drives used by the public shall be surfaced ih such a manner as to prev~i~t nuisance from dact aha ~tanalhm water. Where a transient conm]ercia] district borders a residential distric+ - l~s or vefe- .-~.,lve screening .-,'- - - s~a]t be l;rovided a;:; rleoessary to. pPe- ~en~ hesdlights of automobiles or other li{'hts from shin- i .... d2olnl~g sesi~enlial property, Inoan- n~ in v, lndows of a ' ' ' descent 1]u~t~..~ may be used for ll]uu~iNstim~, the park- lng area~ ~-.~e~s~ng slGns~ or any ~ortion of the trop- erty as ] ~-. · ..~. .o~o as the direct light is net visible to driv- %~rs on the highways, and po red or ~reen ' shall be per,:it, ted within 100 feet of any street inter- H. ~f3ORCE] ~T The o¢rtion of this ordinance rel=,,~ng to curb parkins shall be or,forced by the p{lice de~,}ar~,P, ent as though it ~ ,.. off the traffic code of Lhls -3- Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3. That this ordinance shall become effective im- mediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED and ADOPTED this ~day of _ July , 1953. ATTEST: ~tthe-City C°~m~ss~ ion of ~e y oS' SanforS, Florida. ~-~ay or