HomeMy WebLinkAbout523 TLOR~a~TAi~ k~,- 15, O~ ~/~l:,,~ FLO~- Section 1. That that cert&%n alley as platte~, and 7~ne fTom :;lest to ~ast, bet~'~een C~pFeSS A~enue on the-'7est Avenue on the East, in SPu=lkn~'s ?lat of BloCk ~ucl~e:,s 2ddition to Sanfo~d, aS recorded in ?lat BoOk 5, paCe reCordS of Seminole O°~°*tY' Florida, be, and the alley of 81, of the public same is heTebY ~aoated, closed and abandoned aS a public the c~tY of Sa~°rd' Florida' sect~o~ Z.That ~lord~nances or parts o~ ordinance° oo~liOt here%'~ith be, and the sa~:~e are hereby repealed' section ~' That this ordinance shall beCOme effective i~ediatelY on its PassaCe and adoptaon' ?~sED ~D ~D0?T~ this ~ da~ I, H. N. Bayer, City Clerk ef the City ef 5anferd, Fler!da, hereby certifY that a true and cerrect cepy ef the feregelng Ordinance Ne. 523, passed and adepted by the City Cemm!ss!en ef the City ef ~anferd, Fler!da, en the ~th day ef June, 1953, was PO~TED at the front deer ef the City Hall in the City ef Sanferd, Fler!da, this 9th day ef June, 1953. the City ef