HomeMy WebLinkAbout1357 Waters Consulting Group-City Mgr Recruitment130 v7' :x LL. PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Jj T RANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM ILL' To: City Clerk/ City Manager � RE: The Waters Consulting Group, Inc The item(s) noted below is /are attached and forwarded to your office for the following action(s): ❑ Development Order ❑ ❑ Final Plat (original mylars) ❑ ❑ Letter of Credit ❑ Maintenance Bond ❑ Ordinance ❑ ❑ Performance Bond ❑ ❑ Resolution ❑ ❑ ❑ Once completed, please: ❑ Return original ❑ Return copy Special Instructions: Executed Work Order for safe keeping Mayor's signature Recording Rendering Safe keeping (Vault) Payment Bond City Manager Signature City Clerk Signature Please advise if you have any questions regarding the above. Thank you! From Date T:\Dept_ forms \City Clerk Transmittal Memo - 2009.doc / '7 EXHIBIT A WORK ORDER FORM Work Order Number 100 -11 CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA Master Agreement/Contract Number: N/A Dated: NO Contract/Project Title Executive Recruitment for City Manager Solicitation No: N/A ISanford Project No. N/A Purchase Order No. Consultant/Contractor: The Waters Consulting Group, Inc. Consultant/Contractor's Business Address, Phone Number, Fax Numberm and E -mail Address 5050 Quorum Drive, Sute 625; Dallas, Texas 75254 972.481.1950 Fax: 972.481.1951 email: Crohe @watersconsulting.com ATTACHMENTS TO THIS WORK ORDER METHOD OF COMPENSATION DRAWINGS /PLANS /SPECIFICATIONS FIXED FEE BASIS X SCOPE OF SERVICES TIME BASIS -NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT X SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Timeline) TIME BASIS - LIMITATION OF FUNDS X PRICING IINFORMATION UNIT PRICE BASIS -NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT X WO TERMS AND CONDITIONS TIME FOR COMPLETION: Per Attached Days of the effective date of this Work Order Effective date- this Work Order: Date of Execution by City Manager Time for completion: The services to be provided by the Consultant/Contractor shall commence upon execution of this Work Order by the parties and shall be completed within the time frame indicated above. Failure to meet the stated completion requirement may be grounds for termination for default. Work Order Amount: Dollars Expressed in Numbers: $ Per Attached fees and payments schedule Dollar Amount Written Out: Per Attached fees and payments schedule In Witness Where of, the parties hereto have made and executed this Work Order on the respective dates under each signature: The City through its City Manager and the Consultant by and through its duly authorized corporate officer having the full and complete authority to execute same. ATTEST: CONSULTANT /CONTRACTOR Signature Signature, Corporate President pCLfr� A �as"�'1a - �ccrc. < < 1 C_ n • Wa:U Corporate Officer (printed name and title) Corporate President, Printed Name Date: t • 1 E5 - ATTEST: CITY OF SANFORD Q *ffK - 4QA1 Janet Dougherty, Cit Clerk George terim City Manager Date: J d 3 //,1 It I 5� nti t� ��5 EXHIBIT "A "(page 2) WORK ORDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS Execution of this Work Order by the CITY and the issuance of a notice to proceed, shall serve as authori- zation for the CONSULTANT /CONTRACTOR to provide goods and /or services for the above project as set out in the Scope of Services which is attached as Exhibit "A," as well as all other exhibits attached to that certain Agreement cited on the face of this Work Order all of which are incorporated herein by reference as if they had been set out in its entirety and as further delineated in the specifications, conditions and requirements stated in the listed documents which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. The CONSULTANT /CONTRACTOR shall provide said goods and /or services pursuant to this Work Order, its attachments and the above - referenced Agreement and its exhibits. If this Work Order conflicts with said Agreement or exhibits, the Agreement and exhibits shall prevail provided, however, that the CONSULTANT /CONTRACTOR shall not proceed with work until directed to do so by the CITY TERM: This Work Order shall take effect on the date of its execution by the CITY and expires upon final delivery, inspection, acceptance and payment unless terminated earlier in accordance with the Termination provisions herein, provided, however, that the CONSULTANT /CONTRACTOR shall not proceed with work until directed to do so by the CITY METHOD OF COMPENSATION: (i) FIXED FEE BASIS. If the compensation is based on a "Fixed Fee Basis," then the CONSULTANT /CONTRACTOR shall perform all work required by this Work Order for the Fixed Fee Amount indicated as the Work Order Amount. The fixed feel is an all- inclusive Firm Fixed Price binding the CONSULTANT /CONTRACTOR to complete the work for the Fixed Fee Amount regardless of the costs of performance. In no event shall the CONSULTANT /CONTRACTOR be paid more than the Fixed Fee Amount. (ii) TIME BASIS WITH A NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT. If the compensation is based on a "Time Basis Method" with a Not -to- Exceed Amount, then the CONSULTANT /CONTRACTOR shall perform all work required by this Work Order for a sum not exceeding the amount indicated as the Work Order Amount. In no event is the CONSULTANT /CONTRACTOR authorized to incur expenses exceeding the Not -To- Exceed Amount without the express written consent of the CITY. Such consent will normally be in the form of an amendment to this Work Order. The CONSULTANT / CONTRACTOR' compensation shall be based on the actual work required by this Work Order and the Labor Hour Rates established in the Master Agreement. (iii) TIME BASIS WITH A LIMITATION OF FUNDS AMOUNT. If the compensation is based on a "Time Basis Method" with a Limitation of Funds Amount, then the amount identified as the Work Order Amount becomes the Limitation of Funds amount which shall not be exceeded without prior written approval of the CITY. Such approval, if given by the CITY, will indicate a new Limitation of Funds amount. The CONSULTANT /CONTRACTOR shall advise the CITY whenever the CONSULTANT /CONTRACTOR has incurred expenses on this Work Order that equals or exceeds eighty percent (80 %) of the Limitation of Funds amount. The CONSULTANT /CONTRACTOR's compensation shall be based on the actual work required by this Work Order and the Labor Hour Rates established in the Master Agreement. (iv) UNIT PRICE BASIS WITH A NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT. If the compensation is based on a "Unit Price Basis," then the CONSULTANT /CONTRACTOR shall perform all work required by this Work Order for the amount resulting from computing the quantity(ies) of defined units and agreed upon unit pricing to establish amount of CONTRACTOR'S compensation. All adjustments to quantities shall be approved by the Project Manager. Prior written approval by the City is required to adjust the not to exceed amount. The CITY shall make payment to the CONSULTANT /CONTRACTOR in strict accordance with the payment terms of the above - referenced Agreement. It is expressly understood by the CONSULTANT /CONTRACTOR that this Work Order, until executed by the CITY, does not authorize the performance of any services by the CONSULTANT /CONTRACTOR and that the CITY, prior to its execution of the Work Order, reserves the right to authorize a party other than the CONSULTANT /CONTRACTOR to perform the services called for under this Work Order if it is determined that to do so is in the best interest of the CITY. The CONSULTANT /CONTRACTOR shall execute this Work Order first and the CITY second. This Work Order becomes effective and binding upon execution by the CITY and not until then. A copy of this executed Work Order along with a Purchase Order will be forwarded to the CONSULTANT /CONTRACTOR at the completion of that action. It is noted that the Purchase Order Number must be indicated on all invoices germane to the Work Order. WORK ORDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. By accepting this Work Order (WO) the Contractor/Vendor /Contractor accepts all of the Terms and Conditions included herein. The Buyer is the City of Sanford, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "City ". The term "City" is used in a broad sense to include its employees, directors, officers, agents, volunteers, etc. 2. All information referenced is hereby incorporated into the WO. These Terms and Conditions may be varied only by written amendment signed by the parties. All modifications in performance, including but not limited to, extensions of time, renewal, or substitution are void absent dually signed amendment by the parties. Time is of the essence of the lawful performance of the duties and obligations contained in the Work Order. The Vendor /Contractor agrees that Vendor /Contractor shall diligently and expeditiously pursue Vendor /Contractor's obligations. 3. Cancellation rights reserved by the City. The City may cancel this WO in whole or in part at any time for default by written notice to the Vendor /Contractor. The City shall have no liability to the Vendor /Contractor beyond payment of any balance owing for Material purchased hereunder and delivered to and accepted by the City prior to the Vendor /Contractor's receipt of the notice of termination. 4. Terms of shipping are F.O.B. the City's delivery location unless otherwise noted within the terms of this WO. Regardless of the indicated F.O.B. point, the City does not accept title until the delivery is acknowledged by an authorized City representative" 5. Prices stated on this WO are firm, all inclusive and consistent with applicable negotiations, bid(s) and /or quotations. The City is exempt from the Florida Sales and Use Tax and will furnish the Vendor /Contractor with proof of tax exemption upon request. Extra charges for any purpose will not be allowed unless explicitly indicated on the WO. This order is hereby cancelled, if pricing is omitted. 6. The Vendor /Contractor warrants that any material or equipment supplied hereunder is new, unused condition and free from defects in title, workmanship, defects in design and in full compliance with the specifications defined by the City in the order. The goods or services furnished under this WO are covered by commercial warranties for such goods or services and that the rights and remedies provided therein are in addition to and do not limit those available to the City. A copy of these warranties and all applicable manufacturer's warranties shall be furnished at the time of delivery. 7. The City reserves the right to conduct any inspection or investigation to verify compliance of the goods and /or services with the requirements of this Work order and to reject any delivery not in compliance If any deficiency is not visible at the time of delivery the City reserves the right to take and /or require appropriate corrective action upon the discovery of any deficiency, non - compliance, or defect 8. All tools or property furnished to the Vendor /Contractor by the City shall remain the property of the City, be subject to removal upon the City's demand, be used only on behalf of the City, be maintained in good order, and be clearly identified as property of the City. The Vendor /Contractor assumes any and all liability of whatsoever type or nature for loss or damage to such property. 9. The Vendor /Contractor agrees to comply with all Federal, State of Florida, Seminole County, City laws, ordinances, regulations, authority and codes and authority having jurisdiction over the purchase. 10. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Vendor /Contractor shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City, its agents, servants, officers, officials and employees, or any of them, from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, and expenses including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and other legal costs such as those for paralegal, investigative, and legal support services, and the actual costs incurred for expert witness testimony, arising out of or resulting from the performance or provision of services required under this Agreement, provided that same is caused in whole or in part by the error, omission, act, failure to act, breach of contract obligation, malfeasance, officers, officials, employees, or agents. Additionally, the Vendor /Contractor accepts responsibility for all damages resulting in any way related to the procurement and delivery of goods or services contemplated in this Work order. Nothing herein shall be deemed to affect the rights, privileges, and immunities of the City as set forth in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. 11. The Vendor /Contractor shall not assign this WO, any rights under this WO or any monies due or to become due hereunder nor delegate or subcontract any obligations or work hereunder without the prior written consent of the City. WORK ORDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS -Page 2 12. The Vendor /Contractor shall not disclose the existence of this WO without prior written consent of the City except as may be required to perform this WO. 13. All Material purchased hereunder must be packaged to ensure its security and delivery in accordance with the City's shipping and packaging specification and good commercial practice. Each package shall be labeled indicating the addressee of each package or shipment and the applicable WO number. All shipments shall comply with HAZMAT requirements including, but not limited to, (DOT) regulations published in 49CFR 1399, OSHA regulations 29 CFR 4999. 14. The Vendor /Contractor shall perform the obligations of this WO as an independent contractor and under no circumstances shall it be considered as agent or employee of the City. 15. The Vendor /Contractor ensures that its personnel shall comply with reasonable conduct guidelines and City policies and procedures. 16. After each delivery, the Vendor /Contractor shall provide to the "bill to address" an original, "proper invoice" (single copy) which includes: a) Vendor /Contractor's name(dba), telephone number, mailing address; b) City's P.O. Number; c) Date of invoice; d) Shipping date; e) Delivery date; f) Payment terms; g) Description of goods /services; h) quantity; i) Unit price; j) Extended price; k) Total. The City has the right to reconcile invoice with the WO and adjust payment accordingly to comply with the WO. Payment will be made only to the Vendor /Contractor identified on the WO and for received and accepted goods /services. The City shall have right at any time to set -off any amounts due to the Vendor /Contractor against any amounts owed to the City by the Vendor /Contractor and shall in the case of Vendor /Contractor default retain the right to further adjust payments as consistent with the best interests of the City. 17. Payment of invoices will be in compliance with Chapter 218, Part VII of Florida Statutes, City Ordinance No. 3029, Purchasing Policy of the City and the stipulations, terms and conditions of this WO. Any cash discount period will date from receipt of invoice, receipt of actual delivery or date of invoice, which ever is later. 18. If this WO involves the Vendor /Contractor's performance on the City's premises or at any place where the City conducts operations, the Vendor /Contractor shall request information from the Purchasing Manager regarding insurance coverage requirements. In circumstances where insurance is required, Vendor /Contractor shall provide proofs of insurance required by the City, or City reserves the right to cancel this Work Order, immediately suspend performance by the Vendor /Contractor at Vendor /Contractor's expense and prohibit access to City premises until such proofs of insurance is verified Noncompliance with this item shall place the Vendor /Contractor in default and subject to disbarment from the City's Vendor /Contractor List. 19. The failure of the city to enforce any provision of this WO, exercise any right or privilege granted to the City hereunder shall not constitute or be construed as a waiver of any such provision or right and the same shall continue in force. 20. The Vendor /Contractor shall notify the Purchasing Manager of any inherent hazard and applicable precautions, protective measures and provide any additional relevant information, including MSDS, related to the Material being purchased herein. 21. The City shall have the right at no additional charge to use all or portions of material found in the Vendor /Contractor's applicable literature relevant to the purchase. The Vendor /Contractor agrees to advise the City of any updated information relative to the foregoing literature and documentation with timely written notice. 22. A person or affiliate who has been removed from the City's Vendor /Contractor List may not submit a bid or transact business with the City in excess of Category Two for a period of thirty -six (36) months from the date of being removed from the City's Vendor /Contractor List. 23. In compliance with 8 U.S.C. Section 1 324a(e) [Section 274A(e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)], the City will not intentionally make an award or upon discovery of a violation will unilaterally cancel this WO with any contractor who knowingly employs unauthorized alien workers. WORK ORDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS -Page 3 24. This WO shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. In any action or proceeding required to enforce or interpret the terms of this Agreement, venue shall be of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Seminole County, Florida SCOPE OF SERVICES TASK 1 RECRUITMENT BROCHURE DEVELOPMENT AND ADVERTISING The important first step in the recruitment process involves the development of a comprehensive recruitment brochure with a profile of the ideal candidate, including the required qualifications, professional experience, personal characteristics, and other factors related to success in the position of City Manager. The recruitment brochure will also have a profile of your community and organization. To prepare the recruitment brochure, the Lead Consultant will come on site to meet with your leadership team to discuss the required background and experiences for the new City Manager. We will also request organizational charts, budgetary information, operational reports, and other documentation describing the community, organization, current issues, and responsibilities of the position. The draft recruitment brochure will be presented to you for review and final approval /edits prior to its publication and distribution to prospective candidates. In order to conduct an open recruitment and to encourage applications from a diverse pool of candidates, WCG will work with you to develop an advertising and marketing strategy to notify potential candidates about the vacancy. WCG will provide you with the advertisements and an advertising schedule to place the ads in appropriate professional publications, websites and local print media as approved by you. Draft ads will be submitted to your organization for approval prior to publication. WCG has a highly- accessed website, www.watersconsulting.com, and targeted e-mail ( search (&watersco nsulting.com We will use all available resources to communicate directly with prospective candidates. The aggressive advertising and marketing campaign for top talent will include national, state, regional, and local elements as determined during our initial meetings with your organization. Our presence at appropriate public sector conferences will be used to further promote the position. An effective advertising strategy will help to ensure that we conduct an open recruitment with appeal to a diverse array of candidates. WCG will take all necessary steps to protect against discrimination in the screening and selection process. TASK II EXECUTION OF RECRUITMENT STRATEGY AND IDENTIFICATION OF QUALITY CANDIDATES Using the information developed in Task I, WCG will identify individuals who would be outstanding candidates for the position of City Manager. Often, well - qualified candidates are not actively seeking new employment and will not necessarily respond to an advertisement. However, if a potential candidate is presented with the opportunity directly and in the proper manner, he or she may apply. We take pride in our ability to locate highly qualified candidates across the nation based on our professional contacts and relationships. We have also established networks with minority and female leaders throughout the nation and are proud of our record of placement of minority and female candidates. WCG has adopted a corporate policy of equal employment opportunity and will not participate in any recruitment effort where these principles are not followed. In addition, we are charter members of NFBPA and its Business Advisory Committee and the Hispanic Network. We believe that one of the strengths of the WCG recruitment process is our attention to the candidates during the process. Each candidate submitting a resume is sent a timely acknowledgement by WCG, giving an approximate schedule for the recruitment. Further communications are maintained with each candidate regarding information about the recruitment progress and their status in the process. We take pride in the many complimentary comments made by candidates regarding the level of communication and the professional manner in which they are treated during our recruitments, which is also provides a positive reflection on your organization. TASK III SCREENING OF APPLICANTS AND RECOMMENDATION OF FINALISTS Our recruiting efforts in Task II identify a significant number of applicants, depending upon the position and the availability of candidates with the requisite experience and skills in the marketplace. Task III is where our Lead Consultant screens the candidates against the criteria within the candidate profile and develops a list of Finalists for recommendation to the client. As the Lead Consultant screens the applications; the most promising applicants will receive a candidate questionnaire to complete that will provide additional information about the candidates' background and experience. After reviewing the responses to the questionnaire, the Lead Consultant will send selected resumes and questionnaire responses directly to whomever you select on your staff to assist with the screening process. In the consultation with your staff representative the Lead Consultant, will narrow the list to a group of Semifinalists and Finalists for your review and decision. Typically, four to six Finalists are selected for the on -site interviews. Throughout the process you will have access to our Master Applicant List (MAP) for this position, which will provide pertinent data about each applicant. TASK IV CONDUCTING BACKGROUND CHECKS, REFERENCE CHECKS AND ACADEMIC VERIFICATIONS Once you approve the group of Finalists for on -site interviews, WCG will begin the process to conduct reference checks, background checks and academic verifications. Contact is then made with selected references and sometimes with others who may know of additional accomplishments and work experiences of the candidates. The purpose of the reference interviews is to allow WCG to complete our understanding of the work experience, professional performance and personal characteristics of the Finalists. For the background checks, WCG will develop information about the candidates in the following areas: • Consumer Credit 0 Bankruptcy • County Criminal 9 State District Superior Court Criminal • County Civil Litigation 0 State District Superior Court Civil Litigation • Judgment/Tax Lien 0 Federal District Criminal • Motor Vehicle 0 Federal District Civil Litigation To ensure that our quality standards are maintained, we do require a minimum of ten business days between the time that you select the Finalists for on -site interviews and when we send you candidate documentation for your final interview process. TASK V FINAL INTERVIEW PROCESS Upon completion of Task IV, we will work with you to develop the final interview process. We will also send you documentation on each of the finalists, which will provide the highlights of their professional experience and leadership /management profile, and a summary of the results of the reference checks, background checks and academic verifications. In addition, the report will include guidelines for interviewing the candidates, suggested interview questions, and a rating process for your interview panel(s). Our Lead Consultant will participate in final interviews as either an observer or active panel member at your request and will be available to answer questions and assist you in the final evaluation and selection of the successful candidate. In addition, if you request the service, our Lead Consultant will assist you with the development of a compensation package and related employment considerations, and assist with the negotiations. TRIPLE GRARANTEE Our Triple Guarantee is defined as: (1) A commitment to remain with the recruitment assignment until you have made an for the fees and tasks quoted in this proposal. If you are unable to make a selection from the initial group of Finalists, WCG will work to identify a supplemental group until you find a candidate to hire; (2) Your executive recruitment is guaranteed for 24 months against termination for cause. Within the first year, the replacement recruitment will be repeated with no additional professional fee, but only for project - related expenses. During the second year, the replacement recruitment is reduced to 50% of the professional fee plus project - related expenses. Candidates appointed from within your organization do not qualify for this guarantee. This guarantee is subject to further limitations and restrictions of your state laws. Additional services include a performance appraisal and review after 12 months of service of the appointed candidate, with no professional fee charged to you. If you elect to use this service, the only cost you would incur would be the reimbursement for any project - related expenses; and (3) WCG will not solicit any candidates selected under this contract for any other position while the candidate is employed with your organization. TEAM - BUILDING WORKSHOP Within 60 days after your new City Manager reports to work, WCG will develop a customized workshop based on the individual behavioral styles of the management team to strengthen the new leader and his /her team's performance. Your new City Manager and each member of his /her management team will be asked to complete a questionnaire, utilizing a secure Website. Following a review of the responses to the questionnaire, one of our professional consultants will facilitate a three -hour workshop with the objective of assisting the team members to become a high - performance team. If you elect to use this service, there will be no professional fee charged to you, only project - related expenses. 360 PERFORMANCE REVIEW Additional services include a performance appraisal and review of the new City Manager after 12 months, with no professional fee charged to you. If you elect to use this service, the only cost you would incur would be the reimbursement for any project - related expenses. ROLE OF CITY STAFF We have a seasoned staff of professionals to deliver quality services with minimal effort required from you. However, to assist in the project, we ask that your organization designate a Project Manager to serve as WCG's primary contact for the recruitment assignment. Your Project Manager will facilitate such functions as coordinating meeting dates, times, and locations and the review of the draft recruitment brochure and related advertising copy. EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT PROJECT TIMELINE Below is an estimated Timeline for the executive recruitment process. You will be asked by the Consultant during the first on -site meeting to review and approve a Timeline for the recruitment project. It is our intent to conduct the recruitment expeditiously, but not at the expense of finding high - quality candidates for you. However, we commit to you to deliver a group of Finalists for your consideration within 80 days from the date that we commence recruitment activities. CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT CITY MANAGER PRELIMINARY TIMELINE The following Timeline represents a preliminary schedule for your executive recruitment based on a commencement date of November 15, 2010. Actual dates for the activities will be coordinated with and approved by the City of Sanford. Activity Target Date The Waters Consulting Group (WCG) Completes On -Site November 24, 2010 Interviews to Develop Candidate Profile and Recruitment Brochure; City of Sanford (City) Approves Ad Placement Schedule and Timeline. WCG Sends Draft Recruitment Brochure to City. December 1, 2010 City Returns Draft Recruitment Brochure (with edits) to December 8, 2010 WCG. WCG Commences Executive Recruitment Advertising and December 13, 2010 Marketing. WCG Commences First Formal Review of Applications January 14, 2011 and Sends Most Promising Applicants a Candidate Questionnaire to Provide Additional Information about Background and Experience. WCG Reviews Responses to Candidate Questionnaire and January 26, 2011 Sends Selected Resumes and Questionnaire Responses to the City for Review. WCG Recommends Finalists to the City; City Selects January 31, 2011 Finalists for On -Site Interviews. WCG Completes Reference Checks/Background February 7, 2011 Checks /Academic Verification for Finalists. WCG Sends Candidate Books with Finalists to the City. February 14, 2011 City Conducts On -Site Interviews with Finalists. Week of February 21, 2011 City Extends Employment Offer to Finalist. Week of February 28, 2011 PROFESSIONAL FEE The professional fee to conduct the recruitment is provided below. This fee is discounted from our customary quotation of $15,500.00 under the "additional recruitments within twelve months" provision contained in our proposal for the Police Chief recruitment submitted in October 2010. Expenses are not included in the professional fees and are billed separately as incurred. Project - related expenses are approximately $7,000. If WCG were selected for this project, there are significant cost - saving opportunities to consolidate travel with the Police Chief recruitment. Project - related expenses include such items as: job posting; consultant travel expenses; background checks /assessments; printing and production of necessary materials such as brochures, profiles and final reports; transportation; telephone fees; shipping and postage, and advertising. Advertising fees on various web sites and classified advertising fees in printed publications will be directly billed to the client by the advertising vendors. Travel expenses incurred by candidates for on -site interviews with the client are not the responsibility of WCG and are handled directly by the client organization. The professional fee will be billed in four installments; 30% of the fee will be billed at the beginning of the search; 30% at the implementation of Phase II; 30% at the implementation of Phase III; and the final 10% upon acceptance of offer by the candidate. If candidates from this recruitment process are selected for another position within your organization within one year of the close of the recruitment, a fee of 50% of the above mentioned proposal amount will be due to WCG Executive Recruitment. All questions regarding the professional fees and project - related expenses should be directed to Chuck Anderson, CEO of WCG Executive Recruitment Division at canderson (a)-a) or via phone at 817.965.3911. FEE Phase I Task 1 — Candidate Profile $2,480.00 Development/Advertising /Marketing — Advertising fees will be direct - billed to the client (includes one day on site by Lead Consultant) $2,480.00 Task 2 — Identify Quality Candidates Phase II Task 3 — Screening of Applications and Submission of $3,100.00 Recommended Finalists to Client. Task 4 — Reference Checks, Background Checks, and $1,960.00 Academic Verifications Phase III Task 5 — Final Process /On -Site Interviews with $2,480.00 Finalists (includes two days on site by Lead Consultant) Conclusion Acceptance of offer b candidate TOTAL PROFESSIONAL FEE $12,500.00* OPTIONAL SERVICES FOR CONSIDERATION FEES Additional work related to the search process and as specifically $1500.00 per day requested by the client which is outside of the scope of this project plus expenses (i.e. additional onsite meetings) is additional. The fixed professional fee for this recruitment anticipates no more than three onsite consulting days with one consultant. However, we would be pleased to provide additional onsite consulting visits for our standard daily rate of $1500 plus expenses. ADDITIONAL BACKGROUND INFORMATION Our understanding of and experience in the public sector coupled with our commitment in developing partnering relationships with our clients are key factors in our long -term success. - PROJECT OVERVIEW The City of Sanford, Florida, is considering the use of a consulting firm to assist with the executive recruitment for its next City Manager and has requested a proposal describing a work plan and project approach from The Waters Consulting Group, Inc. (WCG). Accordingly, we provide the following information for your consideration. PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE MAKES THE DIFFERENCE Throughout the assignment, the WCG team will serve as technical advisors to your organization to ensure that the recruitment process is conducted in a professional manner. The objective WCG is to generate high - quality candidates and assist you with the screening and evaluation of these candidates. Due to our extensive professional relationships with hundreds of public sector organizations and prospective candidates nationwide, WCG is positioned to confidently promote your position to prospective candidates as a positive career and personal growth opportunity. The Firm was founded in 1976 under the name of Waters, Trego, and Davis and was incorporated in 1988, in Texas, under the name of The Waters Consulting Group, Inc. In 2005, The Waters Consulting Group, Inc. and The Oldani Group formed a strategic alliance in the area of nation -wide executive recruitment — WCG Executive Recruitment. Since our firm's beginning, we have emerged as a leader in executive recruitment. It is our 30+ years of consulting experience, coupled with our unique approach and personal touch that drives our internal standard for delivering only outstanding services and leading -edge products. In addition, WCG is positioned as the largest privately -held executive recruitment firm in the nation with a focus on the public sector. Over the past few years, WCG has recruited and placed more than 200 executive level positions within the public sector. This kind of strength will prove to be valuable for your executive recruitment. With any consulting assignment, but particularly with an executive recruitment project, reliable and timely communication is fundamental to project success. At key points during the assignment, WCG consultants will communicate by phone, e-mail, or in person, with appropriate leaders from your organization to discuss the progress of the recruitment and to review subsequent steps in the recruitment process. These regular status reports are important to ensure success with the recruitment assignment. We pride ourselves in the fact that we bring a high level of personal commitment to everything that we do. We get to know our clients — their concerns for success, their strategic goals and their organizational culture. But our intense professional commitment does not stop with our clients. We have candidates who were not selected for positions call to extend compliments and thanks for how they were treated during our recruitments. Many have stated that we provided the best recruitment experience in which they have ever participated. Client satisfaction is important to all organizations, but to our firm, it is our chief focus. In our business, referrals and recommendations are the keys to success. AN OVERVIEW OF OUR CONSULTING TEAM WCG places a high priority on meeting the needs of our clients. Therefore, at the outset of the recruitment process, we will tailor our approach to address the issues unique to your organization's working environment. For each recruitment project, we assign a Lead Consultant and a team of support professionals to carry out assignments in an effective and efficient manner. If awarded this project, the Lead Consultant will be Mr. Chuck Rohre. Mr. Rohre has served as Lead Consultant on two recruitments for the City of Sanford and is currently serving as the Lead Charles (Chuck) S. Anderson is the Chief Executive Officer for the WCG Recruitment Division within the Waters Consulting Group (WCG). In this role he also is a senior consultant within the HR Consulting Division for projects related to organizational design and development, strategic planning, and leadership /management development. Prior to joining the WCG, Chuck worked for local governments and public education, including City Manager for Dallas, Texas; Executive Director for the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART); and Executive Director for the Michigan Education Association. Consultant for the City's Police Chief Recruitment. Chuck also served as Director for Local Government Reform for the International City /County Association (ICMA), managing a U.S. government contract for the planning and delivery of technical assistance to local governments in Central and Eastern Europe. His last assignment in this role with ICMA was to recruit and supervise a team of technical consultants to assist in re- building local governments in Bosnia following agreement on the Dayton Accords. During his service with the Michigan Education Association, Chuck also served as Senior Consultant for Urban Planning and Management for Michigan State University's Institute for Public Policy and Social Research. Areas of Expertise • Executive Recruitment • Leadership/Management Development • Organizational Design • Organizational Development Professional Accomplishments and Education Chuck received a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science and human resources management and a Masters of Public Administration degree from the University of Kansas. He received the prestigious L.P. Cookingham Award for Development of Young Professionals from the International City /County Management Association (ICMA) and the Minority and Women Advancement Award from the American Public Transit Association (APTA). He was also recognized as Public Administrator of the Year by the American Society of Public Administration (ASPA) and Outstanding Management Innovator (Honorable Mention) by ICMA. Chuck was recognized in 2007 with the Lifetime Achievement Award from his Public Administration Alumni Association at the University of Kansas. Chuck Rohre is a Senior Consultant for The Waters Consulting Group, Inc. (WCG). In this role, he is responsible for managing and conducting executive recruitment engagements for the firm to insure their integrity, timeliness and adherence to budget parameters. Chuck has more than 35 years of experience in managing and consulting in both the private and public sectors. He has served as Police Chief and Director of Public Safety for North Texas municipalities with populations ranging from 9,000 to 200,000 plus. Prior to beginning his consulting career, Mr. Rohre served for three years as Police Chief of Plano, Texas. Chuck joined the firm in January 2006 following a 13 -year engagement with another nationally recognized public sector search firm where he managed the Texas and Southwestern operations. He has an extensive and successful track record of completed recruitment across the nation, especially in the Midwestern and Southwestern states. Among others, he has led recruitment processes for City and Assistant City Managers, Police Chiefs, Fire Chiefs, Library Directors, Chief Information Officers, City /County Attorneys, Parks & Recreation Directors, Finance Directors and Public Works Directors. The clients range from as small as 2,500 to as large as 700,000 in population. He has also conducted management - consulting assignments in a number of areas including public safety, career development and strategic planning. He has written and presented training in a variety of subject areas including personnel assessment, leadership and management skills, and career development for public sector employees. Areas of Expertise • Executive Recruitment • Background Investigations • Assessment Centers • Career Development • Law Enforcement Management and Training Professional Accomplishments and Education Chuck received his Bachelor's degree in Career Development from the Dallas campus of Abilene Christian University and his Master's degree in Human Relations and Management from the same institution. He has completed advanced management training at the Institute for Law Enforcement Administration and now serves on its adjunct faculty and advisory board. Chuck completed the Federal Bureau of Investigation's prestigious LEEDS course at Quantico, Virginia. He is a veteran of the United States Army, serving in the United States and the Republic of Viet Nam. Andrea Battle Sims has been working in executive search for over six years, managing all phases of the search process for municipal, county, state and non - profit organizations, focusing on the East, Midwest and Mid - Atlantic regions with numerous searches for a number of governmental and non - profit executives including: City and Assistant City Managers, Library Directors, Chief Information Officers, Police Chiefs, City /County Attorneys, Parks & Recreation Directors, Finance Directors and Workforce Development Executive Directors. Andrea is an experienced professional with over twenty years of prior experience in Information Technology, EDP Audit and Management experience in both the public and private sector. Her local government leadership roles include serving as the IT Director at Cleveland Public Schools with a staff of 50; Deputy Director of IT at Cuyahoga County with a staff of 70. In addition, her county experience includes creating a start -up venture to sell public computer access to the legal community. Ms. Sims has held management positions at AT &T, Progressive Insurance, and National City Bank managing IT projects as well as IT professionals, along with serving as an internal consultant/auditor. She has successfully managed IT professionals through the change process from legacy to client - server technologies including both private and public sector Year 2000 implementations. Areas of Expertise • Executive Search • Recruitment and Retention Training • Diversity -based Recruitment and Retention • Information Technology Leadership • Organizational Assessment • Strategic Planning and Implementation • Project Management • Process Improvement • Change Management Professional Accomplishments and Education Andrea's educational background includes a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from Spelman College, Atlanta Georgia and a Master of Science in Operations Research from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In addition, her post- graduate education includes numerous executive development seminars and certification from the Leadership Academy at Cleveland State University, the Anderson School at UCLA and the Gartner Group. Andrea's current and past civic involvement includes the Board of Trustees at the American Cancer Society, Cuyahoga Unit; Junior League of Cleveland, along with leadership positions with the Links, Inc., the Spelman Alumnae Association, and Delta Sigma Theta, Inc Jim Moore recently joined WCG as the Director of Business Development. Jim's 33 year career in local government uniquely qualifies him to assist cities and counties with the myriad of complex issues confronting them today. He is former County Administrator for Jefferson County, Colorado's second largest county, where he was responsible for their $480 million dollar budget. Under Jim's leadership, Jefferson County developed an innovative and very effective priority based budgeting process. This priority based budgeting model continues to receive national acclaim, having been featured by prestigious organizations including the International City and County Management Association (ICMA), the Alliance for Innovation, and the Government Finance Officers association (GFOA). Jim was hired in Jefferson County as Director of Human Resources, but was quickly promoted to Director of Administrative Services and then to County Administrator, a position he held from 2005 to 2009. Most of Jim's professional career has been in Human Resources for local governments. In addition to Jefferson County, Jim served as Director of Human Resources for the City of Davenport, Iowa, Director of Human Resources and Governmental Relations for MHMR of Tarrant County and Assistant Director of Human Resources and Civil Service for Tarrant County Government. In each of those positions he was personally responsible for and involved in all key management and executive level recruitments. Additionally, Jim managed the development and installation of comprehensive pay, classification, and employee performance management systems. Jim Moore was responsible for the development of Jefferson County's pioneering open government transparency initiative, www.transparentjeffco.us, which has received national acclaim and been emulated by other local governments. In addition to making county business, financial data, and transactions open and available to the public, this initiative was designed to encourage mainstream citizen participation and community involvement. Jim is also a professional mediator. He has served as a contract mediator for the Fort Worth Human Relations Commission, where he successfully resolved over 90% of the EEOC claims assigned to him. He has also served as a mediator for the United States Postal Service REDRESS program where he had similar success. In both Jefferson County and MHMR of Tarrant County, Jim developed in -house mediation programs for use by employees and supervisors. Jim has also been Vice President and partner in a private corporation that performed mediations and trained lay people and attorneys to perform court ordered mediations. Areas of Expertise • Executive Recruitment • Priority Based Budgeting • Classification and Compensation Systems • Employee Conflict Resolution Programs • Organizational Development and Training • Citizen Participation and Community Involvement PROFESSIONAL AC_COMPLISHMEN_TS AND E Jim earned his �bachelor's degree in psychology at Baylor University in Waco, Texas and did his graduate studies in Urban Affairs at the University of Texas at Arlington. He received mediator training from The United States Postal Service, the Harvard Program on Negotiation, and CDR Associates, and an internationally acclaimed organization whose clients include the U.S. State Department, NASA, U.S. Federal Reserve, World Bank, Amnesty International, CARE International, and the United Nations. RECENT RELEVANT RECRUITMENTS UR IZA'1['ION POSITION City of Bend, Oregon City Manager Broward County, Florida Assistant Director of Aviation Broward County, Florida Chief Information Officer Broward County, Florida Deputy Director of Human Services Broward County, Florida Deputy Port Director Broward County, Florida Director of Public Works & Transportation Broward County, Florida Director of Small Business Assistance Broward County, Florida Director of Aviation Finance Broward County, Florida Chief Financial Officer City of College Station, Texas Assistant City Manager DeSoto Economic Development To- Executive Director City of Fayetteville, North Carolina Assistant City Manager City of Fort Meyers, Florida Assistant City Manager City of Fort Worth, Texas Assistant City Manager City of Grand Rapids, Michigan City Manager City of Highland Park, Texas Town Administrator City of Kerrville, Texas City Manager City of Killeen, Texas City Manager Search Loudoun County, Virginia County Administrator City of Maple Valley, Washington City Manager City of Mercer Island, Washington Deputy City Manager City of Mount Pleasant, Texas City Manager City of Nederland, Texas City Manager North Texas Commission CEO/ President City of Pflugerville, Texas City Manager City of Pittsburg, Texas City Manager Pinellas County, Florida County Administrator Southwest Regional Communications Center, Texas Executive Director City of The Colony, Texas City Manager City of Troy, Michigan City Manager Town of Marana, Arizona Assistant Town Manager, Police Chief Broward County, Florida (Size: 1,800,000) Bertha Henry, County Manager 115 S. Andrews Ave., Room 409 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 357 -7353 bhenry@broward.org Project: Selection of Chief Financial Officer, Public Works Director and others City of New Braunfels, Texas (size 53,000) Julie O'Connell, Human Resources Director 424 S. Castell Ave. New Braunfels, TX 78130 (830) 221 -4390 joconnell@nbtexas.org Project: Selection of City Manager City of Abilene, Texas (size 117,179) Mayor Norman Archibald 717 Byrd Drive Abilene, TX 79601 (325) 676 -6206 norm.archibald @abilenetx.com Project: Selection of City Manager Pinellas County, Florida (size 910, 260) Robert La Sala, County Administrator 315 Court Street Clearwater, FL 33756 (727) 464 -3485 Project: Selection of County Administrator Loudoun County, Virginia (size 289, 995) Mr. Tim Hemstreet, County Administrator 1 Harrison Street, S.E. Mailstop #02 Leesburg, VA 20175 (703) 737 -8632 coadmin @loudoun.gov Project: Selection of County Adm. City of Fort Worth, Texas (size 700, 000) Dale Fisseler, , City Manager 1000 Throckmorton St. Fort Worth, TX 76102 (817) 392 -6116 dale.fisseler @fortworthgov.org Project: Selection of City Manager Town of Highland Park, Texas (size 9,336) Mayor William H. Seay, Jr 4700 Drexel Dr. Highland Park, TX 75205 (214) 521 -4161 Project: Selection of Town Administrator City of Grand Rapids, Michigan (size 197, 800) Mayor George Heartwell 300 Monroe Avenue NW Grand Rapids, MI 49503 (616) 456 -3168 mayor @grcity.us Project: Selection of City Manager City of Commerce City, Colorado (size 20,991) Jerry Flannery, City Manager 7887 E. 60th Avenue Commerce City, CO 80022 (303) 289 -3600 jflannery@c3gov.com Project: Selection of City Manager City of Emporia, Kansas (size 24,868) Mr. Matt Zimmerman, City Manager 522 Mechanic Emporia, Kansas 66801 (620) 343 -4251 mzimmerman @emporia - kansas.gov Project: Selection of City Manager