HomeMy WebLinkAbout995ORDINANCE NO. 99~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, 771 OF SAID CITY~ AS AMENDED, SAID ORDINANCE BEING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, SAID AMENDMENT ADDING THERETO ARTICLE XIII-A, pLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That ordinance No. 771 of the City of Sanford, Florida, said ordinance being the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sanford, passed and adopted February 26, 1962, as amended, regulating and restricting the location and use of build- ings, structures, land and water, for trade, industry and other purposes, be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto Article XIII-A, Planned Unit Development District, as follows: ARTICLE XIII-A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. Section 1. It is the intent of this provision to: 1. Encourage the deVelopment of large tracts of land as planned neighborhoods or communities. 2. Encourage flexible and creative concepts of site planning. Preserve the natural a~enities of the land by encouraging scenic and functional open areas within residential areas. Accomplish a more desirable environment then would be possible through the strict application of minimum requirements of the Resolution. Provide for an efficient use of land resulting in smaller networks of utilities and streets and thereby lower development and housing costs. 6. Provide an environment of stable character com- patible with surrounding residential areas. Within the planned unit, a variety of housing types may be permitted in an orderly relation to one an- other and to existing land uses, with due regard to the comprehensive planning policies of Sanford, Florida. Section 2. The uses permitted within this district shall be primarily residential in character, and may include the following: 1. Single-family detached dwellings; 2. Single-family attached dwellings (in clusters of no more than four (4) dwellings). 3. Townhouses. 4. Multi-family dwellings, including buildings, and similar public or semi-public facilities. 5. Churches, schools, community or club buildings, and similar public or semi-public facilities. Commercial or retail uses, including offices and clinics, provided that they meet the following criteria: the location is appropriate in relation to other land uses, the proposed commercial or office uses are pri- marily for the purpose of serving the needs of the residents of the PUD or reflects the need for commercial and/or office needs according to the City of Sanford's Comprehensive Plan· Section 3. Requirements and Standards for Approval: A parcel which is proposed for a Planned Unit Develop- ment must contain a minimum area of 100 contiguous acres in single ownership or control. The City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission and the City of Sanford Commission shall consider the following in their review of the proposed de- velopment plan: a. Adherence to the City of Sanford Comprehensive planning policies; The proper relation between the proposed develop- ment and surrounding uses, and the effect of the plan upon comprehensive planning for the City of Sanford, Florida. The adequacy of existing and proposed streets, utilities, and other public services, to serve the development; The character, design and appropriations of the proposed land uses and their adequacy to encourage desirable living conditions, to provide separation and screening between uses where desirable, to pre- serve the natural amenities of the land; and e. The adequacy of open space areas and recreation facilities included within the development. Approval and recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be accompanied by a report stating the reasons for approval of the application and specific evidence and facts showing that the proposed Planned Unit Development will not adversely affect the property adjacent to the area included in the plan. Final approval of a Planned Unit Development shall not be granted until the owner or owners of the pro- perty give written notice of their consent to the proposed development. Section 4. Review and Approval Procedures: 1. Pre-Application Conference: Prior to filing of a formal application as a Planned Unit Development, the applicant is required to confer with the Planning and Zoning Commission in order to review the general character of the Plan (on a basis of a tentative land use sketch if available), and to obtain information on projected programs. 2. Development Plan: An applicant shall file an application for a Planned Unit Development with the Planning and Zoning Commission. Said application shall be in a form prescribed by the Planning and Zoning Com- mission. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such application must be attached to and accompany said application. A fee of $20.00 is required for filing said application. This application shall be supported by a develop- ment plan and a written summary of intent and shall show the relation between the proposed development, and the surrounding area, both existing and pro- posed. This supportive material shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review. b. The following information shall be presented: (1) A general location map. (2) Existing topographic conditions including con- tour intervals of one foot based on field sur- veys or photogrammetric methods. (3) The existing and proposed land uses and the ap- proximate location of all buildings and structures. (4) The approximate location of existing and proposed streets and major thoroughfares. (5) The approximate location of all existing and proposed utilities including a preliminary utility and drainage plan. (6) The present zoning pattern in the area. -3- (7) A legal description of the subject property. (8) The location and use of existing and pro- posed public, semi-public, or community facilities, such as schools, parks, and open areas. This will include areas pro- posed to be dedicated or reserved for com- munity or public use. (9) If a proposed development creates special problems, or involves unusual circumstances, additional information may be required in order to properly evaluate the proposal as follows: (a) An off-street parking and loading plan. (b) An economic feasibility report or mar- ket analysis, (c) A traffic study of the area, and a circulation plan within the develop- ment and to and from existing streets and thoroughfares. (d) Other information as may be required. The written statement submitted with development plan shall include the following information: (1) A statement of the present ownership all all land within the proposed development, (2) An explanation of the character of the pro- posed development, including a summary of acres, dwelling units and gross density by type of land use. The statement shall in- clude minimum standards for lot size, yard and spacing requirements. (3) A general statement of the proposed develop- ment schedule and progression of unit divi- sion or staging, (4) Agreements, provisions and covenants which govern the use, maintenance and protection of the development of common or open areas. Approval: (1) An application for approval of a Planned Unit Development will be considered admin- istratively as a Petition for rezoning, and will be subject to the procedures established in the Zoning Ordinance. -4- (2) After review and public hearing, the City Commission may disapprove, approve, or approve with modification the plan after receiving the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Board. (3) If the development plan is approved as submitted, the City Clerk will cause the official zoning map to be changed to indi- cate the Planned Unit Development. If the plan is approved with modifications, the applicant shall file a written notice of consent to the modifications, and a properly revised site plan with the Planning and Zon- ing Commission prior to changing the zoning map. The site plan shall be properly identi- fied and permanently filed with the City Clerk. Subdivision Approval: At the option of the applicant, a preliminary subdivision plat may be filled with the develop- ment plan in order that tentative approval of the subdivision by the Planning and Zoning Com- mission may be granted. b. In no case shall subdivision approval precede ap- proval of the development plan. 4. Building and Occupancy Permits: The building official shall issue building permits for the structures in the area covered by the proved development plan if they are in substantial conformity with the approved development plan, the development schedule, and with other applicable regulations. 5. Revision of Development Plan: Any major or substantial change in the approved development plan which affects the intent and character of the development, the density or land use pattern, the location or dimensions of streets, or similar substantial changes, shall be reviewed and approved by the City Commission subsequent to receipt of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. A request for a revision of the development plan shall be supported by a written statement of why the revisions are necessary and desirable. Approval of the City Commission shall be in effect for at least two-year period, however, if no con- struction has begun within two years after approval of the development plan, or if the applicant fails to maintain the approved development plan schedule, the approval of the development plan shall lapse and be of no further effect. At its discretion and for good cause, the City Commission may ex- tend for one additional year the period for begin- ning construction. If the approval of a develop- ment plan lapses under this provision, the City Commission shall take the necessary rezoning action to remove the P. U. D. from the official zoning map, file a notice of revocation with the recorded development plan, and reinstate the zoning district and regulations which were in effect prior to the approval of the development plan. Section 5. Development Requirements: 1. Relation to Zoning lstrlcts. An approved p. U. D. shall be considered to be a separate zoning district in which the develop- ment plan, as approved establishes the restric- tions and regulations according to which develop- ment shall occur, Upon approval, the official zoning map will be changed to indicate area as P.U.D. 2. Regulation limiting height, bulk, density and area by land use: a. Where the area proposed for a Planned Unit Development abuts an existing One-Family District, no structures over two (2) stories in height shall be permitted within three hundred (300') feet of the abutting One-Family District. b. The permitted density within any Planned Unit Development shall not exceed maximum dwelling units per acre permitted by housing type in the Article V, R-2 District. Public Street, non- residential use area such as business and office, and subaqueous or submerged bottom land of lakes or streams except as provided in Section 2.c. below shall be excluded in computing the area of the parcel and, therefore, the related density. c. Subaqueous or submerged bottom land of lakes or streams shall be excluded in computing the area of a parcel except that where the lands abutting said lakes or streams are developed in park or open space for the use of residents of the neigh- borhood, the surface area of said lakes or streams may be used to compute density. d. Height, density and floor area standards used in the PUD shall conform to the requirements of Article V, R-2 District. Every attached single-family dwelling shall have access to a public street, court, walkm way or other area dedicated to public use. The location of all proposed structures shall be as shown on the development plan, subject to minimum lot size, setback lines, lot cover- age or floor area, specified in the approved plan. The proposed location and arrangement of structures shall not be detrimental to exist- ing or proposed adjacent dwellings or to the development of the neighborhood. Access Ail streets, courts and parking areas shall be designated to effectively relate with the City major thoroughfare plan and the City planning policies. Private streets are to be allowed with- in the PUD if they meet city construction standards and are of a design which meets with the approval of the Public Works Director. 4. Off-Street Parking Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Article XVII. Control of Area Following Completion: a. After completion of a Planned Unit Development the use of land and construction modification or alteration of any building or structures within the area covered by the plan shall be regulated by the approved development plan. b. No changes may be made in the approved develop- ment plan except as provided below: (1) Minor extensions, alterations, or modifi- cations of existing buildings or structures may be permitted after review and approval of the Building Official and the Planning and Zoning Commission provided they are sub- stantially consistant with purposes and in- tent of the development plan. (2) Substantial change in permitted uses, lo- cation of buildings or other specifications of the development plan may be permitted following public hearing and approval by the City Comraissioners, upon receipt of the recom- mendations of the Planning and Zoning Com- mission. SECTION 2. conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall become effective mediately Upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this A. D. 1970. Attest: / -Clerk That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in im- __ 13th . day of July · ~ayS-r As the Czty COmmissiO~ ~'the City of Sanford, Florida. --CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Tamm, Jr., City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 995, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 13th day of July, 1970, was POSTED a~ the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the lSth day of July, 1970.