HomeMy WebLinkAbout613ORDINANCE NO. ~.~ . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AMENDING ARTICLE II OF CHAPTER 3 THE CODE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD~ FLORIDA 1954, SAID ARTICLE PROVIDING FOR SIGNBOARDS AND BILLBOARDS~ SAID AMENDMENT PROVIDING FOR ADDITIONAL SIGNBOARDS AND BILLBOARDS. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That Article II of chapter 3 of The Code of the City of Sanford, Florida 1954, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: ARTICLE II. SIGNBOARDS AND BILLBOARDS. Sec. 3-4. Erection, etc., on public property prohibited. No signboard or billboard for the display of advertising matter shall be erected, constructed or maintained upon any public property in the city, except as is hereinafter provided. Sec. 3-5. Erection, etc., on streets or thoroughfares pro- hibited. No signboard or billboard for the display of advertising matter shall be erected, constructed or maintained in, on or upon any public street or thoroughfare of the city, except as is hereinafter provided. Sec. 3-6. Construction on private property--Permit required. No signboard or billboard for the display of advertising matter shall be erected, constructed or maintained upon any private property within the city limits of the city, without first obtaining a permit therefor from the city manager. Sec. 3-7. Same--Location generally; set back requirements on corner Iota. Any and all signboards or billboards erected on private property shall be located at a point to be designated by the city manager or other proper authority of the city, and when con- structed on corner lots shall be set back a sufficient distance from the respective street lines to prevent obscurity of vision of the traveling public in turning a corner on which corner is located any signboard or billboard. Sec. 3-8. Same--Distance from street line. Any and all signboards or billboards constructed on private property, in accordance with the provisions of this article, shall be located a distance [rom the street line equal to the height of such signboard or billboard from the surface of the ground, plus a distance of five feet; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to any sign- board or billboard erected and constructed upon the sides or wails of any building. Sec. 3-9. Erection, etc., on certain street rights of way permitted. The City Commission may, upon petition in writing, and upon recommendation of the city manager if the City Commission deems it in the best interest of the City of Sanford, allow the erection of signboards and billboards on the right of way of French Avenue within the City of Sanford, Florida providing the following conditions are met: (a) All signs will be of metal construction, fireproof, and lighted of a neon type. (b) A location permit must be secured from the city manager. (c) A building permit must be secured from the building inspector. (d) No sign shall bo erected within eighteen inches of the front edge of any curbing. (e) All signs must advertise a business in downtown Sanford, showing the direction thereto. (f) All siguxs must be erected so as to provide for a ten-foot clearance from the ground. (g) The owners of all signs must make provision for adequate public liability insurance in sums set by the City Commission. SECTION 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED This / o day of June, A.D. 1957. Magor Attest: City Clerk~ As the C~ty Comm~smon of City of Sanford, Florida 3 OERT IFI OATE I, H. N. ~aYer, Oity Olerk of the Oily of ~anford, Florida, ~o hereby eertifY that a true and oorrect oopY of the foregeing Ordlnanoe No. 613, pAS~ED and ADOPTED by the OitY Oommiesion of the City of ~anford, Florida, on the lOth ~a~ ef June, 1957, was pOSTED at the front deor of the Olty Hall in the City of ~anford, Florida, on ~he 11~ daY ef June, 1957.