HomeMy WebLinkAbout130ORDINANO~ No. 1~0 AN ORDI~ANOE PJiGUL~.TING SIG~BOA_RDs AND BILL BOA~2 FOR THE DISP~ OF ADVk~TISING }~TT~ AND PROVIDING A PENAL~ ~R T~ ViO~TION OF n, ~EOF. BE iT E~ACTED BY "~ ,~ ~.h PEOPLE OF ~.~ CITY OF SANFO~, FLOPIDA: ,'%ECTION 1. ~a% no s~gnboa~ 9~ blll~a~ fo~ the display of adver~lel~ ~$%eP $~ll be e~eOZed, cons~et~ o~ ~ln~ained ~oon a~ ~blio pro~y in the City of Sa~o~, Florida. SECTION 2. T~mt no .lgnboa~ o~ blll~a~ fo~ ~he display of adve~islng ma~te~ s~ll be erected, consZ~o~ o~ maln~alne in, on o~ u~n any ,~ublie stree~ o~ t~uE~ame of ~he City of Monroe, Florida. SECTION 9. That no slgnboar~t or billboard for the dls'~lay of advertising matter shall be erected, constructed or maintains upon any private Property within the City limits of the City of ~anford, Florida, ~lthout first obtaining s rermit therefor from the City Manager. - SECTION h. That all signboards or billboards for the dieD] of advertising matter hereafter eonst~uoted or maintained on priv property shall be oonstr~o~e~ t.h~oughout with metal material. SECTION 5. T~at ~he fr~l~ and uprights of all o~ bi!!boa~ fo~ the display of advertising ~tter hereafte~ con. et~ct~ ehall be of ~ough~ or galvanized iron and the flat face of al~ .~ld .i~boa~ or billboards ahal' be of tin or other ,~ta~le me,al material. ECTION 6. That all sl~ards or billboards for t~ diepla~ of advertising matter hereafter const~cted on private property tbs City of Sznfo~, Flowlda, in the ~nne~ be a clearance of lea,t three fee~ between the bottom of ~aid ai~board or billboa~ sad the ~evel of the 2ECTIO~ 7. That any and all el gnboard~ or billhooks con- stm~ct~ In accounts ~th the provisions of this O~lnance on private p~pe~y a~ll be locsted on said o~lvate orope~y at point to be de~i~st~ by the City Manager o~ other n~pem a~t~, of the 01ty of Sa~o~, Florida~ and when conet~c~ on corner lots · ~mll be set back on said ~rner lots a sufficient dletance from respective street lines ~o Dr~ent obscurity of vision of the travel. lng p~blic In tu~ln~ s co~ne~ on which co.er la locat~ any sign- bo~ or blllboo~.. SECTION 8. That any and all Signboards or billboards bare- after eons~uoted on p~lvaSe proper~y, in aoeo~danee with the pro- visions of thls Ordinance, shell be located on ~aid ~rivate property a distance from ~he etree~ line equal to the heighth~of Said ~ign- board or blllboar~ from ~he s~aet of $~ ~ound, Oluaa dietanee of five fee~; P~ovlde~, h~eve~, ~ha~ ~he ~ovielone .f this See- tlon ~h~ll no~ apply ~o a~y algn~ard o~ blllboa~ e~ec~ed and eon- ~t~e~ed ~n ~he sides o~ walls uf any ~xll~, ~e D~vlelon~ of ~i~ section $o app~ only to ~uoh si~a~ erected 1Aport the ~faoe of ~he ground. BECTION 9. Any pe~son, fi~ or oO~ration vlola$ing a~ of ~he te~ o~ ~ovl~lons of ~bis O~lnanoe, upon oonvlo~lon~t'hemeof, ~Mll b~ fln~ a ~ of One Hundred fo~ s oe~iod of ~l~e of not mo~e ~n S~CAiON 10. This o~lnance $~l] take effec~ immediately uoon its oasssge and adoption. Adopted this 10th d~y of May ~.D. 1926. °RDI~ANOm No. ' ' ' -'~ON OF B~ IT ENACT~n ,,,, ~ ~ any ,0~lV~te~er ~ha!l ~ ~_o~ billboard - ,-~u~~d, F!orl~ ~'~?Pe~ty w~t~._~.OEed, eons* .... r'~ ~ne ~ ~he'ef°~ from ~t~o+2~'~as for the ~.~e fra.mln:~-_= ' ..... ~a ~e metal mat.~u~a~ds or b~l~fuzed iron a~i ~,ePearter oo~_ . "O. That ell of advertl e and the level of the -- -ne oOttom oe=~"~r be a c1=~2 ?roherty ~: ound - *a~d slCnboa~'anoe of u or st gEC i'I 0~,; ?. ~et~ la ac .... ~na~ ~[. and ail ~uz~anoe -x~n the ~-..c;nooards Private Pnop~rtv nOlnt to b~ ~- ~ S~l] be - - "~uvZ~lonm of ~,~blllb°a~s c lng Vubll~ · , '~ lines ~u~s a eufflot~ on co~n.~' --~uoa~. - OOrne~ on whleh eo~eP Is looated ~ -~m :o o~even~ Obso~l%y of vl~lo~ of %he uoard o~ h~;~'" ~ne ~t~.~ j;~ll be I n~* aoo°~anoe ds here. of f~,_~_-'~.~ooa~ ~.,,-Y." line e,,,,,?°/~-ed on Sa,~ ._~h the ,,~on aha]l ~i* ?rovlded, ,.o~]_Z,~'zao~ of ~h="'~ nelgh~h of ~ ~s E~Oun~. - o~ blllboa~.~a°ns ~h S;'~CTI ON 9. .~e-3e~ oP op~...A9y Penson. _ o~ a neni~'~_n.~um of On~"~J~O~lnanoep°ra~l°n vlolat . ~ or ~l~e A* ' ~ "urlQPed I~.~-' ~pO~ Oon~...l~g any '~ and ado ~-~-anoe shall P Ion. elf eot immediately AdoPted thl, 10th d~y of May A.D. 1926.