HomeMy WebLinkAbout666 ORDINANCE NO. 666 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA ABOLIStiING THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES AND THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AS PRESENTLY EXISTING IN SAID CITY; CREATING A PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF R ' AND A DEPARTMENT OF ECREATION AND PARKS, PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT OF THE HEADS OF SUCH DE- PARTMENTS AND FOR THE METHOD BY WHICH INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OF SUCH DEPART- MENTS SHALL BE ESTABLISHED AND FROM TIME TO TIME. CHANGED WHEREAS, ~rom time to time the City Commission has found it desirable and necessary to create, alterand Dohsh certain depart~r, ents to expedite th~ handling and o~era~, ~ t~on of the City affairs, and m_h d:'part- n-...ts have b;~n set up at different times and uader varying circumstances which have not fostered an orderly and integrated pattera for the Work of such departments; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has de ~.-- - t--*"tned that adeption or- an integrated departmental plan is immediately necessary and in the Dost interest of the City, and will provide for best coordination and pianniag o[ the City's Work, and for most effective utilization of City personnel, equ£i~- ni,~nt and mate~-iai, FLGRIDA: BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THc; CITy OF SANFORD, SECTION I. The following departments of the C/tv o San:.rd as ~resently constituted, to-wit, Department of Public Utilities and Depart- ~r~ent of Public Works are hereby abolished. SECTION 2. There is hereby created a Departme~t of Pubiic Works. The i'unctions and work embraced within the scope of such depart- ment's operations will include all duties and services heretofore performed b} the divisions of streets, refuse, shop, maintenance, engineering, street light, water distribution, water production, sewer division, and such further duties and functions as shall be delegated thereto from time to time by the City Commission or by the City Manager with approval of the City Commission. SECTION 3. There is hereby created a Department of Recreation and Parks. The functions and work embraced within the scope of such depart- Ir, ent's operations will include all duties and services heretofore perform cd by the recreation department, parks division, zoo division, swimming pool division, cemetery division, and such further duties and functions as shall be delegated thereto ~rom time tc. rime by the City Commission or by the Ci[y Manager with approval of the City Commission. SECTION 4. The City Manager shall appoint the heads of the Departme~t o~' Re~zreation arid Parks and the Department of Public Works after investigation as to suitability of qualifications for the positions. The appointment of said department heads shall be confirmed by the City Com- mission prior to the appointments becomi~]g effective. SECTION 5. Regulations for the internal organization and functioning of the Departments hereby created shall be prepared and sub- mitted by the City Manager to the City Commission for approval and adoption. Any changes, modifications, or alterations of such regulations shall be made only in the same manner. SECTION 6. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same arc hereby repealed. 2 1959. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of January, A.D. Attest y o~ aanrord, Florida 3 ~ERTIFICATE I, H. N. TA~, JR., Acting City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy the fore going Ordinance No. 666, PASSED AND ADOp2ED oy the City Co~.~is~io~ of t!le City of $anford, ~lorlda, o~ the 12th. day of January, 195~, was POSTED at th~ front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 19th. day of January, 1959. O~