HomeMy WebLinkAbout668668 A2~ 0RDi2fAJJCE 0~' T~:E CITy 01' SANFJRD, FLORIDA, A~.iEEDiNG 0RDINA2.~CE ~%;~ 362 BEING ~ 0RDIN~CE ~I~-3LI~HII~G A Z~'NiNG P~N WITHIN T~IE CITY 0P ~'FOHD, SAID ~4ENDMENT '~YSFEI&~tKG CERTAI~ ~E~iTORY IN DISI~i~f ~{-2 ~!ULTiPLE ~'~'[ILY HESI- D~T~, DIS'Iq{ICl ~0 DISTRICT C-2 C0~- N~C~ INDUSTi{~ DtSTAiCT iN ~AID CITY. DE 1T ENACT~ ~Y T]IE PEOPLE CF TI~E CiTY 0~' ~fFORD, i~'LORIDA: SE~ION ~.. That Ordinance Number 362 of the City of Sanford, Florida, passed and adopted December 26, ig44, as ~ended, said ordinance being entitled: ~ Ordinance establishing a zoning plan within the City of Sanford, creating fourteen (14) districts, regulating and re- stricting the location and use of buildings, structures, land and water for trade, industry, residence ox' other purposes; the height and size of structures, and size of open spaces for light and ventilation; adopting a map of said districts; defining terms, uses; providing for the adjustment, enforcement and amen~nent and presoribing penalties for violation. ", be, the same is hereby amended as follows: thereof; and All of ~lock 7, Tier 14, of E. H. Trafford's ~ap of Sanford, according to Plat Book 1, pages 56-64, and lying between Fiftlz Street and Sixth S~reet, and Pecan Avenue and Avocado Avenue, in the City of Sanford, Florida. be and the same is hereby transferred from i~-2 2~ultiple Family i~esidential District to C-2 Commercial Industrial District. ~ECTION 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be~ and ti~e same are ~ereby repealed. SECTT©~ 3. 'lq_~at this ordinance shall become effective i~u~ediately u!~on its passage and adoption. PA~SED ~2~D AD0t~I'ED this 9th day of February, A. D. 19~9. As ~e City Co:~nission of the City of Sanfor~], Florida C--ER T IFI CA TE I, H. N. Tatum, Jr., Cl~y Clerk of theCl~y of S~ford, Florida, do hereby certify ~hat a t~ue and correct copy of ~he foregoing, O~'dlnanee No. 66~, PASSED ADN ADOPTED by the Cl~y Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 2th. dsF of February, 1959' was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 10~h. day of February, 1~5~'