HomeMy WebLinkAbout670 CE OF THE CITY OF ~AN~0RD, "' ~; : A~ ORDINAN ...... ~wn ABA~DON- ~ . ~ .',.'.FLORIDA CLuomm~, AT R.~ ~ L~ ~'~ING ~T pORTION 0~ ~:~ v~j % '~E ~ C0~ER O~ LOT 2, ~E ~I~ P~, . J R~ WEST 3 ~E~' ~ INC~S, ~CE NO~'}i TH~CE SOU~ 10~ ~E~ T0 pOINT 0F BE- GINNING, IN THE CI~ OF ~N~O~, FLORIDA. BE IT ~ACT~ BY ~E p~PLE 0~ THE CITY 0F S~0~, ~LOR~A~ SECTION 1. ~at portion of alley beginning at the corner of Lot 2, Lake View park, run West ~ feet ~ inches, thence North 10~ feet, thence ~st ~ feet ~ inches, thence South 10~ fee~ to point of beginning, in the City of Sanford, Florida, be and the same is hereby closed, vacated and abondoned as a public alley in the City of Sanford, ~lorida. sEcTION 2. THat all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict her~ith be and the same are hereby repealed- sEcTION ~. ~is ordinance shall become effective im- mediately upon its paSSage, and adoptiOn. PASSED ~D ~0~ this 2~h day of ~ril, A. D. 1~. ~ ~ ~ t, . X, H. I~. ~amm, Jr., City 01erk ef the City of ~l~rd, Flerid~, de hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the fore- geing, Ordinance Ne. 67C, pAsSED and ADOPTED by the Clt2 ef the OitY cf ~.nford., Florida, ~n the 27th' day of April, A. D. 1~5~, wae pOSTED at the front doer of the 0itY Hall in the 01tY ef ~anf~rd, Flerida, un the 5th' d~-Y of MaY, 10~5~'