HomeMy WebLinkAbout706AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA RELATING TO FEDERAL OLD AGE AND SURVIVORS INSURANCE. ORDINANCE NO. 706 An ordiuance declarii,g the policy and ~urpose of me City of Sanford, Florida to extenu to employees and offi~'ials of said City i~ the position of firemen, and not excluded by law, nor hereinafter excepted, the benefits of the system of Federal Old Age and Survivors I,,sura~ce, as authorized by the Federal Social Security Act, anu amendments mereto, upon the basis of applicable State and Federal laws or regulations; authorizing and directina the Mayor to execute agreements and amendments ti~ereto wita the State Agency authorized to enter into such agreeme~,rs, subject to employee referendum, for coverage of said employees and officials, and to request such referendum; providi[~g for withholding, from salaries a~d wages of employees and officials of said City so covered to be made and paic~ over as provided by applicable State or Federal laws or regulations; providin~ that the City shah appropriate and pay over employers' contributions, assessments, and referendum costs, as provided by applicable State or Federal laws or re~u[ations; providi~% mar sale! City shall keep records ahd make reports as t:equired by applicabie State or Federal laws or regulations; and prowdin3 that thc effect pi tats ordinance s~a]l cease if a majority of the eli&ible employees do not vole i. favor of SUCh covera&e at such employee referendum. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF TIlE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SgCTION 1. It is hereby declared to be the policy and purpose of ti~e City of Sanford, Florida to extend effective as of April l, ~960, to employees and officials thereof in the position of firemen and not exciu~ed by law nor excepted herein, the benefits of the system of O16 Ase and Survivors Insurance as authorizea by the Fedex-al Social Security Act amendments mereto, by chapter 650, Florida Statutes, as amended; anc~ to cover by such plan all of their services wl~icu constitute employment as: defined by Section 650.02 Florida Statdtes, performed in ~he employm~,~t of said City, without exception. SECTION 2. The Maym is uereby authorized and directed to execute all necessary agreements and amet-,dments [ilereto With the State Agency, and to request the Governor to authorize an employee referendum, for ti~e purpose of extendin~ the benefits provided by the said system of Old Age and Survivors Insurance to the employees and officials of said City as specified in Section I i~ereof, which agreement shall provide for suci~ benefits of administration of the plan by said City as are found by the State Agency to be necessary and proper, and, subject to employee referendum, shall be effective. SECTION 3. Withholdings from salaries, wages or other compen- sation of employees and officials for the purposes p~-ovided in Section ~ hereof are hereby authorized to be made, al~d shall be made, in the amounts and at such times as may be required by applicable State or Federal laws or regu- lations, and st~all be paid over to the State At;ency designated by said laws or regulations to receive such amounts. SECTION 4. There shall be appropriated from available funds, derived from the general fund, such amounts, at such times, as may be required to pay promptly the contributions, assessments, and referendum costs required by the City as applicant for employer by State or Federal laws or regulations, which shall be paid over to the lawfully designated State Age~cy at tt~e times and in the manner provided by law and regulation. SECTION 5. The City shall keep such records arid make such repozts as may be required by applicable State or Federal laws or regu- lations, and shall adhere to the regulations of the State A~ency. SECTION 6. The City does i~ereby adopt the terms, conditions, reqmrements, reservations, benefits, privileges and other conditions there- unto appertaining, of Title II of the Social Security Act as amended, for and op bei~alf of all of its officers and employees to be covered under the agree~ nlellt. SECTION 7. The finance director of tile City is hereby designated the custodian of all sums withheld from the compei~sation of officers and employees and of the appropriated funds for the contribution of the City, and the finance director of said City is hereby made the withholding and reporting agent and charged with the duty of maintaini~ig personnel records for the purposes of this Ordinance. SECTION 8. In the event that a majority of the eligible employees, as the term "eligible employee" is defined in Section 218(dX3) of the Social Security Act, at a referendum held pursuant to she authority of this Ordinance, do not vote in favor of making applicable the coverage authorized herein, then the effect of this Ordinance shall immediately cease and determine, and the moneys withheld, if any, pursuant to Section 3 hereof, shall be refunded. SECTION 9. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its approval as required by law. ASSED AND ADOPTED this llth day of January, A.D. 1960. Attest: Cil~y-i~qe't- As tl~e CiO ~otnmtssion of the City of Sanford, Florida ~E RTI FI CA T E I, H. N. TAMM, JR., City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 706, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the llth. ~ay of January, 1960, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 12th. Day of January, 1960.