HomeMy WebLinkAbout716ORDINANCE NO. 716 AN ORDINANCE OF ']"HE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, OPERATION, LOCATION, AND AFETY PRINCIPLES OF S ~ SWIMMING POOLS: PRESCRIBING STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR TttE CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, OPERATION, LOCATION, AND SAFETy OF SWIMMING POOLS AND SWIMMING POOL EQUIPMENT AND APPARATUS: AND RESCRIBING THE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL 'WITH k~bERENCE I:t~RETO; PRE- R ...... T ~' ' SCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: That this ordinance shall be known as the "Swimming Pool Code" and is hereby adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. SECTION 1 - Definitions For the purpose of this ordinance the following terms, pl~rases, words and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural number include the singular number, and words in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" as used i~erein is mandatory ancl not merely directory. J~. "City" is the City of Sanford, Florida. B. "City Commission" is the City Commission of the City of Sanford. Co "County Sanitarian" is the County Sanitarian of Seminole County. "State Health Department" is the Florida State Board of Health. "Person" is any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, or any organization of any kind. "Swimming Pool" is a body of water i~i an artificial or semi-artificial receptacle or other coutainer whether located indoors or outdoors, used or intenc~ed to be used for public, semi-public, or private swimming by auults and/or children, whether or not any charge or fee is nnpo~eu upon such adults or chilciren, operated and main- tained by any person as herein definet, shall include all structures, appurtenances, equipment, appliances and other facilities appurtenant to and intended for the operation and maintenance of a swimming pool. (1) "Family Swimming Pool" shall be any swimming pool used or intended to be used solely by the owner, operator or lessee thereof and his family, and by guests invited to use it without charge or payment of any fee. (2) "Public Swimming Pool" stroll be any swimming pool other than "Family Pools" and "¢/ading Pools" as defined in this section. (3) "Wadiug Pools" shall be any swi~nming pool with a surface area of less than two hundred fifty (250) square feet and is less than twenty-four (24) inches in depth at any point. (EXCEPTION) Wading Pools shall not be required to comply with this ordinance, except that plans shall be submitted for approval and permits, and the re- quirements of Paragraph A, Section 3, shall be com- plied with. SECTION 2 - Permits Ad Bo Application: Before the erection, construction or alterations of any swimming pool is begun, an application for a permit shall be submitted to the Building Official for approval. Plans and Specifications: (1) The application shall be accompanied by two sets of full and complete plans and specifications of the pool including plot plans of the lot showing distances between buildings oi- structures an~ from all property lines. (2) The plans and specifications for all pools shall bear the seal and signature of a registered architect or engineer except as permitted in Paragraph B, Section 3. (3) The plans and specifications of all public swimming pools shall bear an indication of approval from the State Health Department. SECTION 3 - Structural Requirements All swimming pools whether constructed of reinforced con- crete, pneumatic c . oncrete, steel, plastic, or others, stroll be designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements 2 of the local building Code (Southern Standard Building Code) and accepted engineering principles. Masonary Construction: (1) Masonary pools with a floor not exceeding 5 feet below natural grade and walls not exceeding 4 feet above natural grade need not meet the requirements of Para- graph B (2), Section 2, of this ordinance providing the following minimum requirements are met: Footings shall be of a minimum of 10 inches by 18 inches with two 5/8 inch bars continuous and shall be minimum 3000 # PSI concrete. Floors shall be reinforced concrete, a minimum of 5 inch thick with a minimum of 2 inch top and bottom cover for steel and shall be reinforced with 3/8 inch bars at 12 inch center to center each way, or an equivalent steel area with bar spacing not to exceed 18 inches anc~ shall be a minimum 3000 # concrete. c_z_. Wails shall be composed of masonry units con- forming to ASTM Sranaard C90-52. All voids shall be filled solid with "Pea Rock Concrete" which will attain a minimum compressive strength of 2500 PSI in 28 days and shall be well rodded into voids. Walls shall be reinforced with 3/8 inch bars 16 inch on center vertically and every third course shall be a lintle block course rein- forced with two 1/2 inch bars continuous. The top course shall be a reinforced lmtle block course or another cap course as approved by the Building Official. SECTION 4 - Special Requirements Enclosures: All swimming pools shall be completely enclosed with a fence or wall at least 4 feet high and so constructed as to be not readily climbable by small children. All gates or doors providing access to pool area shall be equipped with a self-closing and self-latching device installed on the pool side for keeping the gates or doors securely closed at all times when tile pool area is not in actual use, except that the door of any dwelling which forms a part of the enclosure need not be so equipped. B. Floor Finish: The floor in the shallow end of all pools and to a depth of 4 feet 6 inches shall be of a non-skid finish. C. Filtration and Re-circulation System: All swimming pools shall be equipped with a filtering and re-circulation system and such system shall be approved by the County Sanitarian. D. Yard Set Back: No swimming pool shall be constructed closer than ten feet from any property line or building. E. Overhead Electric Wiring: No overhead electric wiring shall be permitted within 25 feet horizontal distance from the waters edge unless by special permission of the Building Official. F. Hydrostatic Valve: All swimming pools shall be equipped with a hydrostatic valve. Electrical Wiring: All wiring shall be in strict accordance with the National E ectrm Code and the local Electric Code. Plumbing: All plumbing shall be in strict accordance with the local Plumbing Code. Water Supply: Water used in filling swimming pools shall be from a sanitary source of supply only and shall be kept sani- tary by a method approved by the County Sanitarian. Discharge Water: Water being discharged from the pool or from the back flushing of the filtering system may be discharged to a storm sewer, dry well, seepage pit, or through an irrigation system or other method approved by the Building Official. Dis- charge water may NOT be discharged into a sanitary or combined sewer. Rim Height: The overflow rim of all swimming pools shall be a minimum of 12 inches above surrounding ground level and in all cases sufficiently high to prevent ground water from flow- ing into pool. SECTION Walk-Way: A walk-way of concrete or other approved materials shall completely surround all swimming pools from the overflow rim outward a distance of at least 3 feet and shall be so designed that water cannot drain from the walk-way back into the pool. Violations Violations of this ordinance shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $200. 00 or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a period not to exceed 60 days, or beth. SECTION 6 This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1'3 _day of June, A.D. 1960. '~,~ Clerk / - --~-".-/~--- ~_ ~ Sanford, ~ori~C~missi°n of the City 5 C ER T I F I C A~T E I, H. N. Tamm, Jr., City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing, Ordinance No. 716, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 13th day of June 1960 was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 14th day of June, 1960.