HomeMy WebLinkAbout731 °RDINANCE NO. 73 . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITy OF SANFORD, AMF2qDiNG ORDINANCE N FLORIDA AS AMENDED UMBER 62I · SAID ORDINANC~ ,,.._OF SAID CITy. CLASsIFICATiON PLAN CITy. FOR '-~ ~aDOPTING A POSI'~ION THE EMPLOYEES OF SAID IN SAID AMENDMENT PROVIDING WAGEs THEREUNDER. FOR AN INCREASE WHEREAs, Ordinance No. 621 of the City of Sanford, Florida, Passed and adopted October 14, 1957, as amended, Provided for job requirements and classification of Positions of employees of the City of Sanford, and established wages therefor, and WHEREAs, the City Commission of the City of Sanford deems it necessary to adjust the wages of said employees affected by said plan, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFoRD, FLORIDA: SECT/ON 1. That Ordinance No. 621 of the City of Sanford, Florida, Passed and adopted October 14, 1957, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended by adjusting the wages of employee classifi- cations therein according to the amended classification schedule dated October 1, 1960, attached hereto and hereby made a part of this Ordinance as fully and Completely as though the same Were set forth in this Section. SECTION 2. Ail ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. 1960. SECTION 3o This ordinance shalI become effective October 1, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of September, A.D. 1960. Attest: As th~ City CommiSsion of the City of Sanford~ Florida ~E RTI FI CA TM I, H. N. Tamm, Jr.~ City Clerk of the City of~Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 731, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 12th. day of September, 1960, was POSTED at the front door of the Ci$~ Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 20th. day of September, 1960. -2- .,CITY OF S;~NFORD PAY PLAN _CITY NGR. Nary J. Harkey !~9-6.9 C.1. assif. -..Annual 15-D 5,600. ~INANCE H. N. Tamm, Jr. Rosa Rotundo Ellen Hoy Mildred Carver Sara Easterby Gabe Nichael 27-C 6,829. 25-1C 5,762. 15-2E 13-1C 3,200. 15-D 3,500. 6-C 5,200. ~OLICE Roy G. Williams 25-E Arnold S. Williams 22-E R. J. Hickson 21-D Joe Hickson 21-D R. W. Tench, Jr. 19-D Ben Butler 19-D Leo Rock 19-D W. R. Cosgrave 19-D W. H. Harriett 17-D J. W. Rumbley 17-D Edward Hayden 17-D Earl Bourquardez 17-C Fred Kelley, Jr. 17-C W. W. Smith 17-B Estelle Jennings 14-C J. T. Hardy 17-D C. C. Dodson 17-C Robert Howell 17-A Howard Whelchel (P.T.) 17-C Willie Sutton 17-A Mattie C~ediek (Cook) 1-A James D. SmiSh 17-A 6,189. 4,795. 4,551. 4,351. 4,18~ 4,184 4,184o 4,184. ~,96~. 3,965. 5,851. 5,851. 5,629 5,266. 5,963. 5,851. 5,429. 5,851. 5,208. 2,000. 5,408. (October 1, 1960) 1_960-61 ~lassif.-Annual 15-D 5,672. 27-C 6,966. 25-1C 5,877. 13-2E 4,255. 15-1C 5,264. 13-D 3,570. 8-D 3,264. 25-E 6,515. 22-E 4,891. 21-D 4,458. 21-D 4,458. 19-D 4,268. 19-D ~,268. 19-D 4,268. 19-D 4,268. 17-D 4,042. 17-D 4,042. 17-D 4,0~2. 17-C 5,928. 17-C 5,928. 17-C 5,928. 14-D 5,467. 17-D 4,042. 17-C 5,928. 17-B 5,702. 17-C 5,928. 17-A 5,476. 1-B 2,181o 17-A 5,476. City of Sanford Pa~v Pla~ -2- M. N. Cleveland, Sr. 25-E 6,189. R. T. Thomas 22-E %?95. R. E. White, Sro 19-E J. R. Crow 21-E %551. G. N. Harriett 21-E #,551. J. T. Bennett 21-B ~,150. H. D. Faint 21-B ~,150o B. H. Giles 17-D 5,965° W. Co Galley 17-D 3,965. B. L. Beckey 17-D 5,965. James Holloway 17-D 5,965. C. p. Bennett 17-D 5,965. A. p. Hittell, Jr. 17-C 5,851. E. F. Brookl~ 17-C 5,851. D. W. Burnham 17-C 5,851. R. E. White, Jr° 17-C 5,851. J. H. Benton 17-C 5,851. B. L. Gilbert 17-C 5~851. R. A. Ewans 17-C 5,851. C. C. Smith 17-C 5,851. Darrell E. Swift 17-A PUBLIC WOREIE S. M. RiChard 25-E 6,189~ E° Z. Griffith 25-D #,850. Leroy Lee 16-E %261. Jake Fortier 16-0 5,800. Richard Dykes Joe Koke ll-C Harry Schaffer 9-D 5,565. John L. Rich 9-C 5,200. Sam Hutto 5-D 2,500. (Oct. 1, 1960) 25-E 6,515. 22-E #,891o 19-E $,581. 21-E $,590. 21-E $,590. 21-C %525. 21-C #,525. 17-D %O~2. 17-D $,O$2. 17-D #,0#2° 17-D $,052. 17-D %0~2o 17-0 5,928. 17-0 5,928. 17-0 5,928. 17-0 5,928. 17-0 5,928. 17-0 5,928. 17-0 5,928. l?-C 5,928. 17-B 5,702. 25-E 6,515. 25-D $,9~7. 16-E 16-0 5,876. 16-0 11-0 5,162. 9-D 9-D 5-D 2,550. City of Sanford Pay Plan James Brooks Maines Morgan Robert Copper Daniel Johnson James Jackson Amos Henderson Isiak Dixon John Lilly, Jr. Luke WOoden John ~. Prather Joe Smith Everett H. Craft Roy Stinson Homer White John B. Howard Emory Lee John C. Jones George Seymour Mack Moore Tom Haigler Robert Larry Nathanial Whitaker John H. ~illiams Henry Stevens Felton Hudson Joseph E. Johnson Bennie Bell Homer Thomas Francisco Tirado -3- 3-D 2,600. 3-D 2,500. 3-D 2,500. 3-C 2,325. 3-C 2,325. 3-B 2,21~. 3-B 2,21~. 3-B 2,21~. 3-B 2,215. 3-B 2,21~. 3-A 2,075. 16-C 3,800. ll-D 3,267. ll-D 3,269. ll-C 3,100. ll-D 5,267. ll-B 2,933. 3-D 2,~35. 3-C 2,325. 5-C 2,325. 3-C 2,325. 3-C 2,325. 3-B 2,21~. 3-A 2,075. 3-A 2,0?5. 5-A 2,075. 3-A 2,075. 20-D 9-B 2,950. (Oct. 1, 1960) 5-C 2,911. 3-D 2,550. 5-B 2,652. 3-0 2,3?2. 3-0 2,3?2. 3-B 2,258. 3-B 2,258. 3-B 2,258. 3-B 2,258. 3-C 2,392. 3-A 2,117. 16-D $,06~. ll-D 3,332. ll-D 5,352. ll-C 3,162. ll-D 3,332. ll-B 2,992. 3-D 2,550. 3-D 2,550. 3-C 2,5?2. 3-D 2,550. 3-C 2,3?2. 3-B 2,258. 3-B 2,258. 3-B 2,258. 3-B 2,258. 3-B 2,258. 20-D $,$58. 9-B 5,060. City of Sanford Pay Plan Arnold Hood L. Hugh Wynne E. W. D~kins Denver Johnson George Steele Wm. E. Flowers Leslie Padgett James W. Simmons (Jr.) 1959-60 Clas sif.-Annual 20-C 4~150. 9-E 3,575. 9-0 3,150. 9-0 3,150. 9-0 3,150. 9-A 2,750. 9-A 2,750. 9-B 2,950. (Oct. 1, 1960) 1960-61 Classif.-A~ual 20-D 4,458. 9-E 3,647. 9-C 9-C 9-C 3,264. 9-B 3,060. 9-B 3,060. 9-C 3,264. M. A. Yelvington L. J. Risner Betty Noyes 25-2C 6,000o 21-A 8-B 2,813. 25-2C 6,120. 21-B 4,213. 8-B 2,869, LIBRARY Sara N~ King IO-C OrianWalker 2-C Bernice Hughes (P.T.) 2-C 3,000° 2,425. 1,437. iO-D 3,173. 2-D 2,643. 2-C 1,484. Donald Perry 25-2C Gene W. Schlickman 22-A Helen F. Kelly (P.T.) " " " (F.T.) 6,000. ~,200. 1,237. 2,475. 25-2C 6,120. 22-A 4,268. ~-B 1,263. 2,525. PAREB Jas. L. ~,un Bennie Payne Richard Black Willis Dixon Ulysses Brooks Clarence Troutman Frank Williams Willis Bacon 2,500° 2,500. 2,500. 2,325. 2,214. 2,214o 2,214o 2,550. 2,550. 2,550. 2,372. 2,372. 2,372. 2,372. City of Sanford Pay Pl~u Z,O0 ~illa Mae Hood James Bedenbaugh qE~ETERY Solon Teston (P.T.) A. S. Williams James Gerald UTILITY DEPT. WATER DIV. Ethel L. Carver Rebecca C. Tillis Audrey Markos E. L. Carter W. A. Bailey Quintus Ray J. D. Abrahams Charles Pavlick Albin Kendall Edward Williamson (shop Thomas Boston mech.) V. J. Corley Julian Williamson Augustus Brown, Sr. Fr~w Bines Augustus Brown, Jr. -5- 1959-60 Classif.-Annu~% 15-C 5,45o. ll-D 5,225. 20-D 1,657. 5-C 2,525. 5-C 2,525. tS-D 5,55O. 6-D 2~900. 6-B 2,600. 12-C 5,508. ll-E 5,400. 20-C 20-D 4,550. 12-D 5,579. 18-D 4,050. 12-C 5,200° 18-B 5,606. 9-B 5,000. 9-0 5,150. 5-D 2,500. 5-B 2,214. 5-A 2,075. (Oct. 1, 1960) 1960-61 ~lassif.-Annual 15-C 5,519. ll-D 5,552. 20-D 1,825. 5-C 2,572. 5-0 2,572. 15-D 5,570. 6-D 2,958. 6-C 2,805. 12-C 5,574. ll-E 5,468. 20-D 4,458. 20-D 4,458. 12-D 18-D 4,151. 12-C 18-B 5,678. 9-C 5,264. 9-C 5,26~. 5-B 2,652. 5-C 2,372. 5-B 2,258. City of Sanford Pay Plan UTILITY DEPT. D 'V. Robert Kelly Larry Hamrick Donnie Stone (Pris. Guard) Robert Zanders John Williams Tommie Robinson Robert Brooks Ben Campbell Lonnie Wilson London Gibbs Romeo Johnson Leroy Dixon Huey Lee Ware -6- 1959-60 Classif.-.A.?nual 25-C 4,650. 9-C 5,200. 7-A 2,564. 5-E 2,825. 5-C 2,525. 5-D 2,741. 5-C 2,525. 5-A 2,500. 5-C 2,525. 5-B 2,214. 5-B 2,214. 5-A 2,075. 5-A 2,075. (Oct. 1, 1960 1960-61 Olassif.-Annual 25-C 4,745. 9-0 5,264. 7-B 2,757. 5-E 2,882. 5-0 2,372. 5-D 2,796. 5-C 2,372. 5-B 2,652. 5-D 2,550. 5-C 2,572. 5-C 2,572. 5-B 2,258. 5-A 2,117.