HomeMy WebLinkAbout741 , ORDINANCE NO. 7"1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING AND ABAN- DONING THE NORTHERLY 413 FEET OF THAT CERTAIN NORTH-SOUTH ALLEY BETWEEN SEMINOLE BOULEVARD AND COMMERCIAL STREET AND MAGNOLIA AND PARK AVENUES. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION:. That that portion of a certain North-South alley described as the nonherly 413 feet of that certain North-South alley between Se minole Boulevard anG Commercial Street and Magnolia all.- Park Avenues, be and the same is hereby closed, vacated and aban- uoned as a public alley in the City of Sanford, Florida, anD the City lloes hereby disclaim any rights of the City and the public to saiu J. "'k. SECTION 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordina.1c:" " conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall become eff;;;,_,,;;,: immediately upon its passage and acioption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12 day of DeC(cf'iber A. D. 1960. . " 4 /'i//(f' CLl:yCbrk ' ~-'? ,'--" ~... '~4",,-,<>'~, ) >/~" .,- ~ 'v / Ma //) ; ~...6r~t;. /'..-;;;" .. .j'!'," r. i..'.. j , '7 !/~t~.. Attest: . / ,7'f /.' , /' / ..---Jf';"., ./.: :/'1./<;1;/>: . .t~"-'" .." ,,--. A" City Commission of the C ty of Sanfor", Florida C E H T I '" I CAT E I, ". N. 'J:'Rf'lt:!, Jr" Cit:J CJJr]; of t' e City of Sanford, Ploridfl do hereby certify t]]~~"t ~ trup rlnr: cor- rpct copy of t} e [oregoin!: Orrii'lc1DCe :Jo 71H, PASSED Rnd ADOPTED by t: " City Cnl'lf!i,'si'>i1 of tl:e City of Sanford, F10ridR, on tie 12tt dRY of Decenber 1Q60 was Posted FIt t\ e front claar of thA City Hall in P'e City of S".nford Florida, on n'e 13tl day of Decef"ber 1960. ~~ .~ .. C~ C~ '- 00 00 r-- ...... I N r-- r-- N M ..J (.I.. "t5. I-< <B a if). 00 00 r-- ...... ><: o co .- '.......) 0.. ~ I-< ~ a if). '-H o :>-. ..... U ~~ Il) o ;;.-. ..... u o ..... ~ ..... Il) ~ -.,...- ; .....~. -..... '1"~ ..~. T" .-.,.. .....,..,.. r'o ,. 1"T' "'II" ..... ~..,. ~lApVC'I\lNE MORSE, CLERK OF CiRCUIT COlJRl SE. l..E COUNTY 8K 06577 Pg 1164; Ilpgl CLERK'S # 2007017509 RECORDED 02/05/2007 08:28:13 AM RECORDING FEES 10,00 RECORDED BY H DeVore ORDINANCE NO, 7Li-1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING AND ABAN- OONING THE NORTHERLY 413 FEET OF THAT CERTAIN NORTH-SOUTH ALLEY BETWEEN SEMINOLE BOULEVARD AND COMMERCIAL STREET AND MAGNOLIA AND PARK AVENUES. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION L That that portion of a certain North-SoUtl1 alley described as the northerly 413 feet of that certain North-South alley between Se minole Boulevard and Commercial Street and Magnolia an~ Park Avenues, be and the same is hereby closed, vacated and aban- - Cloned as a public alley in the City of Sanford, Florida, and the City o does hereby disclaim any rights of the City and the public to said a -;:,,,. SECTION 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinac1c~, conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall become eff:::,'..:[t, immediately upon its passage and adoption, PASSED AND AOOPTED this 12 day of Deceplber A. D. 1960, , Attest: ".~r ".,." 1 .~"".r^/j ,"....... ,I,' .~- ".}' ,,~......- '/;l" I,. ,.,..,.,.'. .,.,.;.~.. ,... ....14 r,' t 'II ") {'. /1f.:i:i\~ "~>~'f~' -~ ~ City erk ,... /:,/ ! -- v'- .? ;j./ 1~~2S-- / j .----<:., , ; j/~<,.</' ", /" /./'} I ' \'." " o ~ ~f.\./J .!t,.. .,,) 'I, ,/ 1.... / /' t,""~ :: .' {J " .. ..' '1- ..'? <) .. .. ~, ~D d? <,) , .' l::., . ~.>fl J:. ^J a~ f .,.". ~ '. (\\c': C E R T I ? I CAT E I, E. N. r.ramL1, Jr., City CJJ-rl-:: of t}e City of Sanford, Florida do hereby certify ths.t a true anr1 cor- rect copy of trie foregoin[; Ordi\1C':nce :Jo 71.J-1, P;\SSED and ADOPTED by t1 e Ci ty COE1niE, 3 inn of t 1;e City of Sanford, Florida, on the 12t~ day of December 1960 was Posted at t\ e front door of t11e City Hall in t}'e City of Sa.nford Floridcl, on t~'e 1 Jtl day of December 1960. ~~, / Ci L' Clerk