HomeMy WebLinkAbout772-NOT ADOPTED(NOT ADOPTED) ORDINANk. a NO. 772 AN ORDINANCe. OF Ttl~ CITY Ok* bANFORD, PLORIDA ~aANTI~G.20 Sem~q!e Tr~sig Oomoanv OF FIV~ YEARS 'IO ~STABLISii, MAIN'lAIN AND OP~RAT~ A ][FNEY AND ~US i'iI,'I;~SPORTA]'ION SYSi~'~M CIT~ OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FOR 'FN~ TRANS~RTATtON TERi~ AND CONDIIIONS Of SOCtl GRANT AND PRg- CRIgh~O AN A~ NUAL LICLNSE FHg GRANTE~. BE IT i~NAC'I'~D BY -liik! PgOPLg OF TiiE CI'I"~ OF aANFORD, FLORIDA: :Sectiou t. 'lhat tile hereinafter referred to as Grantee, be and it i,- hereby given the rignt and franchise for a period of live years from and after me date this ordinance goes into effect, to occupy and use the streets, alleys, anu highways of the City of Sanfor~, blorida, as hereinafter provided tot' tile operation of a bus tram, portatlon system for the transportation for compensation of pa~.sengers thereover, such right, grant, awd franchise being subject to the terms, conmtions anti restrictions hereinafter stated and subject to all lawful ordinances which the City ct' Sanfort through its auly authorized authority may enact in the future iu celation thereto. Section 2. That me rights, privileges and franchise hereby granted are subject to any and all rea,,',onable regulations that may be impo.-,ed by the C, lty authorities and the Grantee .mall at all times abide by all reasonable regulations that may be imposed by the City Commission or other proper autl~ority of said City. Section 3. That me operation ol the autobus and jitney trans- portation system hereby authorizeu shall be begun not le-~.s than ninety (90) days after the date that thL,: ordinance becomes eflective, provided however, that Grantee herein must first file with t~e City Commission and receive the £ommisslon's written approval of route~, scheaules and hours of service. Section 4. ]'nat the City (;ommlssion or any committee appointed to act in its stead ,nay designate routes over which regular tnotor bus transportation shall be e~gtabll~l~ed, operated and maintained, and in connection therewith, may designate schedules and hours of service a~: it shall cieem mo~t expedient to the public interest. ~I hat any establ~si~eci route may be changeci, modifies or aban- doned by mutual consent of the Cry Commission ami the Grantee, and aaditional established routes may from time to time be provided by like mutual consent or arbitration as provicled in Section 14 hereof. ~lhe Grantee may change modify or abancfon any e~' tabliahed route, provideu that a written notice of its intention so to do, along with a uezcription of Such chaage, mo(iification or abandonment, shall be '~erved by the Grantee on tt~e City at least thirty (30) days p~ior to me day upon which such change, modification or abandonment is p~oposed to be made effec- tive. This ~ame notice also must be publisnecl in a newspaper regularly publisi~ec~ and in general circulation ia tee City dace a week for two con- secutive weeks immediately prior to tee proposed elfective date. Upon meeting the requirement~ hereia establi~;hed for Grantee, tl~e propo,~,ed cnaages, mo~lificatioas or abaadonment: saall become effective, aha th~ (ity snail be deemed to nave coacurred aha approves unless prior to the date of the last newspaper publication the Clty snail have notifies Grantee in writing that it disapproves of the proposed action. The Gl'antee 2 shall not be requires to operate over any route o~ on any time sciledule wl~ich does not make a profit or which cioe~ uot show rea,~onable prospect of profit within sixty Oays. Ii the C~ty aat~ me G~antee cannot a~ree as to waether a given route or time sca~dule will produce a fair return, the same shall ~ submitted to arbttration as provtdeO in Section 14 hereof, and the ~r0 of ArDitratioa in making its fmdings and decision of tl~e question tn ats~te ~hall consiaer: (1) the effect that =acs operation nas u~n the safety of me general public or a speciItc locality, (2) me nature aha conOition el me streets of such route, (5) tne effect of such operation u~n the neeOs o~ the general public anti any s~cific lo~hty, ann (4) the financial ability of Grantee to ~rform SUCh service for any given length or time. l~e Grantee ~my at any time provide for me trans~rtation of special c~rter parties or excursions ~tween any two ~ints in ti~e C try without the necessity of tollowinga prescri~a route. ~ection 5. lhat the Grantee snail at the r~uest el the City Commission give tem~cary motor bus service on any route aesignateO by tBe Commission wtm a view of ~etermmmg whether SUCh se~ice can be ~oe ~elf-sustaming, then one or more Duse~ s~mli be o~rated over aucn route so long as total operatmg expen~e~, calculated on a cost accountt~ ~si~, are ~to thereby, pro~ided nmt Oraatee slmll not be requi~eo to purc~se new or atidttio~l equipment for use on sacu designated route until such time as it ts proven mat such se~wice will ~ =elf-~uamintng. Section 6. ~ltmt the Grantee snail use moaeru ~ses or jitneys, fully equipped with modern safety aPpliam, es, ol, mocaern desiga, anu reasonably suitable for' the service which they are to Perform. All buses autl~orized under ti~i~ grant aaa auti~oz'lty slmll ~ kept h~ ~d n~echanicat octet aha a saificient aun~er of buses shall at all times be employed to carO, oat the service and scneuale agreec; u~n by the Grantee and tae City Commission. All bas~s ~ ~,nall be subject to ia- spection by representatives oi ti~e City a~ to mechanical coa~itio,z ant s:afety facto rs. /;'or the purposes of tl~is ordinance and this francis/se a fitney is i~ereby defined to be a motor vehicle carrying not less ama seven (7) fare ~ying ~s~engers and a driver, aac~ a bus i, Cefined aa a vehicle norlmlly carrying more taaa ~even (7) fare paying ~ssengers, anc~ ~th of ~alo vesicles operatinb o~er regularly ~tabhobed routes oa regularly esrabllsheC scnec, ules. Section 7. I hat the Grantee sl-~all pay unto the City of aanlord, ?lori.da, an alliaual licea e tax as lollows: ilairty-seven aaa 50/100 Dollars ($37.50) for each bus oPe:'ated iiereunder/or ti~e remains'et of the cuzrent licease year, iwenty-t'ive and 00/100 Dollars (~25.00) i:o~ eacl~ jitney pe~ year or portion tt~ereof, aaci Seventy-live and 00/100 Dollars (.~75.00) lox- eacu bus eaca year i~erea~'ter. Ti~e l~euse Year begin= on Octobe~ i of each oectton 8. I hat the fares to be clmrged by tlae Grantee shall be uniform, just sac reasonable, aa,, saall be cucn that will provide a fair ant! reasonable return on ira: investment. -li~e amount of such fares shall be 0eterminec by the Grantee, proviaeci tlmt in no ease stroll 4 Grantee charge a greater late than twenty (20j ceres Per Pa~senger tot a single tr~p an~ ~en hav~ng receiveo cents ~or each tr~m>l~r wiUlout Grantee. in any %ay be abused by ~rantee toz r,t~e put. se of enabling tile '3ra~ltee to take on an~ disc~rge or' the course hi winch the buses o~ G~'antee are °~rated and to the street hirersectlons, and Grantee :,hall Pick up ~no disclmrge Passengers Only Within Suci~ area~. In aOditio~ to ti~e lOregoing, the City Will designate ~acl] areas an~ U]e Gran~ee io aeteby require0 to tile G~'antee si~all keep ali o~flce in rne City o~ oanloro, Florioa. .... ~ P °P~tY oi the ~i~y uy the °Pera[iou ~tree~s reasonable wea~ am~ rear excepted. ~enlcles, , ectm~ 12. 'i'ilar the Grantee h~ its °Peration~, ¢hall comply with all geaerai °~dinaaces of the t. ity aow in eDect or ~ereafter adOpteO for the regulation anc~ control of motor vehicle traffic. ~'ecr~on 10. i nar the Gz'anree 8uall at tile rime of the mencemenr of it~ °~ration net'eUnuer, [~rnLsfl ailu itle with cae Gity 5 Clerk of tile City of Sanford, a public liability insurance policy or policies with responsible insurance companies authorized to do business tn the ~tate of Florida and to be approved by the City Commission of tae City, upon each motor bus operated by the Grantee, conclitioned to inOerrmify the public for damages or injuries to persons or property or for the dimth ot any person or persons resulting from ok caused by the carelessness, negligence, or default of the Grantee, tt.~: agents, servants or employees, which policies of insurance shall be in the following principal sums: (a) Property damage, $ 10,000.00 minimum (b) Personal inlurtes (one person in any single accident) ~ 100, 000.00 minimum (c) Per~onai taju:ries (mo;e man one person in any sin61e accicient) $ 300, 000.00 minimum In the event any of the policies shall expire, the Grantee shall secure order policies of like amount and provisions anc~ main- tain the same ar all times in the office of the City Clerk after approval thereof by the City Commission. Section 14. That in the event the City and the Grantee shall be unable to agree in respect to any matter arising hereunder, the subject of disagreement simll be referred to a Board of Arbitration to be selected in tt~e following manner; Tbe City shall select one person in no way con- nected with the government of the City and the Grantee shall select one person in no way connected with it, ant/these two shall select a tt~ird member in no way connected wire the government of the City or with the Grantee, such three members to compose the said Board of 6 Arbitration. It is expressly a~reed mar me fin~imSs oi safci ~ard of Arbitra~[on ~nall be final u~n all [gsue~ of fact so ~ubmitteo to the Board an~ that the expem.es ot san~ arbitration, incluc~ti~ the ~x~nses of t~e Board, ~mll be cert~iied co t[ to ~tn part~es an,2 ~nall ~ paid by the Grantee. b~cn ex~ns~:s s~all not incluce any allowance for attorney fees or tot expe[ts for e~cne~ party. Sectkon tS. ~li~t the aumortty an~ prl~-deges 6ranteu nere- ut~.,er ~mtl at tl~e option of tl~e C;kt~ ~ vublect to forietture u~n the failm'e or retusal of the ~rantee to comply wttn at~y of tile terms hereof, provtced that the City ttmll give to the Granme not le~s man tnt~ry (30) aay~' notice or tea intention to exercise this option, suca notice to specify the cefault complained of, aurias which rime the ~rantee cnall be allowed Failure of the G~antee to operate the ~no~e or any t~tcrtal ~rt of tl~e rran~rtation :,y:,te,n hereto oescri~d snail constitute uefault. Sec[ioa 1(~. ina[ m the event of lo~'feit~re of this franchise, the City shall nave the option to parcnaze ail or Grantee':, equtpmunt and property u~ed u,~er of [ti connectkon ~itn the ~ranchkse or fiblit herein xn~ here~y ~ranrea, at a valdat[on oi such p:operry a> s~ail be f~xed by toe boax~ of ~rbi[ra[ion a:, ne~eina~ve p~'o~tCeu. 3ectton 17. i'nat the urantee snail hold the C~[y tmr:nleus again.ct any and ali lmbility, lo~, costs, .:a~e or expense wh[ca :~y ~ccrue to the City by ;ga>oil of rile aegl=ct, aelaait or mtscondact of the Grantee tn connection wire ira ribi,t~ ne~eunc,er. Nothing in tnta oratnance snail be con~iuereci to rn~ke the tAty ikable for damages on accoac~t of any 7 Section ~8. lhat ia the ~ven~ of ~akruptcy oi ceCeiVer~htP ,' e option of tae City, be for[eited o~ the ~rautee tht~, fra~i~t · ~an/o~d, ~rttte[~ notice of tr~e acceptance of the ,:~ame ,~krnin thirt~ (30) days after the effective ~ate o[ tile passage oi tat~. ocCinance, and when snail constitute a contract between the bec. tWn 20. fhat the Gza,,tee i,ereunder i~ expressl~ bNen tentLon to :,o :ell, a;:,:;[~Il and rra,~ ier st~t~ (60)days prior to selling, L ty ,Gommks~ ton o[ t~le LkW u~ 5anforO mu~t itt-st approve sac!l sale, 3ec~ion 21. 'i ant in tac event Ibc o~an[ee na'~. Continuously ope~'ated a~'eunt:, r 6;z'th [o be doue ind ~x'icu',nec~ on its part, tileil the right ant franchise hez-eby given to olaatee i~all be extendec, a8 a matter o~ t-t~at, at the [Jl ,inge:e filiiig w,'ittea notice witi~ ti~e t ity Clezk of tn= C~y of Sanford, Florida, riot les:, tl~atl ilhiet~ (90) day<: plier to til~ oxpilation of tiie origi~l five year period aereoZ during ~ucl~ o~'~.inancc s~all be e~clu=,i~e to tae' k, la~it~CC unle:ss there snail be forieiture O~ ~O~'~[]la[[Oil t: {lelciAabo~e conflict helewiti'i si~ali be am: tii~ anle axe aczeb~ /'epcaiec. 3ectioa 24. ~ nat this v~oi~lanue :hall become ~ffec. tiv= imme- diat=ly u~a its pancake aaa a~option. _ _ __, A.D. 1962. ttest. iWay~F ............................ 7{T'th--g i7 i t-y--C b-~ Fn5 i~k' i-dii-n OT ihW City of Sanford, Florida 9