HomeMy WebLinkAbout526 l, 195), ~itERE~S, the City I~anaGer has prepared and submitted a budget of revenu~and expenditures of the City o~ Son, oral, Flor- l, 1953, and ending Sep- ~ ~ o~ said OitY o~ ida, ~or the is=ilyear beginning October t r . ~ tember ~Q,1954, in accordance ~*[~ the · orion tr~ereOf samd b~dCet of - -.~on cons%oer the b~dget Sanford, Florida~ aha u~ = a~proved as revenues and expenditures was adopted anu r 1953 and of said City for the fiscal year beginning October l, ending September 30~ 1954, and %~HEREk$, the City Commissioners are of the opinion that e%pef:.dit~res for said fiscal year beginning the s~vera% items of - October l, 1955~ and endin~ Se?tember 30' 1954, are reasonable, aSministrati°n of the affairs of said necessa~ and proper for the City and the proper condUCt of said CitY, - ~, 0~' T'~}:, ' OF Sk~FORD, FLOBIDk: sECTION 1' That said bud's;et of revenuemand e~penoz of said City of sanford, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1953, and eodi'~g September 30' 1954, approved by reSO- lution of the City CommissiOn of said City on the _~ day of September, 1953, a copy of which is hereto attached and hereby made a part of thi¢ ordinance, be~ and the sCae is hereby~ rati- fied, approved, confirmed, accepted and adopted. · .s be~ SEcTiO~I 2. That the said estimates of expendmture they are hereby, established and fi%ed as appropriations from the revennes to be derived by said City of Sanford, Florida, from es to be levied and collected, and from all other sourCeS, for the variOUS Purt'°ses as set forth in the said estimates for the said and period beginning October 1, 1953, SECTION 3. That all ordinances, or parts of in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. sECTION ~. That this ordinance shall become immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this and ending September 30, 195~. ordinances, effective day of September~ 1953. ATTEST: City ?lerk Mayor ~/t~fe--City Commission of the ty of Sanford~ Florida. CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Sayer, City Clerk of the C!ty of Sanford, Flor!da, hereby c~rt!fY that true and correct copy of the fore- going Ordinance No. 526, passed and adopted by the C!ty Commis- sion on the 2~th day of September, 1953, was POSTED at the front door of the C!ty Hall in the C~ty of Sanford, Flor!da, this day of October, 1953. -2- As C~y CIerk of the C!ty ,~T'~anford, Florida