HomeMy WebLinkAbout814 ORDINANCE NO. 814 _ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 621 OF SAID CITY, AS AMENDED, SAID ORDINANCE ADOPTING A POSITION CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR THE EMPLOYEES OF SAID CITY, SAID AMENDMENT PROVIDING FOR AN INCREASE IN WAGES THEREUNDER- WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 621 of the City of Sanford, Florida, passed and adopted October 14, 1957, as amended, provided for job requirements and classification of positions of employees of the City of Sanford, and established wages therefor, and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford deems it necessary to adjust the wages of said employees affected by said plan, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE pEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 621 of the City of Sanford, Florida, passed and adopted October 14, 1957, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended by adjusting the wages of employee classifi- cations therein according to the amended classification schedule dated October 1, 1963, attached hereto and hereby made a part of this Ordinance as fully and completely as though the same were set forth in this Section. SECTION 2. All ordinances or lmrts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall become effective October 1, 1963. pASSED AND ADOPTED this 25rd day of September, A,.D. 1963. .~ttest: CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Tsmm? Jr., City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 814, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida on the 23rd day of September, 1963, was POSTED at the front door Sanford, Florida? on the of the City Hall in the City of 25th day of September, 1963. ~ity Cl,~k f .// 2 ADMINISTRATIVE Clerk I Clerk II Clerk III Clerk-Typist I Clerk-Typist II Clerk-Stenographer I Clerk-Stenographer II Clerk-Stenographer III Bookkeeper Tax Collector Clerk Asst. Finance Director Finance Director Asst. Librarian Head Librarian Recreation Director Recreation Instructor POLICE Police Clerk Parking Meter Man Patrolman Police Sgt. Police Lieut. CITY OF SANFORD PAY SCHEDULE (October 1, 1963) Salary Std. Work Grade Week Minimum Maxim~ 1 37% hrs. $2,165. $2,650. 6 2,673. 3~216. 13 3,099. 3~999. 2,165. 2,650. 6 2,673. 3,216. 4 2,569. 3,001. 2,895. 3,572. 19 " 3,689. 4,398. 14 " 2,770. 4,060. 13 " 3,099. 3,999. 32 5,427. 6,930. 35 - 6,353. 8,317. 4 2,569. 3,001. 14 2,770. 4,060. 33 ' 5,628. 7,144. 13 3,099. 3,999. 16 20 20 23 26 48 hrs. 3,175. 3,825. " 3,834. 4,571. " 3,834. 4,571. " 4,167. 4,786. " 4,415. 4,967. City of Sanford ' pay schedule 2 Oct. 1, 1963 ~ ___.---~-----~ Salary ~ (cont' d) 29 Police Captain 33 Police Chief Fireman Fire Mechanic Fire Lieutenant Asst. Fire Chief Fire Chief Laborer Laborer Foreman Truck driver Utility man Equipment operator Mechanic's helper Mechanic Mechanic Foreman Zoo Keeper Zoo Superintendent Asst. Building official Planning and Bldg. official street Superintendent 19 22 25 28 33 3 5 11 9 18 9 21 27 11 Std. Work Week____ hrs. $4,756. $5,574. 5,628. 7,144. 72 hrs. 3~689. 4,398. ,, 4,048. 4,649. , 4~330. 4,872. ,, 4,709. 5,520. 5,628. 7,144. 17 26 33 30 42% hrs. 2,321. 2,852. ,, 2,771. 3,117. ,, 3,010. 3,680. ,, 2,976. 3,870. ,, 3,651. 4,612. ,, 2,976. 3,870. ,, 3,663. 4,563. ,, 4,529. 52191' 3,010. 3,680- 3,266. 4,060. 37% hrs. 4,~15. 42967. 5,628. 7,14~. 4,872. 6,007. City of Sanford - pay schedule 3 ~- Oct. 1, 1963 ~ ar Std. Work . . Sal Y ~ - _. Minimum ~ Grade week .. ' ..... PUBLIC WORKS (cont'd) . $4,709. $5,520. Parks Superintendent Maintenance Supt. Public Works Director City Engineer ~8 27 33 34 4,529. 5,191. 5,628. 7,144. 6,062. 7,794. UTILITIES Laborer Labor Foreman Water Meter Reader Water Distribution -Utility Man Clerk - Utility Prisoner Guard Water Plant Operator Water Production Supt. Water Distribution Supt. Sewer and Refuse Supt. Sewer Plant Supt. Utility office Supervisor Utility Director 3 5 9 9 12 9 12 27 30 28 13 42½ hrs. 2,321. 2,852. ,, 2,771. 3,117. ,, 2,976. 3,870. :, 2,976. 3,870. 37~ hrs. 3,040. 3,838. 42~ hrs. 2,976. 3,870. 48 hrs. 3,040. 3,838. . 4,012. 4,912. . 4,529. 5,191. 4,872. 6,007. . 4,709. 5,520. 37~ hrs. 3,099. 3,999. . 6,062. 7,794. CITY OF SANFORD PAY SCHEDULE (ANNUAL) (October 1, 1963-1964) SALARy G__~DE A B 1 $2,165. $2,315. 2 2,165. 2,413. 3 2,321. 2,467. 4 2,569. 2,681. 5 2,771. 2,877. 6 2,673. 2,825. 7 2,774. 2,925. 8 2,895. 3,045. 9 2,976. 3,247. 10 3,009. 3,128. 11 3,010. 3,175. 12 3,040. 3,193. 13 3,099. 3,338. 14 2,770. 3,300. 15 3,221. 3,537. 16 3,175. 3,362. 17 3,266. 3,507. 18 3,651. 3,892. 19 3,689. 3,929. 20 3,834. 4,083. 21 3,663. 3,904. 22 4,048. 4,229. C $2,465. 2 516. 2,585. 2,768. 2,938. 2,976. 3,076. 3,208. 3,464. 3,247. 3,356. 3,464. 3,579. 3,464. 3,855. 3,535. 3,734. 4,114. 4,169. 4,332. 4,144. 4,408. D $2,554. 2 805. 2,771. 2,889. 3,027. 3,097. 3,195. 3,356. 3,640. 3,367. 3,536. 3,658. 3,788. 3,816. 4,144. 3,679. 3,896. 4,313. 4,289. 4,457. 4,384. 4,529. E $2,650. 2,986. 2,852. 3,001. 3,117. 3,216. 3,376. 3,572. 3,870. 3,488. 3,680. 3,838. 3,999. 4,060. 4,492. 3,825. 4,060. 4,612. 4,398. 4,571. 4,563. 4,649. October 1, 1963-64 C~tv of Sanford Annual Pay Schedul,. 2 SALARy G~DE A B C D E 23 4,167. 4,353. 4,538. 4,662. 4,786. 24 4,012. 4,252. 4,492. 4,731. 4,912. 25 4,330. 4,471. 4,590. 4,710. 4,872. 26 4~415. 4:558. 4,680. 4,803. 4,967. 27 4,529. 4,710. 4,889. 5,040. 5,191. 28 4:709. 4,901. 5,034. 5,250. 5,520. 29 4,756. 4,949. 5,083. 5,301. 5,574. 30 4~872. 5,250. 5,628. 5,845. 6,007. 31 5,304. 5,736. 6,116. 6,440. 6,699. 32 5,427. 5,849. 6,237. 6,584. 6,930. 33 5,628. 6,062. 6,494. 6,820. 7,144. 34 6,062. 6,602. 7,144. 7,469. 7,794. 35 6,353. 6,699. 7,392. 7,854. 8,317. CITY OF SANFORD PAY SCHEDULE (~EKLY) (October 1, 1963-64) SALARY GRADE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 A 41.63 44.63 49.40 53.29 51.40 53.35 55.67 57.23 57.87 57.88 58.46 59.60 53.27 61.94 61.06 62.81 70.21 70.94 73.73 70.44 B $44.52 46.40 47.44 51.56 55.33 54.33 56.25 58.56 62.44 60.15 61.06 61.40 64.19 63.46 68.02 64.65 67.44 74.85 75.56 78.52 75.08 C $47.40 48.38 49.71 53.23 56.50 57.23 59.15 61.69 66.62 62.44 64.54 66.62 68.83 66.62 74.13 67.98 71.81 79.12 80.17 83.31 79.69 D $49.12 53.94 53.29 55.56 58.21 59.56 61.44 64.54 70.00 64.75 68.00 70.35 72.84 73.38 79.69 70.75 74.92 82.94 82.48 85.71 84.31 E $50.96 57.42 54.85 57.71 59.94 61.85 64.92 68.69 74.42 67.08 70.77 73.81 76.90 78.08 86.38 73.56 78.08 88.69 84.58 87.90 87.75 October 1, 1963-64 Cit of Sanford Weekl Pa Schedule 2 SALARy GRADE A -- B C 22 77.85 81.33 84.77 23 80.13 83.71 87.27 24 77.15 81.77 86.38 25 83.27 85.98 88.27 26 84.90 87.65 90.00 27 87.10 90.58 94.02 28 90.56 94.25 96.81 29 91.46 95.17 97.75 30 93.69 100.96 108.23 31 102.00 110.31 117.62 32 104.37 112.48 119.94 33 108.23 116.58 124.88 34 116.58 126.96 137.38 35 122.17 128.83 142.15 D 87.10 89.65 90.98 90.58 92.37 96.92 100.96 101.94 112.40 123.85 126.62 131.15 143.63 151.04 E 89.40 92.04 94.46 93.69 95.52 99.83 106.15 107.19 115.52 128.83 133.27 137.38 149.88 159.94 CITY MANAGER Mary J. Harkey FINANCE Henry N. Tamm, Jr. Rosa Rotundo Sara W. Easterby Mildred Carver Gabe Michael Cleo J. Thompson Laura McDonald POLICE Roy G. l'lilliams Arnold S. l'~lliams R. J. Hickson Joe T. Hickson Ben Butler R. W. Tenth, Jr. M. R. Cosgrave M. H. Harriett John W. Rumbley Earl Bourquardez Fred Kelly, Jr. Larry Hamrick CITY OF SANFORD 1963-64 PAY PLAN Classification 19-E 35-E 32-D 13-E 14-D 8-D 8-B 6-B 33-E 29-E 26-D 26-E 26-E 23-D 23-D 20-E 20-D 20-D 20=C 20-C (Oct. 1~ 1963) Annual Salar 4~398. 8,317. 6,584. 3,999. 3,816. 3~474. 3,045. 2,825. 7~144. 5,574. 4,803. 4,967. 4,967. 4~662. 4,662. 4,571. 4,457. 4,457. 4,332. 4,332. POLICE C.C. J.T. 2 City of Sanford 1963-64 Pay Plan (cont'd) Dodson Hardy Donald E. Brumley Willie Sutton John E. Dodson Roderick J. Hancock Estelle Jennings Robert Howell Edward H. Stout Mattie Credick Cornelius B. Franklin (p.t.) George Manning Harriett, Jr.(pt) Marshall L. Smith F. Joe Crane Sam West (p.t.) Arthur Hall (p.t.) Court Bailiff (p.t.) FIRE Classification 20-C 20-D 20-C 20-A 20-A 20-A 16-E 20-B (p. t. ) 20-A 1-C 20-A 20-A 20-A 20-A 20-A 20-A at $2.89/court session (Oct. 1, 1963) Annual Salar 4,332. 4,457. 4,332. 3,834. 3,834. 3,834. 3,825. 4,083. 1,917. 2,465. 1 917. 1,917. 3,834. 3~834. 1,917. 1,917. 301. Mack N. Cleveland, Sr. R. T. Thomas J. R. Crow G. M. Harriett J. T. Bennett 33-E 28-E 25-E 25-E 25-D 7,144. 5,520. 4,872. 4,872. 4,710. City of Sanford 1963-64 Pay Plan ~ (cont'd) H. D. Faint, Jr. R. E. l'~ite, Sr. B. H. Giles W. C. Galley James Holloway C. P. Bennett A. p. Hittell E. F. Brooklyn D. W. Burnham R. E. I'~ite, Jr. J. H. Benton B. L. Gilbert R. A. Evans C. C. Smith Darrell Swift John Paul Brown Ronald C. Renaud Gerald p. Driskell STREETS E. L. Griffitb Leroy Lee Jake Fortier John Rich Classification 25-D 22-E 19-E 19-E 19-E 19-E 19-D 19-D 19-D 19-D 19-D 19-C 19'D 19-D 19-C 19-C 19-C 19-B 30-C 24-D 18-D 18-C (Oct. 1, 1963) Annual Salar 4,710. 4~649. 4~398. 4,398. 4,398. 4,398. 4,289. 4,289. 4,289. 4,289. 4~289. 4,169. 4,169. 4,169. 4~169. 3,929. 5,628. 4,731. 4,313. 4,313. City of Sanford 1963-64 Pay Plan ~ (cont 'd) Joe ~O~e Hugh ~¢Ynne James Broo~s RObert Copper Daniel JOhnson John Prather Sam HUt~o Maines Morgan James Jackson Joe Smith Ulyses Jackson Herman C. Hall Raymond Per,ins Henry L. MUrphy Vacancy EVerett Craft Roy Stinson HOmer ~/hi te John B. HOWard {illiam j. MOOre ~flliam C. Carroll -~Orge Seymour ll-D ll-c ll-B 5-C 3-D 3-C 3~C 3-A 3-A 3-A 18-D ll-E ll-D 11-C 11-C 3-E (Oct. 1, 1963) 3,536. 3,870. 3,356. 3,175. 2,938. 2,938. 2,877. 2,877. 2,771. 2,585. 2,585. 2,321. 2,321. 2,321. 2,321. 4,313. 3,680. 3,680. 3,536. 3,356. 3,356. 2,852. City of Sanford 1963-64 Pay Plan REFUSE (cont'd) Mack Moore Tom Haigler Robert Larry Nathanial ~'~itaker Joseph Johnson Leo Arnold Kary Holiday Lawrence S. Beaton Amos Lee Hill MAINTENANCE Arnold Hood E. W. Dinkins William E. Flowers Cecil K. Abney Julian Williamson Mack Franklin Bridges Clarence Johnson LIBRARy_ Sara M. King Orian I'falker Bernice Hughes Classification 3-E 3-C 3-E 3-E 3-C 3-C 3-A 3-A 27-D 9-C 9-C 9-C 9-C 9-A 9-A 14-D 4-D 4-C (Oct. 1, 1963) Annual Salar 2,852. 2,585. 2,852. 2,852. 2,585. 2,585. 2,321. 2,321. 2,321. 5,040. 3,464. 3,464. 3,464. 3,464. 2,976. 2,976. 3,816. 2,889. 2,768. 6 City of Sanford 1963-64 Pay Plan RECREATION James R. Jernigan Helen Kelly Warren Ray Turman Willie V. Graham Z_OO Willa Mae Hood Jerry W. Thomason PARKS James L. Dunn Bennie Payne Willis DiXon Ulyses Brooks Clarence Troutman Frank Williams Willis Bacon Lucius Williams CEMETERY Solon Teston (p.t.) A.S. Williams James Gerald PPBLIC WORKs S. M. RiChard, Sr. Betty Noyes Classification 33-C 6-C 9-C 13-B 17-D ll-B 28-C 5-D 3-D 3-D 3-C 3'D 3-C 3-B 24-E 3-C 3-C 33-E 8-E (Oct. 1, 1963) Annual Salary 6,494. 2,976. 3~464. 3~338. 3,896. 3,175. 5,034. 3,027. 2,771. 2,771. 2,585. 2,771. 2,585. 2,467. 2,210. (42.50/wk) 2,585. 2,585. 7,144. 3,572. '7 City of Sanford 1963-64 Pay Plan ENGINEERING M. A. Yelvington L. J. Risner Homer Thomas Bobby W. Thompson UTILITY DEPARTMENT Administration: Ethel Carver Rebecca Tillis Audrey Markos Ronald Horn Edward j. Bridges Water Production: John D. Abrahams Charles Pavlick Albin Kendall Edward Williamson ~ter Distribution: Quintus Ray Haskel G. Bumbalough Price Penick James V. Marazita Augusta Brown, Sr. Frank Bines Classification 33-D 26-D 27-D 9-C 13-E 6-D 6-C 12-C 9-B 24-D 12-D 12-C 12-C 27-D 21-C ll-c 9-A 5-D 5-C (Oct. 1, 1963) Annual Salar 6,820. 4,803. 5,040. 3,464. 3,999. 3,138. 2~976. 3,464. 3,247. 4,731. 3,658. 4,213. 39464. 5,040. 4,144. 39356. 2,976. 3,027. 2,938. 8 City of Sanford 1963-64 Pay Plan ~ater Distribution: Roosevelt Robinson Willie L. Robinson Sewer Collection: Robert Kelly Leslie Padgett James Bedenbaugh Robert Zanders Tommie Robinson Ben Campbell Lonnie ~lson Leroy Dixon Pete Tillman Aaron Phillips Romeo Johnson Vacancy Vacancy Sewer Treatment: S. M. RiChard~ Jr. Laborer - vacancy (conrad) Classification 3-D 3-D 30-C 9-C 9-D 5-E 5-D 5-C 3-D 3-C 3-C 3-A 3-A 3-A 3-A 28-C 3-A (Oct. 1, 1963) A~nnual Salary 2,771. 2,771. 5,628. 3,464. 3,640. 3,117. 3,027. 2,938. 2,771. 2,585. 2,585. 2,321. 2,321. 2,321. 2,321. 5~034. 2,321.