HomeMy WebLinkAbout848ORDINANCE NO. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, ~.ORIDA ADOPTING A PLUMBING CODE FOR /HE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. BE IT ENACTEFBY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: sFJTION 1. That there is herewith adopted a Plumbing Code of the City o Sanford, Florida, which said Plumbing Code is "Southern Standa-d Building Code, Part III thereof, Plumbing, 1962-1963 Edition", as 8mended, a copy of which is attached hereto and by reference made a Fart hereof. SECTION 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this Attest: Citsr'Clerk CER llthday of Jan,)flary, A.D. 1965. Mayor A~ the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida T IF ICAT ~ I, H. L. Whelohel, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct eo~y of ~he fore~o~ Ordin~nc~ No. 8a~, PASSED an~ ADOPTED by t~e City Commission of the C~av of Sanford~ Florida, on ~e ]1~ da? of January, 196%, was POSTED at t~e ~romt door of ~,he C~t? Ha~l in the C~ty of Sanford, Fiorida, on t~e ]~-~ ~/f Z~nu~ry~ ] 965. c?~ / Cffty Clerk' ' / Excerpts £~om Ordinance Add new sentence at end of paragraph as follows: "or as approved by the Build~ Official and the Appointing Authority.. Seoti~ 10~.2 following ~I~-~ shaX1 be added to said Section: A Board of Plumbing CommAssioners shall be established by t~ ~o~ ~h~i~ ~ ~1 c~is~ of. ~e Director of ~c ~_ ,~-~~ ~ ~. o[[x~e ~or ~ ~i~ of ~wo (2) ye~s. u k~ A~a~e~ ~A~r8 anm]t be appo~ea for a peri~ of ~ peris6 O~ ~o ye~s. on ~ a~ ~ Every person desirin~ ko in, work at the business of plmab~ either as a ~ or Plumber or aa a ~o~rneyman Pluaber 1 ~ake written application to the ~ard of Plumbin~ Commissioners of the City, for exa~tnation as to Such applicants ability and fitness t in such work. And upon receipt of such applioati~n the ~ of Plu~b~ 0o~sionors shall cause · uch applie~t. ~o Be no~ifi~ ~ ~it~ of t~ ~te ~ place ab~-~.~ ~A_~ae~x~ ~o pea~ ~1 a~lic~ts p~ctic~ ~ ~s c3~t~y, ~y ~1 t~ter issue a ce~ificate to ~ch person, ~o e~ ~ t~ b~ of pl~b~, either a ~t~ Pl~ber or a ~~ ~er ~ t~ ca~ ~ be. The fee to be c~ for e~tion of applic~ta for a ce~ificate ~o ~e in m~ as a ~ter ~,, s~l ~ 1~ doll.s a~ e~ person to whom ~ch certificate ~11 be issued, ~11 Page ~ - Ordinance 1~'o, , re~ister ~ renew h~ta certificate wit~ thirty (~0) ~or to ~e f~st ~ of each ye~, ~ for ~h ~ ~ of ce~ificate ~1 ~ the a~ of ~ doll.s. ~ fee ~_b~.~e~fo~ ~t~on of perso~ des~ ~o work at ~ ~x~ ~as, ~ ~o~e~ ~be~ be fi~ ~h o~ ~ eye~ zo~ Plier in ~o who~ ~ c~xrxca~e ~-~1 be issue~, s~l (~0) ~s priom ~o ~ ftrs$ ~ of each ye~, re6i~er re~w ~s certificate, a~ for such regis~ra~ion or renew~ of ce~ificate, he ~11 p~ the ~ of ~o (2) ~oll~s: all ~Ch fees s~l be ~able to ~he City of S~o~. ~ applic~ ~ no~ app~ rom a ~sSe~ Pl~ber's Certifica~e ~til he ~s ~ld a Jo~e~ ~ers Oe~ifica~e, issue~ by ~he Ci~y of 5anffo~, fora a peri~ of at least s~ (6) m~t~; or c~ ~w proof of ~ ~e~lmed ~as~er Pl~ber's Certificate of ~o~her city. ~ applic~t ~ no~ app~ for a Jo~ Pl~ber's ~til ~ c~ ~ow p~oof of a~ least ~wo (2) ye~s of app~ntice- ~p ~ pl~b~; om c~ show proof of ~ ~e~ Jo~e~ Pl~ber's Cer21fica~e of ~o~r ci~. pon receipt ~ fee p~d of ~ approv~ application a Jo~e~ ~ber applic~ ~y be p~mi~te~ to work ~il ~he ne~ ~ sche~ed !~ion ~e. If he fa~s to ~ss ~b~:s ew-m~i~, he ~1 no lo.er be Pe~t~ed to e~e ~ work as a Jo~ Plier witch the J~isdic~ion li~ts of ~he Oi~y of ~*o~, Flori~. ~io~ for ~ter Pl~bers s~l be held on ~he Sa~ mo~ ~ J~, April, J~y ~d October of each ye~ ~ for Jo~ne~ Pliers ~ ~he sec~ Sa~ ~ J~, April, J~ ~ October of each ye~. ~ applic~t ~ho fails to ~ss ~he f~s~ ex~=~a~ion ~ ~e a re~~ion at the ne~ e~tion ~e ~hout new ~i~ fee. li.ca~ t who fails to pasa the examination the seco~i time · ~ appAxca~ shall pa~ a new e~a~tn,ation fee for the thir~ examination. S~tion 109..~ ]~xlreguire~e~ts shall be $1,000 i~tead of $~,000. ~_ection ~0~ Under Buildin~ Drain the d~e~ance shall be approxi~tely three (5) feet rather t~ae ten (10) feet. ~ase ~ - Orcl. inance No, .... . Section ~27,1 Said Section shall read ~n its entireSy as follows~ "The mimimmm size of lead bends or lead stubs used on water closet~ or similar fixtures shall be four (4) inches." ~ection 906.2 Said section is hereby deleted in its entirety. S ,etio 97.1 Said section shall be deleted in its entirety. Section 120~.2. Said section shall ba changed to read ~ype "L" instead of Type Section The last paragraph of Section 1206.4 shall read as follows: "The water-service pipe shall be Type "L" copper tubing, brass, lead~ c~ iron, g~iv~lzed steel or galvanized wrought iron." Section t21t.~ Said section, sh~ll be changed 'bo read as fellows: "A main shut-off valve skal~ be installed on each water service between the meter ~nd the building in ~ accessable location and so indicated in a permanent m~.er. Fixturo stops shall be installed on all domestic fixtures e~cept ~athtubs, showers and laundry outlets." Section 1~.8 Said section shall be changed tc read as follows: Air-chambers or other approved mechanical devices shall be provided to reduce water hammer or line noises to such an extent that no pressure ~hazard to the piping system will exist." ~ec~on l~Ol.~. Delete ~he words "galvanized steel and wrought iron." ~eq$ion 1~02.~ The words "concrete sewer pipe" shall be deleted. Section 1~0~.2 Delete the words "drai~ or" in last sentence of this section. ~a~e 4. - Ord.t,.zuu~e ~o. . Delete the words "~alvan~zed steel." and "galva~'Lzed wrought iron." The distance sho~ua Lu said section of trap to vent on one and one-fourths inch and one a~i one-half inch drain sizes shall be change~ to five feet. Incorp~rat~n~ the above cha~es the said Southern S~andard Pl~i~b~n~ Ooc~e is hereto attached and by reference ~ade a part hsreo.f, as fully and completely as if set forth herein, end a copy ~ne~eof filed as a ~atter of per~anent record in the Office of the City Olerk and available for public inspection.