HomeMy WebLinkAbout250ORDINANCE NO.~ AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE AI{OUNT A~D FIXING TH~ RATE OF TAXATION AND MAKING THE ANNUAL TAX LEVY OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE YEAR 1936. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SJ~NFORD, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the amount determined necessary to be raised by taxation in the City of Sanford, Florida, for the year 1936, for the ordinary purposes of the Municipality and the Department of Debt Service is the sum of $84,162.9O- Section 2. That the millage £or the year 1936 to be assessed upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all of the taxable property, except Homesteads, within the corporate limits of the City of Sanford, Florida, is hereby fixed at 30 mills, to be allocated as follows: Department of General Government 15.00000 mills Department of Debt Service: For items of interest included in those certain two Judgments of the United States District Court wherein Kenneth M. Keefe and others were plaintiffs and the CitY of Sanford, Florida, was defendant, docketed as Case Numbers 2351-T and 2511-T, except those certain bonds issued for the construction or improvement of the Water Works Plant 14.6898 mills of said City For interest coupons and interest on principal of bonds included in that certain Judgment for the sum of $23,181.39 and $7.95 costs, dated October 22nd, 193l, and of reOord in the Public Records of Seminole Co~tY, Florida, in Final Judgment Docket 2, Page 141, and rendered in that certain cause wherein United Mutual Life In- surance Company, a co~poration, was plaintiff, and said City of Sanford, Florida, a municipal corporation, was .24096 mills defendant, (0ase No. N 1922) Oou ohs maturing January lst,193O, For Intere~_A ~ ..... .~ lq~l, July lst,l~31, Jul 1st, 1~3 , .... ~ -o~2 J~nua=y ls , 1QMM. July 1st, l~JD, .an~:~ . ~, .~ January lam, l~. January lsd, ~93~, ...... ~ot 1~7 and July 1st, 19~6, July l~t,..19~ , _~a. ~^ ll both mn~lusmv~ ~',- ~ ~ ~ both lnczus~w~, 29, 3°, ~ ~ ~ ~. ~. *hat certain issue inclusive, O~ ana o~ ~_;__~ ~l~rida. designa~e~ bonds of the City om ~an.u~, ..... , dated July 2, 1923, in , blic Improvement Bgn~s P~ ..... of ~160.OOO.OO, an~ maturing the a=grega~e ~:~ ~. ~, · ~ .O692~ mills July~st, 1953, held by Section 3. That the millage for the year 1936 to be assessed upon each dollar o~ the assessed valuation of all Homesteads within the corporate limits of the City of ~anford, Florida, is hereby fixed at 15 mills, for Debt ~ervice, to be allocated as follows: Department of Debt Service: For items of interest included in those certain two Judgments of the United States District Court wherein Kenneth M. Keefe and others were plaintiffs and the City of Ban£ord, Florida, was defendant, docketed as Oase Numbers 2351-T and 25ll-T, except those certain bonds issued for the construction or improvement o£ the Water Works Pla~t 1~.6898 mills of said City For interest coupons and interest on principal of bonds included in that certain judgment for the sum of 181.39 and $7.95 costs, dated ~2~, .... ~l and of record in ucmooer ~n~, *y~ , . - the Public Records of Semmnoze uounmy, Florida, in Final Judgment Docket 2, .e l~l, and rendered in that certain Pag .... ~u United Mutual Li£e In- surance 0ompany, a corporation, was plaintiff, and said City of San~ord, Florida, a municipal corporation~ .2~096 mills was defendant, (Oase No. N. 1922) Interest Coupons maturing January let, For , 1st 1930, January lst,l~3l, ~'~lYlQM1; January l~t~ l~3~,J~xlst' 19B2, January_~, ~X41'.~e January 1st, 1935, July 1st, 193~, January 1st, 193~, July 1st, 193b, 1st 19 7 and ~uly lsd, 1937, January , .3.. ~^ ~ ~oth inclusive, on bonds numbere~ & ~ ~-, - 29, 30, 5~ to 58, both inclusive,, 61 to 65, both inclusive, 67 and 68 of that certain · e of bonds of the City of S~£Or~, Fla., ~ss? , ic improvement Bonds , dated aesmgnated Publ July 2, 1923, i~ the aggregate sum of $160,OOO.O0, aha maturing July 1st, 1953, held by C. J. Root. .O692~ mills Section ~. That there shall be and is hereby levied for the year 1936 upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property, except Homesteads, within the corporate limits of the City of Sanford, Florida, a tax of 15.OOOOO mills for the purpose of realizing a sum sufficient to meet and defray the necessary ordinary running and operating expenses of the City of Sanford, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning October l, 1936 and ending September 30, 1937. Section 5. That there shall be and is hereby levied for the year 1936 upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the corporate limits of the City of Sanford, Florida, a tax of 1~.6898 mills for items of interest included in those certain two Judgments of the United States District Court, wherein Kenneth M. Eeefe and others were plaintiffs and the City of Sanford, Florida, was defendant, docketed as case numbers 2351-T and 2511-T, except those certain bonds issued for the construction or improvement of the Water Works Plant of said City. Section 6. That there shall be and is hereby levied for the year 1936 upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the corporate limits of the City of Sanford, Florida, a tax of .24096 mills for interest coupons and interest on principal of bonds included in that certain Judgment for the eum of $23,181.39 and $?.95 costs, dated October 22, 1931, and of r~ord in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, in Final Judgment Docket,2, Page l$1, and rendered in that certain cause wherein United Mutual Life Insurance Gompany, a corporation, was plaintiff, and said City of Sanford~ Florida, a municipal corporation, was defendant. (Gase No. N 1922)· Section 7- That there shall be and is hereby levied for the year 1936 upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the corporate limits of the City of Sanford, Florida, a tax of .O6925 mills for interest coupons maturing JanUary lst., 1930, July 1st, 193©, January 1st, 193l, July 1st, 1931, January 1st, 1932, July 1st, 1932, January 1st, 1933, July 1st, 1933, J~uuary 1st, 1934, July let, 1934, January let, 1935, July let, 1935, January let, 1936, July let, 1938, January let, 193Y and July let, 193Y, on bonds numbered I to ll, both inclusive, 29, 3©, 5~ to 58, both inclusive, 61 to 65, both inclusive, 6y and 68 of that certain issue of bonds of the City of Sanford, Florida, designated "Public ImProvement Bonds" dated JulY 2, 1923, in the aggregate sum of $160,000.00, and maturing July let, 1953, held by C. J. Root. Section 8. That this Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Section 9. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed and adopted this 30th day of September, 1936. Ae .the ~ity Commission of the . ~ Attest:- City of Sanford, Florida. City Clerk. ~,-F~ ~.-L~m~o~,-C~t~ ~l~r~ ~f-t~e-C~t~ ~f-S~o~d7 ~l~r~d~,-h~r~b~ certify that a true copy of foregoing Ordinance No. 250, passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 3Otb day of September, 1936, was POSTED s,t the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on this the 2nd day of October, 1936. dity Clerk of the CitY Ssmford, Florida.