HomeMy WebLinkAbout254ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE Ai~ENDING sECTION 13 OF ORD~IqANcE NO. 212 Olde cITY OF sA~FORD, FLORIDA, -EIITITLED, ,~ oRDINanCE TO pRO~E FOR ~D REGULAT~] ~E HO~ING OF REGU~ ~ S~cIAL ~iOiP. EL~TiO~ IN ~1~ CIT~V OF s~FORD, FLORIDA"- BE IT E~D ~ ~E ~O~E OF ~ CI~ OF S~ORD' F~RIDA: Section 1. That Section 13 of ordinance No. ~12 of the City ~ sanford, Florida, entitled, "~ ORDIN~CE TO p~VIDE ~ RE(~uLATE ~:~E ~O~ING OF ~EGUL~ ~D S~CI~ ~NIOIP~ ~oTIO~S iii T~E cITY OF S~,~oRD, F~RIDA", be a~nded so ~ to reed as folloWS: Section lB. ~R OF VOTES N~OESS~Y TO ~CTiON. That a majority of the ballOtS cast a' a~ general election and a plurality of ~he ~alotS cast at any s~cial electiOn shsll be ne~ss~Y to determine the choice of the eleC- tor, of an officer or officers to be elected, end ~ majorltyof the ballots cast shell be ne- cesS~y to determine any question submitted at a gene~k or special election. In the event of feilu~ to elect on account of e tie vote for any office: or officers to be elected or any question to be d~termined or failure of any candidate to obtsin ~ majority vote .~hen e ~ne~oritY vote is required, or a plurality vote when a plurality vote is required, e special election shall be held es herein pro- vided, to determine the choice of the el ec tot s. ordi~nces r epe ag d. effectve 1957. Section ~. That all ordinances or part of in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby Section 3. That this ordinance shall become immediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed end adopted this 22nd day of ~Larch Attest: As City C~.erk. As the City Commission 'of City of Senford, Florida. the