HomeMy WebLinkAbout257ORDINANCE N0. 257. AN ORDINANCE REQUIi{IN~ ~'~E 0~NERS OR LANDLORDS 0~' PF~LIS~'S IN THE CITY OP SANP~D, ~LORIDA, 8N ~ICH ~E SITUATED I~0i~ T~N ONE BUILDING OR D~LLING HOUSE, ~ICH BUILDINGS' D~LLING HOUsEs ~E S~PLIED ~ITH ~;AT~ER BY SAID CITY T~0UG~ A SING~ ~TMR, TO ~NISH ANY OR ALL 0~' SUCH BUILDINGs 0E D~LL- ZN~, ~EN ~ED, ~ITH SU~ICIk~T ~TER FOR ALL SANIT~y PUR- POST~S, ~ ~I~G SUCH O~;~R OR ~I~LORD ~PONSIB~ ~OR THE CH~GEs ~OR ~ATER SO ~RNIs~D, AND PRO~¢IDI~G A PENALTY PAIL~E OF A~ O~N~ OR ~DLORD TO C~,'~LY ~ITH T~ PROVIsIONs THIs ORDINANCE. %~HEREAs, there are in the City of sanford, ~llorida' premises on which are located several buildings or dwelling houses which are rented from time to time to tenants, and which buildings or dwelling houses, when occupied, are furnished by said City with Water for sanitary purposes through a single meter, and the occupancy by tenants of more than Orie of such dwelling houses or buildings renders the collection of water rents impractical and difficult, and such premises are rented from time to time to tenants without access to Water and toilet facilities therein, thus resulting in an unsanitary condition, dangerous to the healt2~ of the public generally: NO~, T~?;~{E~ORE, BE IT ~;NACTED BY T~E PEOPLE 0~~ THE CITY O~ SAN~0RD, ~LORIDA: are supplied by said a single meter, shall dwelling houses, ~vhen Section 1. That owners or landlords of premises in the Oity of Sanford, ~lorida, on ~hich are situated more than one building or dwelling house, which buildings or dwelling houses City ~ith Water for sanitary purposes through furnish any or all of such buildings or rented ~ With sufficient water all sanitary purposes, and the owners or landlordsof such premises shall be responsible for the charges for water supplied such premises by the City of Sanford, and it shall be unlawful for any owner or landlord to rent any building or dwelling hou~ upon such premises as in this section described, ~ithout supplying such building or dwelling house With sufficient water for all sanitary pur- poses. Section 2. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be pUnished by a fine of not exceeding $200.00, or by imprison- ment for not exceeding ninety days. Section 3. Shat all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 4. That this ordinance shall become effec- tive i~ediately upon its passag~ and adoption. Passed and adopted this 12th day of_ July 193~. ' As the Y omml~i~n of S~rl£ord, $~lorida. of t~he City 2ttest: Oity Glerk