HomeMy WebLinkAbout258ORDI}~JJCE ~ .~ AN ORDIi{AZcE El!TITLED: AN LJU~II~G Y~PROPRIATiONS FOR 5V{E JITY OF S~iF~D, FLORIDA, FOR SEPT~.rBEN lO, i93~. iTHEREAS, t~'~e City C!e~.k bas prepared ~m{! submitted buduet cf rsven%~es ~nd expenditures of t?e Cit~c cf Sanford, Zorida, for tke f~sca3 ?e~r hes.lnninz October:, !, 1~3~, sud. end- ln~ SeptenLer 3(~ 193a;, In accordance with the o~:arter of of S~nfor(, Florida, a,~j. upon cons.~derat~on tNer,,:.of s~l~. budget of revenues ~nd. e~:penditures w~s acopted arTd approved as the O;f said " , ~-t2/ fOP %ce ~-~ ' · ~scal year endin~ Septenber pO, 2~, ~d Oe:e~nnin~' October 1, 193}, and ~/H~4~S: t~e ~o~mis~ione~s are of the opinion that the sev(r~d. I%e~s of expe];ditUres for s~lfi fiscal yesr co~lmenolng October 1, 1937, snd ending. S~oteh~ber 30, 19}.~: are re~sona~le, necessaFy .{'nd proper for ~e ~.inlstration of tlc ..... m_o of Said City ~nd the proper conduct of said City. NO~',~ TF~RE, BE IT ENACTED BY Ti~ p~p~ 0F ~E CI~ OF S~:FORD, FLORIDA: -, .n~.~ said. hudg. et of reven~es snd expend, ltt~res of said City of S~ni~ord_, Florida, ~ ,, ~. ~ t~e fiscal yesr ~ · oec~l}!~lng October 1, 1937, and ending ~eptember 30, 1938, ~pproved by resolution of the City Co~i~slon of said City on the 4th day of OctoYeP, !~37' a ~ copy of which is hereto attacNed end hereby made s part of this ~ ~ Ordnance, be ~tnd the s~c~e !s iereby ratified, approve'~, conflrmed~ ~ accepted and ado,~ted. 2. Timt the sai© estimates of e}:penditures be they are hereby established and fixed as approprlatioas from the revenues to be derived by sald Oi~ of Sanford~ Florida, from taxes Vo be levied an~~ collected, anf from sl]. other sources, for the various purposes as set forth in the said estimates for the said period begim~ing October 1, 1937, and ending September 30, 3. T~at ali. ordinates, or parts of ordinm%ces, in conflict herewith be a~d tls saue are hereby repesled. 4. T~t this ordinaries s~ll becomes effective as of the 1st day of October, 1937. Passed and ado~ted this 4th dsy of October, 193~. Attest: ~ ,,=yo r ~s Z.~e ~tT~.w~i~sion of the City of Ssnfor~]; Florida. ~~.~ City Clerk. I, F. S. La.on, City Cle~ of the City of Sanfo~, Flori~, t~t a t~e copy of foregoing Ordnance No. 25E, passed and adopted by the 0ity Co.lesion of 2he City of Sa~ord,Florida, on ~e 4th ~y of October, 193y, ~e been pomted ~ the fro~ ~or of the City H~l in the City of S~ford, Flori~, on t~ the yth day of Octo~r, 1937. dity CierE~f ~he'Cit~'of Sanford,' ~ori~. hereby certify ..~