HomeMy WebLinkAbout259/uN OPJ0a~.AL~ u~ ~fTITLED: Ah' ORDINAL'CE DETER_ ~ I NI' ~ - ~'~ ~E ~OUNT ~D FIXING THE -A~IO~ A?~D ~I~.~ THE .~A_ i937. FLORIDA: BE IT ~'~AJTED BY ~HE PEOPLE OF ~{E ~IT~ OF ~ :runu, Section I. be raised by t~xation in the City of S~nfor~, Florida, for, i737, for the orcina~%~ put.poses of the Luulcipa.ll~ and the ~ent o~' Debt Se:~'vice is the sum of $~9,9~O.O0. $ectio~ 2. That the m~llage fo}~. the y'ear 19>7 to be assessed upo~ e~ch dOR!ar of t;}e assessod valuation of all of the taxable property, except Ho~esteads, v~it}}in the corporate lJ~Its of the City of S~mford, ~orida, is hereby fixed at ~0 mills, to be allocsted as follows: That the auount c-etermlned neces?ary to ~¢part- Depa. rt;aent of C~eneral Govern..~ent !~.O000 mills Dsf;a?'tment of Debt Se~'vlce 35.0000 mills Section ];, ~_at the millage for tl~e year 1937 to be assessed Upon each dollar of ~%e assesses valuation ~:;ith~x the corporate liiaits of the City of Sanford, ft,'ed at 15 ~il!s, to be sllooated as follows: Depa.rtment of Debt Service }~.OO00 mills Section ~. Theft tl~ere shall be a~d is hereby levied for the year 1937 upon each doliar of the ........ ~ - s~..e ..... valuation of all taxable property, except Ho~esteads~ within the corporate lluJts of ~l~. of osn~orc.~ F!ori~a, ~ t~x of 1~.0000 ~il]s for the p~r?ose of realizing a su~ sufficient to meet an~ ~efray the necessary o~dinary ~aninE ~nd oper~tiag expeases of the C~ty of S~or~.~ Florida, fo~. th{ flsc~l yeer be~'inning October t, I~3~, and ending September 30, 193S' of al! Homesteads r lorioa, ~s ,.ere~y Section 5 ~" ~ ~ - · ~hat the'.,.e sh::!! be s}:~ :Is he~'.el;,, levied for the year ~-]~37 upon each dollar of tT~e assessed valu~tion of all ta~able property v~it]Yin the cor.~or~te limits of the City of Sanford, Florida, a. t~x of !~.0000 m~.lls fe~~ interest cc~pons L[a?~n 1, 1938 and September 1, !~38, on Refun~Ing Bonds Series A, of ti~,e Ci~, of Sanford,Florid~, d~ted Liarch 1, 1937 an(~ :~aturing Sept~,be~~ !, 1977. Section 6. as of t]~s 1st this Ordinal:ce sh~;ll become eT~ec~ e d~y of October, 1937. Section 7. That all ordlna~ces or Darts of ord!nsnces conflict herev~itb be and the s~-~.~e ar~ he~,e]? repe~led. Passed a~d udopted 12~is 4-th day of October, ..........Ci t'~ -C1 erk . ~ ' ?~ ~ ~-[~yor As the' ~t. v ..... i " the that a true copy of foregoing Ordi~mnce No. 259, passed a~d adopted by the City Commission of the City of Ss~ford, Florida, on the 4th day of October, 193~, hae been posted at the front door of the City Ha~l in the Oity of Sanford, Florida, on thie the ?th day of October, 1937. Cl{y C[~k of {he Oity of ~Sarnford, 'Florida.