HomeMy WebLinkAbout263 Ail O~DI~C,~ OF ~, , C.~ ~Y ,sF oa. i~0.<D ~ FLOkIDA~ r ~IOL Om ~O~D~CzI~,,~ OF ~Y dUol~o.~ Iii ~lm CITY OF OC~UP~o ~F ~, P~{CE OF z~UoII;ESS TC .... E~,~,~a..~ ~ OF ~{Y PICl'~'~f~ ,,~,l~~,~,. ~,,_ ~ ~.~m z'C~ ~,i~ "i~ S~ IT J~.~CTED ~3Y 21[S PEOPLE O£ Ti}E CITY OF Sect/o_l 1~ I't shall be unlav,l'ul fop pePson or jro~p of persons %o wetch~ beset or p~cke% ire premises of ~pl,her wkere a~ [)ePson is employed~ or ~l2 epproecb %he,-eLo~ or ~.l~ place or appro ch ther.eto~ ~.hePe ouch enployee !odtfes or resiies~ for the ?ur'poses of induci~Kj ~y. such emS!oyee~ 13y com- pu!sion~ thPea~ts~ coerciorl~ int~idatio~ or b2 any e~ct of violence~ ou by pu~tti~4s such em~ioyee in to ui% his or her emplojment or %0 PefPain from see~ino :~z freei~, e~roePing i~to employment. Section 2. It shall be unlawful fop pePso}i om- jPoup of persolls to }~atch~ beset oP "icket the P~"emises of another~ or any approach thereto for tNe ?uProse of inducir%_? others to refrain from enterinL, such ~re~ises~ or rro~ ~tronlzlng-~ tr~sacti:~i business or i~esotiating ~ith the o~'auer or occupant o~· such eet~on 3. It shall be unlawful i'o? any per- SON or ?erso~ls i~ ~.~OCl{At!on oF ~[~ee][s~1t ,- - ~ !'h, Oae ou mo~.e persons to :uSse~ole~ c°nb~e~ete or meet to;~sethep ~ vicinit~ of ~y pre~ises ~'zhePe ot:~ep perso~ls are e}~plo}?ed oP upon the stueets~ avenues~ side~'~alks alleys~ approaches oP places .,~'. ~g~ce~t thePeto~ for the · ~ ~ induai~- any such emplo~ree b~' compulsion~ 'threets~ coercion~ intiinidation oP b'.j a~y ac% oF vio- ie~ce oP b~ putti~S such employee in SeaP~ Bo ,i~uit his om hep emplo~e~en% thePel~t oP ~o ~e~Palli ~Ponl seekins oP fPeel} er~ePi~, i~to ex~plo$~lent~ or SPore v~opkinS follewi~ ~p- line of emplo}~en% %herein. Section 4. It sh~!l be unla~,~ful fop person or persons in associetioll oP aSPeen~ent v,~i%h One oP mope persons to assemble} conEmeEete om meet %he vicinity of the premises of eNothep oP upon ~he stPeets~ evenues~ side,yolks or atleys~ ~PpPoaches oP - ~g~ce~t ~kePeto~ .~oP the purpose of i~ducing- Others to 'eiraln ~'rom entering- such ~-re,,~ ~ ~' ' from izi~5 '%PansactinL' ~usiz~ess i}~th or nes. otiatir%i; with the o~.ner or Occupant t~;ereoI. Section [. It siiall be unlav, ful for an~ persoll o:, persons to utter to or '~itki}~ the heariag of any perso,,~ }r persons derogator~/ or opprobrious or in- decent epithets oP langma,~e or ~'estuPes or threats of violence for the purpose of compellirL~ coercing or in- ducing any ~)erSOn or persons to ~ui% ]-.i~ or her employ- men% or to refrain from seeking or employment · per s on ~ Section o. It snal ~ be unla~J:ul for any O~ ~r perSOnS to establish ok' maintain a ~icket~ watch assemblage within ~00 feet of the vremises of a~y ?ersOn~ r oration duri~ the period iI~ ~.hich a~y em- fl~ or co p ~ ployee of such person: finn or corporation shall be on a strike. Section '~' It skall be un]awful for any ?erson: or persons %o direct~ assemble or encour~e any person: · ~- t watch or fl~m or corporation %o ~aintain any pmc~e ~ · ~:~ of any p~rson: assemblage %,.]~tn~.n 3O0 feet of the firm or corporation duri~ ~Y ,periOd tl~at any of employees of suc~ person: firm or ~orporation are on a strike · .~ ~y perSOn or persons vd~o shall Section ~ · be found ~ilty of vmol~t~ - -~ ,a ~'~ a fine of not ex- this ordinance shal~ be /,uni~hef · ~ ~200.00~ or by im~risormne~t not exceedinz 9© ceed~r~ days ~ or by both fine ~d impriso~nent' , ~ ,,-i~D~ 'ec%iOn 9' If ~y section~ p~o ~ sentence~ clause or l)hrase of this ordinar~ce .... - unconstitutional by a~y court~ such be decz~ea · ~ 11 not m~ec the ,.~ · ~i-t~ or in© sna reIL~inieI' t[~ereOz · ~ec%ion 10, %q~at all ordinances oF of or~im~nceS in conflict nere~z.~-~ are hereby repe&led. Section 1!. This ordinance ez'fective ihx~ediately upon its passade Passed a~Nd adorted this De ce~oe P, i937~. become Attest: City Clerk