HomeMy WebLinkAbout262 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REPEALING 0~TAIN ORDINANCES pROVIDING FOR TH~ ISSUANCE OF 0~TAIN BONDS WHICH HAVE NOT BE~ ISSUED BY THE OITY AND REPEALING 0ERTAIN ORDINANOES AS TO C~TAIN BOND~ AI2THORIZED THEREBY ,,WHICH HAVE NOT BEEN ISSUED BY THE CITY AND CANCELING ALL UNEIPE~DED APPROPRIATI01~ OF FUNDS TO BE RECEIVED FROM UNISSUED BONDS AUTHORIZED BY CERTAIN ORDINANCES · I~IEREAS, By Ordinance l~tmber ~, passed and 10th ~ay of December 1923, the Oi~Y of Sanford, adopted on the issue its bonds in the aggregate Florida, was authorized to p,ArpOSS of acquiring an electric cum of $~10,0~0.00 for the light plant for said city a~l the funds to be derived from the sale of said bonds ware appropriated for such purpose, but the bonds authorized by said ordinance have not Been iseued; and WHEREA~, By Ordinance Number 117, passed and adopted on the 8th day cf-March 1926, the City of Sanford, Florida, was authorized to issue its bonds in the aggregate sum of $40,000.00 for the purpose of constructing a fire-alarm and police-telephone system in said city and the fuuds to ~ derived from the sale cf said bonds were appropriated for such l~Arpoaes, but the bonds authorized by said Ordinance have not been issued; and WHEREAS, BY Ordinance Number 119, passed and adopted on the 8th day of March 1926, ~he Oi~Y of Sanford, Florida, was authorized to issue its bonds in the aggregate su~ of $400,000.00 for the purpose of constructing docks and wharves in said city and the funds ~o be derived from the sale of said bonds were appropriated for such purposes, but the bonds authorized by said ordin~ace have not been issued; and WHEI~EAS, By Ordinance Number 145, passed and adopted on the l~th day of December 1925, the City of Sanford, Florida, was authorized to issue its bonds in the aggregate sum of $250,000.00 for the purpose of erecting a hospital in said city and the funds to be derived from the sale of said bonds were appropriated for such purpose, but the bonds authorized by said Ordinance have not been issued; and WHEREAS, said bonds are still carried in the accounts of the city aa authorized bond issues and the appro- priations for the expenditure of the proceeds to be derived from the sale of said bonds are likewise carried in the accounts of said city as authorized appropriations, and the City Commission is of the opinion that said Ordinances should be repealed and said authorized appropriations canceled; and WHEI~AS, By Ordinance Number 30, passed and adopted on the 10th da~ of April 192~-, the City of Sanford, Florida, was authorized to issue its bonds in the aggregate sum of $6~5,000.00 for various l~rposes, and the funds to be derived from the sale of said bonds ware appropriated for such purposes, of which bonds, bonds in the aggregate sum of $~.5,000.00 were issued for various purposes, leaving bonds in the aggregate sum of $300,000.00, which were authorized for the City's share of the cost of street paving, which have not been issued; and Wl~EREAS, By Ordinance Number 11~, passed and a~opted on the 8th day of March 1926, the 011~ of Sanford, Florida, was authorized to issue its bonds in the aggregate sum of $150,000.00 for the purpose of erecting a fire station in said City, and the funds to be derived from the sale of said bonds were appro- priated for sach purpose, of which bon~s, bonds in the aggregate sum of $100,000.00 were issued for said purpose, leaving bonds in the aggregate s~m of $50,000.00, authorized by said ordinance, which have not been issued; and ~AS,the portions of the bonds authorized by the aforesaid ordlnanceswhich have not been issued are still oarrie~ in the accounts of the city aa authorized bond~ and the appro- priations of the proceeds to be derived from the sale of said portions of said bonds are still carried in the accounts of the city aa authorized apl~opriations, and the City Commission is of the opinion that said ordinances so far as they relate to the portions of the bon~a authorized thereby which have not been issued, should be repealed and said appropriations so far as they relate to the funds to be derived frc~ the sale of the bonds authorized by said ordinances but which were not issued, should be canceled, THEREFORE, BE IT ]~ACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE 0ITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: Section 1. That Ordinance Number 68, passed an~ adopted on the 10th day of December, 19P-3, authorizing the City of Sanford, Florida, to issue its bonds in the aggregate sum of $~10,000.00 fcr the purpose of acquiring an electric light plant in said city, be and the same ia hereby repealed and the appropriation o~ the ffunds to be derived from the ssle of ssid bo~ds Be, and the s~me is herebycanceledo Section 2, T~ Ord~n~ n~ber ~1~, ~e~ed ~ adopte~ on the 8th ~ of M~ch 1926, ~thorizing ~he of Sanford, Florida, to lss~ its bo~s in t~ ag~ega~e ~m of ~0,000.00 for the ~po~ ~ constructing a alarm and ~lice-telepho~ syat~, ~, ~d the m~ la hereby repea~d and the appro~iations of the ~s to be ~erived from the s~e of said bon~s be, and the same ~e hereby c~celed. Section ~. ~at Ordinance N~ber ~9, passed adop~e~ on the 8th ~Y of March, 1926, authoriz~g the 0ity of S~ford, Flori~, to issue its bonds In the ag~egate of ~0,~0.00 for ~he p~se of constr~e$1ng docks an~ wharves in said ci~ be, ~d the s~e is h~eby ~aled, and the appropriation of the f~s to be derive~ from the s~e of said bo~s be, an~ the same is hereby c~celed. Section 4. That 0rdi~nce N~ber 1~, passed and adopted on the ~th day of Deoem~r, 1925, authorizing the City of S~ford, Florl~, ~o la~e its bonds In ~he ag~egate z~ of $250,000.00 for ~he purpose ~ erecting a hospital said cl~ be, and ~he s~e is hereby repealed, ~ the appro- priation of the funds to ~ derived from the sale of said bonds be, a~ t~ s~ is hereby cancele~. Section 5. That Ordl~nce N~ber ~, ~ssed and adopted on the 10th ~y of A~il, 19~, ~thorlzlng the 01ty of S~ord, Florida, ~ issue its honda In the ag~ega~e of $625,000.00 for vario~ ~po~s, be, and t~ s~ hereby repeale~ so far as said Ordinance relates to the beads in the aggregate sum of $~00,000.00 authorized therebY, which have not been issued, an~ the appropriation of the fun~s to he derived from the sale of said bonds, so far aa it relates to the proceeds of the bonds authorized by said ordinance but whieh were not issued, be and the sase is hereby canceled. Section 6. That Ordinance Number 11~, passed and adopte~ on the Sth day of March, 19~6, authorizing the 0ity of Sanford, Florida, to issue its bonds in the aggregate su~ of $150,000.00 fc~ the purpose of erecting a fire station in said city be, am~ the sem~ is hereby repealed in so far aa said Or~inanee relates to the bonds in ~he aggregate sum Of $50,000.00 authorized by said Ordinance, which have not been issued, and the appropriation of the funds to be ~erlved from the sale of said bonds so far as it relates to the pro- seeds of the honda authorized by said Ordinance but which were not iesue~ be, and the same is hereby canoele~. Section 7. That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be, aml the same are hereby repealed. Section 8. That this Ordinance shall becane effective lm~ediatelY upon its passage am~ adoption. Passed and adopted this _22~d day of N~ovember 19~?. As th~/01tY C~Sslon of the Ci~ of Sanford, Florida. I, F. S. Lamson, City Clerk of tile City of Ssmford,Florida, ke~eby certify that a true copy of fore.~foing Ordinance No. 262, passed and adopted by the City Co~mission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on 1937, u~az POSTED at the front doo= of the Sanford, Florida, on this the 27th day of the 22nd day of ~ovcmber, City Hall in the City of November, !93Y. Florida.