HomeMy WebLinkAbout266ORDINANCE i50. --266. ~I~' ORDIN~d[CE OF T]~ CITY OF S~dTFO.~D, FLORIDA~ DEDiC~TIi,G CE~iTAil ~iE~L P~OPE.{TY O~,NED BY T!iE CiTY OF i~EC.~TION AND P~y GROUiOS LI[DE~ TI~ CONTROL ~D L~iAG EL~[T OF SAID CITY: FO~I Ti~ USE ~[D Ei~JO~NT OF T~ INIMJIT~dfT~ OF ~ID CITY OF ~[FO.~ F~IDA~ ~D T>~ GE~i~kL PUBLIC~ ~:HYD f~SE~tVIi[G T~H] .~iGiiT IN SAID CITY USE SUCH PORTIONS OF SAID P-~OPE~TY ~iS L~,Y ~ DEEi~D iiECESs~y FO, t L,UNICIPi'~ 0i{ OTi~t PUBLIC PbtiP~ES. ~t~O, The City of o~uford, Florida, has ac- quired title to the lots, pieces or parcels of laa'~d herei~arter p~ticularly described, situate in said City~ a~d contiguous to the lots~ pieces or parcels ~f l~d dedicated by Ordinance No. 238~ passed ~.d adopted on the 8th day of April~ lb'3~ ~d Ordinance io. ~5'~ ~passed ~d adopted on the 24th day or L.ay~ 193'/~ for public park~ recreation ~d play g'rou~ds~ ~d are now beir~ improved as a part of Fo.{T ~.~OL P~{L~ a~d tn~ City Con~nission of said City deems it expeaiel~t ~;d for the best interests of said City to dedicate the lots: pieces or parcels or l~d herein- after described for the public use of public parks, recre- ation ~d play group,ds: Section 1. That those certai:z lots, pieces or parcels of land situate in %he City o~~ J~ord~ Florida~ ae~crloed as iollows~ Lots ~,, '9, 5'0, Fl, 5~2, ~3 ~d ~, ~d block ~ and riparian riL. Lts ~ of I~%~LE PAi~K~ accordi~-<j to cia% thereof bi' record in the oublic reco~s of Seminole ~o~l~a~ in Plat Sock 3~ ~"~ 41~ be a~d the s~e are hereby aedicated to and for the public use of ?ublic parks~ recreat ion a~ play grounds under the control and m~uagement of the City of ja~ord~ Flo~ida~ fo~' the use a~d enjoo~.ent of the i~£habit~ts of said City of Jani'ord~ Florida~ ~d the general public. Section 2. That the Said City of Sanford~ Flo~ida~ hez'eby reserves the right to use so ~nuch o~~ such p~ts of the l~'J~ds ~nd premises described in Jection t hel'eof for sUCh ~nunicipal or other public purposes as its ~overnihg authority dee~ necessary. ~ection 3- That this o-d~n~nce sLall beconase eflec- tire in~nediately u ~ . po~ its p~ag e and ~doDtio~' Passed and adopted tnis~h_ day of Lay~ 15,38. ~ttest: ~q~.~{~ As the City Co~isslon o~f"~L~e City of ~an~'ord~ £!o~-i~a. City Clerk ............... certify tt~t ~ ~,~ ~ --- ~_~e ~y of S~ford F~. ~ - - ado te . Py. ox z'ore~ozng 0r~n~o ~ , eof .~P ~ b~ the Czty Commzssion of *~ ~,--- ~ ~ N~. 266, passed a~ lg38, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of S~ford, Flori~, on this thc 14th day of ~{ay, ~93S. City Cf,~rk ( i-j.' t ~1:j City of Sanford, Florida.