HomeMy WebLinkAbout267OaDINANC . NO. a&7. AN ORDINANCE CLOSING, VACATING A~ ABANDONING THAT CERTAIN PUBLIC ALLEY RUNNING NORTH AND SOUTH IN BLOCK TIeR 7 OF E. R. TRAFFORD,S MAP OF SANFORD~ FLORIDA~ SERVIN~ HO~/EVER, TO T~E CITY OF SANFORD THE SEWER LOCATED IN SAID ALLEY~ WITH THE PERPETUAL RIGHT OF ING~S AND EGRESS FRO~ TI~E TO TI~E FOR THE PURPCSE OF REPAIRF~ ~. RENEWING OR REPLACING SAID SEWER, AND WITHOUT LIABILITY ON SAID CITY OF SANFORD FOR DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE ON ACCOUNT OF THE EXERCISE BY SAID CITY OF SA//) RIGHT~ AND TRE RIGHT IN SAID CITY TO REEOVE ANY OBSTRUCTION TO THE EXERCISE OF SAID RIGHT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS F(R SAID PUR- POSE, AND REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS UPON LAND FORI~J~Ly CO~PRISING SAID ALLEY~ AND CLOSING, VACATING A~[D ABAND(~I~G THAT PART OF LAUREL AVENUE IN SAID CITY OF SANFORD~ FLORIDA, SOUTH OF THIRTEENTH STREET AND NORTH OF THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE RA/LROAD COMPANY'S RIGHT OF WAY. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFCRD~ FLORIDA: Section 1. That that certain public alley ~unning north and sOuth in Block 1~, Tier 7, of E. R. Trafforxl,s Nap of Sanford, Florida, accor~ir~g to plat thereof of record in the public records of Seminole County, Florida, in ASap Book 1, pages ~6-64, and bounded on the east by Lots 1, 2 and 3, and on the west by Lots 4 and ~ of said B1o~k 1~ Tier ?; be and the same is hereby closed~ vacated and aban- doned as a public alley~ and declared to be no longer a public alley of said City, provided, however, that the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby reserves and retains the sewer now located in said alley, with perpetual right of ingress and egress from time to time for the purpose of repairing, renewing or replacing said sewer, and without liability on said City of Sanford for damages of any nature on account of the exercise by said City of Said right, and also re- serving the right in Said City to remove any obstruction now existing or hereafter existing to the exercise of said right of ingress or egress for said purpose, and provided further that no building or buildings shall be constructed over or upon the portion of said alley in which said sewer is located, without leaving an open space not less than three feet wide on each side of the line of said sewer, and not less than ten feet above the flow line of the present sewer, in order that free and ~asy access may be had to Said sewer by the City of Sanford, Florida. Section 2. That that part of Laurel Avenue in said City of Sanford lying south of Thirteenth Street and north of the right of way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railmoad Company be, and the same is hereby closed, vacated and abandoned as a public avenue a~ street of Said City. Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 4. That this ordinance shall become effec- tire immediatel~ upon it~ pasmage and adopticm. Pas~ed and adopted thim llth day of July A= the City Cemaiaaloa.ef the City of Sanfc~d, F10~.ida ' ' Atte~%¢ , I, F. S. Lamson, City Clerk of th~ City of Sanford, Florida, hereby certify that a true copy of foregoing Ordinance No. 267_passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the llth day of July, 1936, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on this the 16th day of July, 19 . ~lty Oler~ of the Olty of Saford, Florida.