HomeMy WebLinkAbout269 ~TD BY .... ~ ~ , ~,,. z E. VITHHOLDTFG .... ~! IC,~Eo a:TD S~'' ": --~, PEiiIOD ~,~DnfA6~ ~11~; City of ~a,horc, ?lorjda~ nov/ has ( e~inqaerlt ta~ certificates ~t](. ~ ~]i~qquerlt ta~: liens ~gaiast ~.~, ~,~ by it ~or ta2zos in the a:j~regate Principal ~) ~ublic z:n:~rove- the City of ~'- ~ ~ ~or, u ~,f. th~'oughout t ~e cou:ctry n,uv6 l-eci,~ired the ,lrla,~tlent o? measui-es providim/ 'or ~" - ~I..d&.u ]iquidt t. iol of dfslirlcuer~t tales and '~.,zts~ a~d t',~e Cit-~ ~ · ~o,az~lss!o~ of the " t Plo?ida, deoms it ('xpedi~nt ~ , for · '~Ae the b6S~ said City to ..... %he OWxePs bh~rcof~ by a~ lowia ~ ~ne jradua] liquidation of tko afo?esaia tax - ',~' ~ . l.,=.'~es ' ~l SDeOia! assess;icitts in ~" - T~ CITY "" :~" - · l~h ~ t}]c OV/!le '% Of ~Zl~I ['Ca! P~'o')ePty of the lloJders O? lie}Is against a:ly rca? pro3orty i!l th~ City of 6anford. Florida, a~ainst which the City of Sanlord holds delinquent tal Certificates ..~.nd taA 7lens for n°n-layment o~ ta}~s assessed a~ainst aaid pro}~rty by sa~d City ~nd/or s ~c'cia} ass~ss.i~-.t liens for Pub?lc im!.roveme~ts~ extent ~.'here aay tax :,~ '~. ~ Uw!lAqueat ta,,~ / s }cc~l assesm~ents are aow in process of forec]Osure by the City~ be and the} a'c here[y allowed to redeem said re2< cer- tificaN, s~ ta2 iiels and/or specia} asscs.:Ae~lt ]i~rls in seven (7) equal instai]m<~ts and~ wh~r~ adjustcd~ for ~}]e amoant fo~ uliich ~-~iu t&~es and/or s'~ac£al as~-6sq ~ l · - ~S fR~'{ft [eeq ~d- ju:ted by thc City Com,~dss~o~ Under ChapNr 1881+7, Laws of u,,~ ~cts of ]:'3,~ o':' ,:~ay be adjusted -~ t,~c~t,,umer, with interest at the ;'a.t~ of ~ time to time un:aiu, and wov~dcd that razes for the 3?eal' 1937 a~'( redeemod t,2 ~ PCllt ~'" '. ,~ ,]u aa -ncac~t ta .... and/or a,:}ecla] . ..... ~71 , )aid oy ~ ~ ~ ~'~ t<:lber 20~ 1938, ~,ad ai cquai ' -' ~ ..... ~Cn twelve o~1,-~ ~ spc'Cl~] assess~i~6nts a?e })aid in ~, ~ ~ Or. ill t ,~ )aydl(~ZlS b ~ ~ , ' ~-~ eul'r6nt ccrtffficates, deliniuent ta;~es and/or s:~ecia] ~ssessr, le:nts~ as in this ordlnanco '.~rovided~ an.d said delinquent rbl~ioates - s~ 1 ),~cc, u~ ~im:edi~tely subject to sal~ l'y the -.l o_ O~ -~,~u (~e~ 'lnlillO~]t ta}: CertifiCates of delinquent ta>; ]ians sha]] becoric sul:)jsct to foreclosure by the City. Sec sion 2.,~"~ lone,-~' hhe terms a,P,{ ~onditions prescribed by :~c:~on hereof ~u~ th~ r~d~'pt!orl o~ de!in- l~eat tax certificates a~d taxes and/or special a~e co~p]leO ~'Ith~ tile City 3~ Sa'~fo?l '~,: ~ot se]] ~' ' tax herein provided~ u-lC will lot foreclose aey oV said tax oer- tificates aad de]i~l~uer~h ta}i liens or soec S e c t i on .;~. ~ ...... Attest: City Cl{: rk