HomeMy WebLinkAbout274ORDINANCE NO :..274.~ _~ AN ORDINANCE GOVERNING ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION AND THE SALE, INSTALLATION, ~E, ~AINTE~ANCE, AND REPAIRS OF ELECTRICAL WIRING, APPARATus OR EQUIP~IENT FOR LIGHTS, HEAT OR POWER, INSIDE OF OR ATTACHED TO BUILD- INGS IN THE CITY OF SANFORD,FLORIDA, AND CREATING AND DESIGNATING THE BOARD OFEXAMINERS OF ELECTRICIANS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, AND DEFINING THE DUTIES AND POWERS OF SAID BOARD AND OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR AND PROVID- ING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS HEREOF. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: Section 1. That for the better protection of life and property, and in the interest of public safety, the following rules and regulations be and the same are here- by adopted for the sale, installation, use, maintenance and repairs of electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment for light, heat or power within the limits of the City of Sanford, or attached to the Public Utilities lines in sections which may become a part of the City in future years. CITY COMMISSION TO SUPERVISE AND CONTROL Section 2. The enforcement of said rules and regulations shall be under the control and Supervision of the City Commission of said City. DEFINITIONS Section 3. (a) The term "Electrical Construction,, as used in this Ordinance shall be held to include and govern all work and materials used in installing, -1- ,/ ? maintaining and ex,tending a system of electrical wiring for light, heat or power, and all appurtenances thereto, and all apparatus or equipment used in connection there- with, inside of or attached to any building or structure, lot or premises. (b) The term "Electrician. as used in this Ordinance shall be held to mean a person who is engaged in the trade or business of Electrical Construction as defined in paragraph (a) of this section. (c) The term "Master Electrician. as used in this Ordinance shall be held to mean a person who possesses the necessary qualifications, training and technical know- ledge to plan, lay out and supervise the installation of electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment for light, hea~ or power, as covered by the terms and provisions of this Ordinance. (d) The term "Journeyman Electrician, as used in this Ordinance shall be held to mean a person who possesses the necessary qualifications, training and technical knowledge to install electrical wiring, appara- tus or equipment for light, heat or power, as covered by the terms and provisions of this Ordinance, in accordance with plans and specifications furnished to him, and in accordance with standard rules and regulations governing SUCh work. -2- EXAMINING BOARD Section 4. (a) There shall be a Board of Examiners of Electricians consisting of three members, one of whom shall be the Building Inspector, a second member who shall be a Master Electrician, and a third member who shall be a Journeyman Electrician, and it shall be the duty of said Board to examine and pass upon the qualifications of all persons who desire to engage in the trade or business of Electrical Construc- tion within the limits of the City of Sanford. The said second and third members of said Board of Examiners shall be appointed by the City Commission for the term of one year from the first day of January in the year of appoint- ment, and thereafter annually before the first day of January of each year, for terms of one year each, or until their successors are appointed and confirmed, as provided herein; provided that no member of said Board of Examiners other than the Building Inspector shall hold office for more than two (2) successive terms. Each member of said Board, except the Building Inspector, shall receive for t~heir compensation the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) for each examination given, which shall be paid from the funds pro- vided for the operating of the Electrical Inspection De- partment of the City of Sanford, and in no case will an examination be given unless all three members of the Board are present. -3- ~A~_~~O~~ (b) The said Board of Examiners shall examine T~7.~all applicants desiring to work at the trade or business of Electrical Construction and making proper application for such examination, as Master Electrician or Journeyman Electrician. Examinations shall be conducted at the office of the Building Inspector, and for Master Electricians shall be held on the second Wednesday in January, April, July, and October of each year; and for Journeyman Electricians shall be held on the second Wednesday of each calendar month. No examinations shall be held at any other time unless the day designated is a legal holiday, in which event the examinations shall be held on the succeeding day. The Board of Examiners shall examine applicants as to their practical knowledge of Electrical Construc- tion, as defined in this Ordinance. Examinations shall be made in whole or in part in writing, and shall be of practical and elementary character, but sufficiently strict to test the qualifications of the applicant, and to sat- isfy the Board as to the applicant's ability as an electri- cian and his familiarity with the rules and regulations governing Electrical Construction. If satisfied as to the competency of such applicant, the Boar~ shall issue to him a Certificate of Competency authorizing him to engage in or work at the trade or business of Electrical -4- Construction, as a Master Electrician or Journeyman Electrician. (c) All examinations of Journeyman Electri- cians shall consist of questions which pertain to the qualifications of a Journeyman Electrician, as defined in this Ordinance, which are contained in the National Electrical Code, and/or the special provisions of this Ordinance. Examinations of Master Electricians shall be of the same general character as set forth in the foregoing sentence, but shall be more broad and techni- cal in scope, and may cover details of construction which are not fully covered by the National Electrical Code or the provisions of this Ordinance, but which relate to the standard engineering practice pertaining to the qualifi- cations of a Master Electrician, as defined in this Ordinance. All written examinations shall be of identical character for electricians of the same classification being examined during the same examination period. Ver- bal examinations need not be of identical character, but shall be of the same general scope for electricians of the same classification. Past experience in the trade or business of Electrical Construction, as defined in this Ordinance, shall be deemed a~ qualifying factor in deter- mining the applicant,s ability as an electrician, but no definite length off'time fixed as an essential require- ment governing the granting of a Certificate of Competency required to gain such experience shall be to such appli- cant as hereinbefore provided. (d) The fee for a Certificate of Competency for a Master Electrician shall be Fifty Dollars ($50.00); for a Journeyman Electrician shall be Two Dollars ($2.00). Said Certificate shall be valid for the term of one year, but the same can and may be renewed without further exam- ination if application is mede to said Board for renewing of same not less than thirty days before the expiration of sa~d Certificate. The fee for renewing same shall be One Dollar ($1.00). Ail moneys received hereunder shall be paid into the fund provided for the operation of the Electrical Inspec~ienDepartment of said City. UNLAWFUL FOR PERSONS NOT CERTIFIED ELECTRICIANS TO INSTALL OR REPAIR ELECTRICAL WIRING, APPARATUS OR EQUIPMENT Section 5. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person, not a Certified Electrician in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance, to do any electrical construction, or make repairs, alterations, additions or changes to any existing system of electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment for light, heat or power within the limits of the City of Sanford, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section. -6- (b) The following work may be performed for their employers by regular employees of Public Utility Companies, who are regularly engaged in the manufacture and/or distributiorkof electrical energy for light, heat or power, or regularly engaged in the operation of said signaling system or in the transmission of intelligence, although such employees are not Certified Electricians, in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, and provided that all such work shall be performed under the supervision of the duly authorized officials of the Utility. 1st. Outside construction work, either overhead or underground. £nd. The installation and maintenance of underground service conductors and all primary services, service equipment and/or metering equipment on consumer premises. 3rd. The installation and maintenance of electrical wiring apparatus and equipment necessary for the operation of the Utility, in Central stations, sub-stations, plants or exchanges owned or occupied by such Public Utility Companies. ELECTRICIANS TO BE EXAMINED Section 6. Every Master and Journeyman Electri- cian, before carrying on this trade or business in the City of Sanford, shall appear in person before the Board of Examiners of Electricians, and pass an examination as to his competency as provided in Section 4 of this Ordinance. -7- ~STER ELECTRICIAN TO FURNISH BOND 6k. Before a Certificate as Master Section z Electrician is issued to any Applicant, as provided in Section 4 of this Ordinance, he shall file with the City Clerk a Surety Bond payable to the City of Sanford, in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.). Said Bond shall be executed by a Surety Company licensed to do business in the State of Florida, and shall be conditioned as follows: That the principal therein shall protect said City and/or owner or owners of premises upon which said principal does any work, against all loss or damageoccasioned by the negligence of said principal in failing to premptly execute and protect all work done by him, or his employees, or under his direction or supervision; and from all loss or damage occasioned by or arising in any manner from any such work done by said principal or his employees, or under his direc- tion or supervision, which is not caused by negligence of said City, its agents or employees; and that said principal therein shall keep and observe all ordinances at any time in force in said City relating in any way to Electrical wiring and/or installations, and only while said principal is in the employ of self or -$- others. The said Bond shall be for the benefit of all persons injured or aggrieved by any violation of or neglect to observe the electrical laws of the City of Sanford, or the rules and regulations es- tablished under the authority of such laws and ordi- nances. Any person, firm, or corporation injured in person or property by reason of the breach of said Bond may maintain a suit or action thereon in the name of the City for such injury and several re- coveries may be had thereon, provided that said recoveries do not, in the aggregate amount, exceed the amount of said Bond. Said Bond shall be renewed at the end of each license year. -9- ~ASTER ELECTRICIANS TO BE LICENSED Section 7. It shall be required of every per- son obtaining a Master Electriciants Certificate, before engaging in the business of Master Electrician, to pay to the City Tax Collector the amount provided for said occupation according to the license ordinance then in effect. WHEN L ~ ICENSES EXPIRE Section 8. All licenses shall expire on and shall be null and void after September 30th of any year, and no electrical work shall be done by and no permits shall be issued to any Master Electrician who has not such license, as hereinbefore provided, in full force and effect. NASTER ELECTRICIAN NOT TO ALLOW THE USE O? HIS NANE Section 9. No licensed Master Electrician shall allow his name to be improperly used by any person or party, directly or indirectly, either for the purpose of obtaining a permit, or to do any work under his license. CERTIFIED ELECTRICIANS REQUIRED ON ELECTRICAL WORK Section 10. No Master Electrician shall employ any person on any Job in the capacity of an Electrician, without such person being in the possession of a Certifi- cate of Competency as provided for in Section 4 of this Ordinance. Provided, that nothing in this Ordinance shall be held to prohibit the working of helpers or apprentices on any Job of electrical construction, when the work of such helpers or apprentices is performed under the per- sonal supervision of a Certified ~lectriciano APPLICATIONS TO BE MADE Section ll. Before any electrical wiring or the installation of electrical apparatus or equipment for light, heat or power, within or attached to any building or structure, either public or private, within the limits of the City of Sanford, a written application must be made to the Building Inspector by the Master Elec- trician installing the work, and permit when issued shall be to such applicant. The application on large and con- plicated Jobs shall be accompanied by a complete set of plans, specifications, and schedules, as may be necessary to determine whether the installation as described will be in conformity with the requirements of this Ordinance. If it shall be found that the installation as described will in general conform with the requirements of this Ordinance, and if the applicant has complied with all the provisions of this Ordinance, a permit for such installation shall be issued provided, however, that the issuance of the permit shall not be taken as per- mission to violate any of the requirements of this Ordi- nance. The permit when issued shall be for such installa- tion as is described in the application, and no deviation shall be made from the installation so described without the permission of the City Electrician- PERMITS of Public Utility Companies, as of this Ordinance, and further of damaged or broken fixtures, and the Section 12. (a) A permit will be required to do any electrical construction of any character, stall any electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment, or to make any extensions or changes to existing systems of wiring for light, heat or power, within the limits of the City of Sanford, excepting work done by employees permitted by Section 5 excepting the repairing apparatus or equipment o~dinary work necessary for the proper mainten- ance of same. PER~ITS OF M~STER ELECTRICIANS (b) Permits to do electrical work will be issued to Master Electricians only who are duly qualified -12- under the provisions of this Ordinance to engage in the trade or business of electrical construction in the City of Sanford. INSPECTION FEES (c) Before any oermit is granted for the in- stallation or alteration of electric wiring, device or equipment, the Master Electrician making application for such permit shall pay to the City of Sanford a fee in such amount as specified below: (1) Concealed work: For each outlet, including outlets for wall switches flush or surface type, or for pendant switches - $.05. (2) Open work: For the wiring to each fixture, drop or receptive device or to each wall switch, or pendant switch not attached to fixture, including fixtures, drops or receptive devices and switches when installed at same time as wiring - $.05. (3) Lighting Fixtures: For each lighting fixture, not including drop lights, wall or flush receptacles or other receptive devices not having soldered Joints - $.05 For each drop light, wall or flush recep- tacle or other receptive device not having soldered Joints - $.03 (4) Fans: For each ceiling or bracket fan permanently attached to circuit wires - $.15 (5) Motors: For each electrical motor of three-fourths horsepower or less operating at a potential of 600 volts or less - $.25 For each electrical motor of over three- fourths horsepower and not over five horse- power operating at a potential of 600 volts -13- or less - $.50 For each electrical motor horsepower operating at a 600 volts or less - $1.00 of over five potential of For each "high potential" motor oper- ating at a potential of over 600 volts, regardless of horsepower - $3.00 (6) Generators: For each "low potential" electrical generator 600 volts or less, of not over i K.W. capacity, including switch boards, in- struments, and other accessories - $.50 For each "low potential" electrical generator, 600 volts or less, of over i K.W. capacity, and not over 5 K.W. capacity, including switch boards, instruments and other accessories - $1.00 For each ,low potential" electrical generator, 600 volts or less, of over 5 K.W. capacity, including switch boards, instruments, and other acces- sories - $1.50 For each ,high potential" electrical generator, over 600 volts, including switch boards, instruments and other accessories, regardless of capacity - $3.00 (7) ~otor Generator Sets: For each electrical motor generator set when motors are directly conuected to genera- tors, the same fees shall be charged as fixed for motors and generators, separ- ately, of like capacity and potential. For each set of storage batteries for light, hea~ or power, installed in connection with generator sets - $1.00 (8) Eectifiers: For each rectifier of less than i K.V.A. capacity - $.25 For each rectifier of more than i K.V.A. and not more than 5 K.W. capacity - $.50 For each rectifier of more than 5 K.V.A. capacity - $1.00 (9) Transformers: For each trans- former where the primary potential exceeds 600 volts - $1.00 ~_2~h~t~ansfor~er where the primary ~n~a~ aoes not exceed 600 volts (not including instrument transformers, bell ringing transformers, or others of similar type) - $.50 For each bell ri~ging transformer - $.15 (10) Cooking and Heating Devices: For each electrical cooking or heating device, consuming more than 600 watts of energy - $.25 (11) Electric Signs: For each elec- trically illuminated sign re~uiring less than 1650 watts of energy - $.50 For each electrically illuminated sign requiring more than 1650 watts of energy and less than 3330 watts of energy - $1.00 For each electrically illuminated sign requiring more than 3330 watts of energy - $2.OO (12) Flasher: For each "flasher, used in connection with electrically illuminated signs - $.25 (13) Changes or alterations: For changes or alterations such as install- ing new service wires, changing centers of distribution or installing new meter connections - $.50 (14) Nlscellaneous: For miscellan- eous permits such as general repairs to defective wiring systems or installing temporary work - $.50 (15) No permit shall be issued for a fee of less than fifty cents ($.50) ex- cept as specified in paragraph 16 (16) For the inspection of any electri- cal equipment for which no fee is herein prescribed, there shall be charged for each hour a fee of One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50) (17) On all Jobs of wiring for light, exclusive of service and switch, only where not more than five outlets are installed, no permit fee will be charged, provided that the proper ap- plication is made to the Building In- spector and a permit issued, all such permits will be marked "No Charge,. CLASSIFICATION OF ~ETER SERVICE Section 13. For the purpose of this Ordinance to regulate the issuing of permits, each recording watt- hour meter and all feeder wires, sub-feeder wires and branch circuit wires connecting to same shall be con- strued as one meter service, and a separate permit must be obtained for work requiring a permit performed on each such meter service. RULES AND REGULATIONS - GENERAL Section 14. All electrical construction and ail materials and appliances used in connection with the installation, maintenance and operation of electrical wiring, apparatus, or equipment for light, heaZ, or power, within the limits of the City of Sanford, shall conform to such special rules and regulations as may be embodied in this Ordinance or as may be adopted as here- inafter provided, and shall conform with approved methods of construction for safety to life or property. The regulations as laid down in the National Electrical Code -16- as approved by the American Standards Association, and the National Safety Code, as approved by the American Standards Association, and other installation and safety regulations approved by the American Standards~oication shall be prima facie evidence of such approved methods. APPROVED ~ATERIALS, DEVICES OR APPLIANCES Section 15. No electrical materials, devices, or appliances, designed for attachment to or installa- tion on any electrical circuit or system, for light, heat, or power shall be installed, used, sold or offered for sale, for use in the City of Sanford, unless they are in conformity with approved methods of construction for safety to life and property. Conformity of electrical materials, devices, or appliances with the standards of Underwriter,s Labor- atories, Inc. as indicated by the lists of Inspected Electrical Appliances published and distributed by the said Underwriter,s Laboratories, Inc. or with other standards approved by the American Standards Associa- tion, shall be prima facie evidence that such electrical materials, devices or appliances comply with the require- ments of this Ordinance. The maker,s name, trade mark or other identi- fication symbol shall be placed on all electrical materials, devices or appliances, sold, installed, or -17- used under the provisions of this Ordinance, together with such other markings giving voltage, current, wattage, or other appropriate ratings as are prescribed in the National Electrical Code, or as may be necessary to determine the character of the material, devices or equipment, and the use for which it is intended. METAL CONDUIT AND FITTINGS Section 16. All metal conduit and fittings, unless of corrosion resisting metal, shall be galvanized, sheradized or shall have an equivalent coating of corro- sion resisting metal. SERVICE WIRES Section 17. All service wires supplying cur- rent for light, heat or power to any building within the City of Sanford, or on lines of the Public Utili- ties outside of the City, whether for underground or overhead connection, shall be installed in rigid metal conduit, or shall be multiple conductor cables approved for the purpose. SAFETY SWITCHES REQUIRED Section 18. Knife switches operating at a potential of 600 volts or less, except on switchboards -18 - or panel-boards accessible to qualified persons only, shall be of the externally operable, enclosed type with proper markings to show when the switch is on the "on" or ,off, position. WIRING OF MOTORS Section 19. (a) Since the characteristics (voltage and phase) of the service available in differ- ent localities vary, it is necessary to consult the Public Utility Company before any motor installations are made in order to determine the character of service avail- able for a particular installation. The Public Utility Company will also furnish advice and assistance to customers in the selection of proper motors for the load to be served, but such advice shall not impose any liability on the Public Utility Company. (b) In general, alternating current motors up to and including ~ H.P. may be connected to a 115 volt single phase service. (c) Motors above ½ H.P. and up to and in- cluding i H.P. in general may be connected to a 230 volt, 2 wire or at 230 volts to a 115/230 volt 3 wire single phase service. (d) Motors above I H.P. and up to and in- cluding 5 H.P. may be connected to a 230 volt 2 wire or at 230 volts to a 115/230 volt, 3 wire, single phase service providing 3 phase service is not already available. Motors above 5 H.P. shall be 3 phase if such service is available. Single phase motors in excess of 5 H.P. may be installed only upon the written approval of the Public Utility Company. (e) All motors over 2 H.P. shall be equipped with suitable starting devices to limit the maximum starting current within the values contained in the National Electrical Code. The starting device may be built into the motor, such as rotor resistance, double squirrel cage, high resistance rotor, or star delta connection if the installation is equipped with a starting switch having over load and undervoltage pro- tection in accordance with the rules and regulation. of the National Board of Fire Underwriters and gov- ermental authoritie~ or the device may be an approved motor starting compensator with similar protection. (f) All electric motors larger than 50 H.P. where operating conditions are feasible, must be of a synchronous type, with a power factor arrangement ap- proved by the Public Utility Company or its authorized representative. -20- WIRING OF GARAGES, FILLING STATIONS, ETC. Section 20. All wiring conducting current for light, heat or power, where installed underground or under floors in any garage or filling station or other building or structure in the City of Sanford where pumps or piping systems containing gasoline or other inflamable volatile liquids are installed or used, shall have a lead covering over outer braid of such wires; and where outlet boxes or Junction boxes are installed in floors or side- walks at such locations and contain Joints in the conduc- tors terminating in or passing through such boxes, then all such outlet or Junction boxes shall be of explosion re- sisting construction which will prevent flammable volatile liquids from coming in contact with Joints in wires con- tained in such boxes in the event of leakage or overflow of such liquids from pumps or piping systems. No conduit. smaller than 3/4 inch will be permitted for underground wiring of filling stations. The requirements of this section are to be con- sidered as supplementary to the requirements of the National Electrical Code for Class I hazardous locations. MINIMUM WATTAGE REQUIRED FOR BRANCH CIRCUITS Section 21. In the wiring of new buildings or the installation of new wiring in old buildings or additions thereto, or in the remodeling or alteration of old wiring, where more than 50% of the existing in- stallation is remodeled or changed, the minimum wattage required in all buildings shall meet the requirements of Article 210 of the National Electrical Code except where a dwelling has 500 square feet or less, then at least one outlet must be installed in each room. T~:~PORARY WIRING Section 22. Temporary wiring: When permitted: The Building Inspector may issue permits for the instal- lation and use of "approved ,, systems of "temporary" wiring for light, heat or power, or for decorative lighting when proper application is made for same and there exists a reasonable necessity for such use, provided that no such temporary wiring shall be allowed to remain in service for a period longer than ninety (90) days after date of permit. FUSES Section 23. (a) That it shall be unlawful for any person to bridge a fuse block or switch with wire or coin, or fuse any conductor above its rated carrying capacity. That fuse must be plainly marked with the number of amperes it is designated to carry. Any person violating this section shall be subject to the penalty hereinafter provided. (b) In case of emergency, a licensed elec- trical contractor or his employees may break the seal to replace the fuse, but in such case the Public Utili- ties must be notified immediately. (c) No Job of wiring for lights, heat or power will be accepted on a final inspection unless the proper fuses have been installed, complete set of fuses to be installed by electrician hanging fixtures. PRIVATE PLANTS Section 24. (a) All wiring or apparatus for light, heat or power in premises of whatever nature, in locations within the City limits, which is to be sup- plied with current from a private plant where current is furnished by means of motor-generator sets, or otherwise, may be arranged and connected so as to operate on any approved system of wiring, whether A.C. or D.C. two or three wire, subject to all other provisions of this Ordinance. (b) No person, firm,.corporation or association -23- in the City of Sanford shall furnish or supply any other person, firm or corporation with any electric current in the City of Sanford, unless such person, firm, corporation or association shall have received a franchise so to do from the City of Sanford. WIRING OF COLD STORAGE PLANTS, ETC. Section 25. In the wiring of refrigerators, ice boxes, cold storage plants and rooms or building of a similar character all wires for light, heat or power shall be installed in rigid, galvanized metal conduit and galvanized metal outlet boxes, cut-out and distribution cabinets, fittings, etc. Conduits must be installed in such a manner that they will drain to outlets and cabinets. Conductors must have approved ,,National EleC- trical Code Standard" rubber insulation, and in addition thereto must have a lead sheath or covering over outer braid. At outlets of Junction boxes, and cabinets where it is necessary to remove the lead sheath from conductors for the purpose of making Joints, taps or terminal con- ~ections, the conductors and exposed ends of lead sheath must be covered with a close fitting wrapping of best grade rubber tape, securely held in plac~ by an outer wrapping of friction tape, and thoroughly painted with P. & B. compound or other approved waterproof insulating paint or varnish. All sockets or receptacles shall be of the key- less weatherproof type, and all fixtures or fittings shall be of weatherproof or damp-proof construction. BELL TRANSFORMERS Section 26. All Bell Ringing Transformers must be located at the center of distribution. SERVICE WIRES~O BE INSTALLED BY ELECTRICIANS DOING INSIDE WORK Section 27. All service wires inside of build- ing for supplying electrical current for light, heat or power, shall be installed by the electrician or elec- tricians doing the inside wiring, except where service wires are to be primary, or connected or underground wiring system. Then the electrical department of the Public Utility Company may install the service wires and meter equipment to the main service switch inside of building, provided that when service wires are installed by the electrical department of the Public Utilities, they shall be installed in accordance with the rules and regulations of this Ordinance. SERVICE SWITCHES Section 28. (a) All service switches of whatever capacity or potential, must be installed by the owner or his agent, located as near the point of entrance of service wires as may be possible consider- ing the character of the building, and accessibility in case of fire or other reasons for opening the ser- vice switch and disconnecting the premises from the feeder mains. (b) The size and location of the service switch and fuse panel in each case will be determined by the Building Inspector, and such size and capacity in each case will be determined by the size and number of lamps, motors or other apparatus or equipment, connected to and controlled by said service switch. (c) ALservice switches operating at a poten- tial over 600 volts must be an automatic oil circuit- breaker with air break disconnect switches between oil circuit-breaker and supply lines. (d) On all service where more than 2 circuits are used circuits must be arranged to connect on 110-220 volt 60 cycle three wire distribution system. -26- ~ETER CONNECTIONS Section 29. (a) On all wiring for light, heat or power, on new work or where the service is to be changed or altered, in the City of Sanford, or on the Utilities line outside of the City Limits, and where the service does not exceed 100 amperes, approved outdoor meter boxes will be used, which will be connected on the supply side of the service switch and fuses. Outdoor meter box will be furnished by the Public Utility Company as part of the meter equipment. (b) Where the service is larger than 100 amperes and where not feasible to install outdoor meter boxes, the meter will be located ia a convenient and readily accessible place inside the building. (Neters located in enclosed or semi-enclosed rear porches, where they are not exposed to the weather, will be considered as being inside the building). The location of the meter loop will in each case be determined by the Building Inspector, and the arrangement of the wires, etc., forming the meter loop will be determined by the BUilding Inspector. (c) Master loops shall be provided by the owner or his agent for each meter to be installed. (d) No electrical meter will be permitted in -27- bath rooms, clothes closets, place. Meter boxes must be placed five over seven (7) feet, or in any inaccessible or safety switches and cabinets (5) feet from the floor, but not without special permission from the Building Inspector. (e) Meter boards used to mount service switches and meters must in each case be of a thickness not less than seven-eighths (?/$) of an inch thick, and project eighteen (18) inches above, two (2) inches on each side and two (2) inches on bottom, and where practical should be painted with a good grade of paint. (f) Meter Boxes: Where wooden boxes are used to enclose the meters, service Bitches and cabinets, they must have a clearance of eighteen (18) inches above, four (4) inches on each side, and four (4) inches on bottom, and must be not less than eight (8) inches deep. (g) Meter wires on bottom-connected meters must measure not less than fifteen (15) inches or more from top of switch box to ends. Where side connected meters are used, they must measure eighteen (18) inches or over. METERS INSTALLED OUTSIDE (h) Where meters, service switches, and r28- cabinets, are to be installed outside of buildings, and where ~meters are not to be enclosed in outdoor meter boxes, the box or enclosure must be of a non- corrosive and moisture resisting material, which shall meet the approval of both the Public Utility Company . and the Building Inspector. SERVICE ENTRANCE To BUILDING Section 30. The point of service entrance to building shall in each case be determined by the Public Utilities and the Building Inspector Jointly. PARKING LOTS, GOLF COURSES, TENNIS COURTS, ETC. Section 31. Where wires are to be run over- head and lights suspended from poles, all poles must be twenty (20) feet or more in length, set five (5) feet or more in the earth, and properly guyed with guy wire not smaller than one quarter (~) inch in diameter. Poles to have a "heart,, top of not less than four (4) inches in diameter. All wires must be not less than twelve (12) feet from the ground, and of a size not less than No. l0 Hard-drawn Weather- proof. Where lights are suspended between poles, they must be hung on approved hangers to a messenger U29- cable not smaller than one quarter (¼) inch diameter. All wires on poles must be supported by approved brackets and insulators. All meter loops, service switches, and cabinets must be installed in weather and moisture proof enclosure, subject to the approval of the Building Inspector and the Public Utility Company. WIRING~ETHODS. Section 32. (a) Approved or flexible con- duits, electric metallic tubing where approved by National Electric Code, surface metal raceways, under- floor raceways, cast-in-place raceways, wireways, and bushways shall be required for all wires used to con- duct Current for light, heat or power, in the wiring of new buildings and the rewiring of old buildings, the installation of new wiring in old buildings or additions thereto, in apartments having over three (3) apartments, churches, schools, theatres, public build- ings, Commercial buildings, manufacturing establishments and all garages, within the limits of the City of Sanford. (b) Armored cab]e, where accessible and hidden from view, and installed in an approved manner, may be -30- used for wiring for ~ights in show windows and show cases. (c) For the wiring of all other buildings not mentioned, any approved type of wiring will be permitted, including garage apartments, provided the garage is wired with rigid or flexible conduit run to first outlet in apartment. (d) Two locknuts, one inside and one out- side of boxes amd cabinets will be required on all conduit Jobs. ELECTRIC RANGE AND WATER HEATER WIRING Section 33. (a) Ail electric ranges and water heaters installed in the City of Sanford shall be installed according to and in strict compliance with the following specifications: 1st. Service Entrance Wiring- Shall consist of the following: Either underground or overhead connections shall be installed in rigid metal conduit or be multiple-conductor cables approved for the purpose, and in no case shall the service wires be smaller than No. 6 A.W.G. wire. Same to be installed with approved weatherproof fittings and in strict compliance with National Elec- trical Code Rules. The location of the outlet is to be designated by a repre- sentative of the Public Utility Company and the Building Inspector Jointly and may not be changed without special permission of both. 2nd. Meter Installations: The service conduit of other enclosures shall be run directly to an outdoor meter base or connection box (to be furnished bY the Public Utility Company). The location of 5his meter is t0 be designated by a repre~ sentative of the Public Utility Company and the Building Insoector Jointly and may not be changed with- out special permission of both. 3rd. Load Center: The "load cen- ter" or distribution assembly covered hereby shall consist of a sin&le metal cabinet containing service switch, fuse gaps and fuses of 60 amperes capacity or approved type circuit breakers designed for operation on 3 wire, 220-110 volt, single phase sys- tem; two (2) 31-60 ampere fuse gaps and fuses or circuit breaker for range cir- cuit; two (2) 0-30 fuse gaps and fuses or circuit breaker for water heater circuit; two (2) 0-30 ampere fuse gaps and fuses or circuit breaker for lighting sub feeder circuit and common neutral bus-bar or terminal block containing the required number of terminal connections; all of approved design and construction. ~th. Branch Cutouts: a) Range Circuit: Stmll consist of one 2 pole, 60 ampere, fuse block or circuit breaker. (b) ~ater Heater Circuit: Shall consist of one 2 pole, 30 ampere, plug fuse block or circuit breaker. (c) Lighting Branches: Shall con- sist of plug fuse cutouts or circuit breaker. Where house wiring is of modern type, with a metal clad safety switch, a two or three wire llne shall be run from new fuse cabinet to old light- ing switch, Where service wiring is knob and tube type the lighting branch cutouts must be placed in load center. -32- 5th. Fusing: (a) Range circuits: 35 ampere, cartridge or circuit breaker. (b) Water Heating Circuit: 20 ampere, plug fuse or circuit breaker. (c) Lighting Circuits: 15 ampere plug or circuit breaker; 30 ampere fuses or circuit breaker shall be used for run between load center cabinet and old light- ing cabinet. 5th. Branch Circuit Runs: (a) Range Circuit: Shall be of an approved type of non-metallic cable, with three stranded, No. 8 wires or approved type concentric cable. (b) Water Heater Circuit; Shall be approved type of non-metallic cable with two insulated, solid No. 12 wires. 7th. Grounding must be done according to National Electrical Code at meter box. 8th. Load Limitations and Voltage Requirements: (a) Electric Ranges: Maximum wattage 950~ voltage 115-230 three wire. ) Electric Water Heaters: Maximum wattage 3000, voltage 23?, two wire. (c~ Electric Heaters. Above 1650 watts must be connected to a 230 volt, two wire circuit, and are not orovided for in above specifications ~ (d) For any appliances with ratings exceeding the above limits the Public Utilities must be consulted and special arrangements will be made to take care of this equipment. 9th. Grounding: (a) Grounding must be done according to Article 9 of the National Electrical Code o (b) In addition to rules of Article 9 of the National Electrical Code all frames of electric ranges must be grounded by bonding neutral from meter box through load center to frame of range. -33- DUTIES AND PO~%RS OF BUILDING INSPECTOR Section 34. (a) It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to issue permits for, and in- spect all electrical wiring apparatus or equipment for lights, heat or power, inside of or attached to buildings within the limits of the City of Sanford, and to look after the enforcement of laws, rules, and regulations, relating to same, and to exercise a general supervision over all electrical construc- tion, and over all electricians licensed to carry on their business or trade under the provisions of this Ordinance. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use any electrical current in or through any wiring apparatus or fixtures for lights, heat or power in or on any building or structure within the limits of the City of Sanford until the same shall have been inspected and approved by the Building In- spector, and the Certificate hereinafter provided for shall have been issued therefor. (c) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation furnishing electric current for ligt~s, heat or power to connect his, their, or its distributing system with any installation of wiring -34- apparatus or fixtures in or on any building within the limits of the City of ~anford, without having first received written permission from the Building Inspector to furnish current for such wiring, apparatus or fix- tures. Such permission shall be given by the Building Inspector at any time after the Certificate hereinafter provided for shall have been issued. (d) When any electrical wiring, apparatus or fixtures covered by a permit shall be found on in- spection by the Building Inspector to conform to the rules and regulations provided by this Ordinance, the Building Inspector shall issue a final Certificate of Inspection certifying that the wiring, apparatus or fixtures have been inspected and found to comply with the terms of this Ordinance, but no such Certificate shall be issued until such equipment is made to con- form to such rules and regulations. (e) The Building Inspector may also before such certificate is issued give temporary permission to connect and furnish electric current to any wiring, apparatus or fixtures for a period of not exceeding ninety (90) days, if in his opinion, such wiring, apparatus or fixtures are in such condition that current may safely be connected therewith and there exists an urgent necessity for such use, when written application is filed with him requesting such permission. (f) The said Building Inspector is hereby empowered to inspect or re-inspect at his option, all interior wires and apparatus, conducting or using elec- tric current for lights, heat or power, and when said conductors or apparatus are found to be unsafe to life or property, he shall notify the person, firm or cor- poration owning, using or operating them, to place same in a safe and secure Condition within twenty-four (24) hours, or within such further time as the Building In- spector s~mll determine is necessary. (g) Whenever any wiring, apparatus or fix- tures conducting or using current for lights, heat or power is found upon inspection by the Building Inspector or one of his duly authorized assistants, to be especi- ally or fm~ediately hazardous to life and property, the said Building Inspector shall immediately open the switch or circuit breaker controlling the supply of current to such wiring, apparatus or fixture, and shall "post', in a conspicuous place near such switch or cir- cuit breaker, a notice, printed in red letters reading as follows: NOTICE WIRING CONDE~ED "The use of electric~current is pro- -36- hibited through this wiring or equip- ment until proper repairs have been made and approved by the Building In- spector. Repairs must be made by a licensed electrician and the Building Inspector must be notified when com- pleted.,, After such notice is posted as provided in the foregoing, no person shall close the switch or circuit breaker which has been opened by the Building Inspector, nor use nor attempt to use any current through such wiring, apparatus or fixtures which has been condemned, until necessary repairs have been made and approved by the Building Inspector. The Building Inspector may also notify the Public Utility Company or other person, firm or corporation furnish- ing current to such wiring, apparatu~ or fixtures to disconnect the supply wires and cut off the current from premises where such wiring, apparatus or fixture is located, and such supply wires shall be disconnected and the current cut off until necessary repairs are made, and approved by the Building Inspector. (h) Any person, firm or corporation failing or refusing to comply with any of the provisions of this -37- section shall be subject to the penalty hereinafter provided. INTERFERING WITH BUILDING INSPECTOR Section 35. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to hinder or interfere with the Building Inspector or any Assistant Building Inspector, in the discharge of his duties under this Ordinance. INSPECTION fF WORK Section 36. All plumbing and other piping or tube work must be in place on work to be concealed before the electrical wiring is inspected, and no such wiring will be considered as complete until all such plumbing or piping is in place. Upon making an inspection of any electrical wiring or equipment when same is found to have been installed in a satisfactory manner and in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, the Building Inspector shall place a notice at service switch or other suitable place stating that the electrical work has been inspected and found to be in accordance with the rules as prescribed and the provisions of this Ordinance. It shall be unlawful to lath, seal or in any manner conceal any electrical wiring or equipment until same has been inspected and the notice posted as herewith required. It shall be unlawful to cover or fill any switch or outlet box with plaster, cement or other materials. When the electrical work in any building for which a permit has been obtained, is ready for inspec- tion, notice in writing properly filled in, upon blanks furnished at the office of the Building Inspector, stating the location of the work, name of the owner, name of the Master Electrician having the permit, and the name of electrician doing the work, shall be given to the Building Inspector at his office. As soon as possible thereafter the Building Inspector will notify the electrician in charge of the work when he will inspect same and the Building Inspec- tor will test the work in the presence of the electri- cian in any manner necessary to satisfy the Building Inspector that~e work has been installed in a proper manner and in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, and with the plans and specifications pre- viously submitted and approved. Notice to inspect work must be given in the office for morning inspection before five o~clock P.M. the preceding day, and for afternoon inspections before -39- twelve o,clock A.M. the same day. A period of forty- eight hours, exclusive of Sundays and holidays, will be required in which to make inspection and report. After the entire completion of the work a notice, the same as the foregoing, shall be given the Building Inspector for a final inspection, and if he finds that the work has been satisfactorily done, he shall issue a final Certificate of Inspection upon the request of the Master Electrician holding the permit as provided for in Section 34-(d) of this Or- dinance. The Certificate does not relieve the elec- trician of his responsibility for any defective work which may have escaped the notice of the Building In- spector. All electrical work shall be done in a work- manlike manner, and to the entire satisfaction of the Building Inspector. INSPECTIONS. All wires at switch outlets on all Jobs must be shorted before a test will be made. All wires at every outlet must extend out six (6) inches or more. On all Jobs where wires are installed in conduit or -40- any wiring method which is to be installed before wires are pulled in, the following inspection must be made: 1st. When installed as a complete system without the wires, where to be con- cealed, must be inspected before covered. 2nd. After all plastering, etc., has been completed and wires pulled in, Joints made up, soldered, etc., leaving outlets for fixtures, an insulation resistance test will be made. 3rd. Upon completion of Jobs with all conduits, wires, fixtures, fuses, receptacles, etc., in place, a final in- spection will be made, giving an insula- tion test on wiring in fixtures. In each case contractor doing wiring will be held responsible for resistance test on wiring, and contractor installing fixt~res will be held responsible for insulation test on wires in fixtures. ELECTRICAL WORK NOT TO BE DELAYED. Section 37. It shall be the duty of a Ma~ter Electrician to construct and complete all electrical work entrusted to his care without unreasonable delay, and with all possible diligence. SPECIAL RULES A~D REGULATIONS. Section 38. (a) All bracket lights or drop lights installed or used within seven (7) feet of basins, sinks, toilets, or bath tubs, or any room which has a floor which is permanently damp or installed or -41- used in any location, where, when operating them, on~ is liable to come in contact with any grounded objects, such as gas or water pipe or other grounded metal work, must be controlled by a flushstyle wall switch. ELECTRIC SIGNS (b) All store buildings must be provided with a run of conduit of a size not smaller than one- half (9) inch. Run from distribution panel to front of building to take care of electric signs. It will not be necessary to install wires if not needed ~d in no case will outdoor electric signs be permitted to be connected to show window lighting. EXTRA PENALTY AFFECTING ELECTRICIANS Section 39. Any Naster or Employing or Jour- neyman Electrician wilfu~ly violating any of the pro- visions of this Ordinance shall forfeit his license for a period of not less than ten (10) days, nor more than one (1) year, as may be determined by a majority of the members of the Board of ~xaminers, hereinbefore provided for, after a thorough and proper investigation of the facts~ and the said license shall be revoked for the period so determined. -42 - PENALTY FOR VIOLATION Section 40. any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall upon conviction be- fore the Nunicipal Court be punished by a fine not less than Five Dollars ($5.00), nor more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days. Section 41. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 42. That this ordinance shall be- come effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this .lOthday of _~__ A. D. 1938. Attest: City Clerk As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. -43- I, F. S. Lamson, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby certify that a true copy of foregoing Ordinance No. 2?4, passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanfo~d, Florida, on the 10th d~y of October, 193E, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of S~nford, Florida, on this the 1Sth day of October, 19~E. City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida.