HomeMy WebLinkAbout275 WHi.V.i~b, the City of Sanl'oro~ Florie~, now has de].i}lquent ta} cePtificaT6s a~'-la de]i~qucrlt t~lx ]i{ns agaimlst orooerty as. ess~o by i~ f't,r ~:iA~. ~;'~e -~OW, %[i~i POhE~ ~ IT ~.NACTED i~Y T[L;_ ?a. OPLZ OF TH.h CITY OF ~ection ]. That th{ orner~ of any real oron~rty or ~:he hold,~2o of ]i~ns aj. ai. nat any r~a] r~ro~erty in the Cit7 of [far, Ford, F].orlOs, again 1. sNJcl the City of San- sa~(.) C~ty ,'nd/or sut. c~a] ~::sessincnt ]~:ns fop nublie v 'e~ : dJnslc?ci~ ~'or ~;]i~ nr:c~int fop N~eh ai{ !:xes ;no/or 'Pov]:.£(}~ I s t on op h~foT'e tn /'~':t ~;~,f of December?-:l:::.~,~ :'~ t,)cs are maid before said ta:~es assessed subsequent to the year 1938 become delinquent a-ad ~]ntil said de]im!uent taxes and/or smecial assessments are oaic in full. Default in the makin7 of any of t]~e ~aMments herein- before orovided for at th~ time r~quired hereunder to be paid, shall i~ediate]y revoke the right to ~ay said delinquent taxes anm/or soecial assessments as in this ordinance provided and ~e]i~]quent tax certificates become i~ediately subject to sale by the City of or said delinquent tax certificates and/or delinquent liens and/or svecial assessm.t~t ]i,-+ns shall become Ject to i~ediate forec]os~_~re by the City of San~orm. Section 2. As lon~, as the t~r~s and conditions prescribed by Section ] hereof for the redemption of linquent tax certificates and ta~es anm/or special sessments are complied v~ith, t~]e City of Sanford v,i]l ~]ot sell the tax certificates a~[ai~st any ~roDerty which being redeemed as herein aroviced, and will not any of said tax certificstes and delinquent tax ].ien~ special assessment liens. Section 3. That ar].¥ ordinane~s or ~arts of or~i~- nances in conflict herew~it~a be and t~e same are reoealed. Section 4. That this ordinanc~ shall become ~= uz zore cmn u :, u~. ~a~zoz'ct~ Floricl.~ o~ thi~ Che ~th ~y of DeoemSer~ C~ty Clerk of the City of~ 8anford, Florida.