HomeMy WebLinkAbout276ORDII~ANOE NO. 276. ~ SEOTIO~ 1. DEfiNITIONS: (a) The term ~new car ~ealer# when use~ herein shall be construe~ to ln- clu~e every lndiviaual, partnershiP, corporation or trust l~el~ing a new motor car agency or franchise sell- ing new motor cars, who take use~ automobiles or other use~ motor vehicles in exchange or in part payment for new autemo~iles, or other motor vehicleS, but do not purchase use~ automobllee, or other use~ motor vehicleS, for cash er an equivalent medium of exchange. (b) The term ~new car salesman" when use~ herein shall be construe~ to inclu~[e every person who is employe~ by a new motor car ~ealer, ~uly llcense~ by the City of Banfor~, on either a salary or commission basle, or both, who acts as agent for or in behalf of ~uoh new car sealer in conaucting, negotiating for, or effecting purchases, sales or exchanges of new arxl use~ automobiles or other use~ vehicles. -1- (c) The terme ~use~ car ~ealere an~ auee~t car ·ales~ane shall be conet~ue~ to include every person who may engage in or carrY on the business of selling uee~ or secon& han~ car~ un,er a license iseue~ by the OitY of Sanfor~, who are not embrace~ in the e~assification of a new motor car ~ealer aa herein ~efine~. (~) The term ePers°ns when uee~ herein shall be cone~U~ to include any individual, association of ln~ivi~uale, partnershiP, corporation, or trust, engage~ in or carrying on any of the businesses herein referre~ SEOTION 2. I~o person shall hereafter engage in the ~ueiness or occupation of anew car &ealer,~ without first complying with the provisions of this ordlnance, an~[ without first procuring a license there- ~or in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 225, provi~e~ that new car salesmen employe~ by new car ~ealerS ~hall not be require~ to pay an occupational license tax hereun~er- SECTION 3. Every use~ car dealer shall pay a license tax of Tl~ee Bun~eed Dollars ($200.00) per SEC~XON 4. ~alesmen or representatives of agencies for or ~ealerS in new and/or uee~ motor cars representing agencies or ~ealers, not license~ to do business in the Olty of ~nfor~, $~ll each pay a~ual license t~ of One ~n~e~ ~llare ($100.00). 5EO~O~ 5. Before any license e~ll be lssue~ to ~Y applicant for a license ~ ~o business as a new car ~ealer, such applicant shall ~rst satisfy ~e OitY Olerk ~t t~ premises on w~ he inten~e ~ ~o busi- ness a~ lmprove~ sufficiently ~ confo~ ~ t~ follo~ ing ~m~ sanitation an~ service eq~pment stan~r~e: (a) ~_~itation ~tan~r~. ~re eh~l be ins~l~ an~ ~intainea on'such pre.see at least one (1) water closet an~ one (1) encloee~ Ina suitabls shelter, conetructea In accor~nce with the bull~ ~ ~e of the Olty of ~nfora, an~ ~ving proper water supply ~a sewer connections as proviaea In t~ pl~bing coae of the Olty of 5anfor~, t~ ~ll~ng to be uses for eal~ pur~ee ~ve installea ~erein sewage connections for ~ainage ana sanitary p~posee, sewage connections to be ~e as proviae~ the pl~bing co~e of ~e Oity of 5~for~. (b) Service EQuipment ~tandard~. There shall be maintained on such premises a build- ing constructed ih accordance with the pro- visions of the building code of the City of 5anford having equipment and floor space suf- ficient to service and repair at least three (5) motor vehicles at the same time, and also additional space for the storage of at least five (5) automobiles, and with proper sewage connections for drainage and sanitary purposes. ~aid sewage connections to be made as provide& in the plumbing code of ~he City of Sanfor&. (c) Every new car dealer shall maintain and keep open during reasonable business hours a permanent place of business in the City of Sanford, Florida, conforming to ~he minimum ~equirements as to sanitation and service equip- ment as herein specified, and shall faithfully comply and conform to and with all rules, regu- lations and ordinances of the City of ~anfor&, ~lorlda, now existing or that may be hereafter enacted with respect to the handling, storing and selling of gasoline, oils and other highly tmfl~mmable materials. BECTION 6. It shall be the duty of each new car dealer and used car dealer to furnish to the Olty Clerk a list of all used oar salesmen employed by him and to notify the City Clerk promptly of any changes in his sales personnel. BECTION 7. Every licensed new car dealer and used car dealer shall keep a permanent book or record in which he shall keep a record of the ac- quisition, sale, exchange, or receipt for t~he pur- pose of sale, of any second hand motor vehicle, a description of each such vehicle which shall include the motor number, serial number, title certificate number and tag number, together with the name and address of the seller, of the purchaser, and of the alleged owner or other person from whom such vehicle was acquired, or to whom it was sold and delivered, as the case may be, and shall furnish a daily report of such information to the Chief of Police of the City of Sanford not later than 11:~0 o~clo~k on the morning of the second day succeeding that on which said v®hiclee are acquired or received, or sold or delivered as the case may be. ~aid book or record shall at all times be kept available and accessible for inspection by the public. Any and all used cars in the possession of such dealer shall be subject to inspection at all times and if upon such inspection any law enforcement officer shall have reasonable cause ~o believe that any such vehicle so inspected is mtolen property, it shall be his duty to segregate such vehicle and it shall thereafter be unlawful for the per- son in possession of such vehicle to remove or dispose of same until after the lapse of ten days after the date of such inspection, unless sooner authorized so to do by the inspecting law enforcement officer. SECTION 8. It shall be the duty of each new car dealer and used car dealer to make diligent inquiry and to carefully inspect each and every used automobile or other used motor vehicle acquired or received by him and displayed on his premises for the purpose of sale or delivery to determine whether such vehicle has ever been burned, or involved in a wreck necessitating frame or body repair work as a consequence thereof, and to affix to the windshield of each such motor vehicle so displayed by him a conspicuous windshield sticker measuring not less than · inches by 6 inc~es on the face of which shall be stated in letters legible at a distance of ten feet that such vehicle either has or has not been so burned or wrecked, as the case may be. SECTION 9. The violation of any of the pre- visions of this ordinance shall be deemed and construed to be a separate and distinct offense from day to day subjecting the offender to separate prosecutions for each and every day any of the provisions of this ordi- ~e may be violated. SECTION 10. Any pereon violating any of the prOViSions of This ordinance shall up&n conViCtion of be p~she~ b~ a fl~ of not ~re than $200.00 or ~mpr~so~en~ for not more than s~xtY ~ys, or b~ both such fine an~ 5~C~OM 11. ~e or~n~ce le ~eeme~ ~ be an emer~ene~ meaeure enacte~ un,er t~ police ~wer for t~ p~tection an~ ~eneral ~elfa~'e of the citizens of ~e Oi~ of ~nfor~, ~orl~a, an~ s~ll t~e effect l~e~atelY upon ire a~option. ~OT~ON lB. All or~nances an~ parts of ordnances in conflict with t~s ordnance, be the e~e are hereby repeale~- paeee~ an~ aaopte~ %~e ~ ~Y of ~ ~_~--~{~s'ion Of the City of ~anford, Florida. lty lerk rid~, hereby certify ~ ~f Deoembe# ~am~u,,~ ^f foregozng ud~.d Florida, ~ ~ the CitY of oa .... 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