HomeMy WebLinkAbout279 ~ ORD~ANC~ ?OP~DDING TH~ BUrNInG Og C~TAi~ CO~_ ~G ~ P~L~ ~0~ ~ F~OLAT~0~ OP T~ O~D~N~CE' B~ IT E~ACTED BY ~ ~EOPLE O~ T~ CITy OF ~O~D~ ELO~IDA: Section 1. T~t it shall be ~la~fu1 for any flr~ o~ eo~po~atlon to burn trash~ l~be~ leaves~ O~ any Other C°abustlble mate~lal in any Street, avenue o~ alley In the City of Sanfo~d, Flo~ida, o~ In the Open on ~y vae~t o~ Othem lot of said City, P~OVlded, eve~, t~t ~hen, in the opinion of the Chief of the DeDa~tment of the City of Sanfopd, FloPida, SUch bu~niaE Wlll not be da~.e~ous o~ e°nstitute a menace to he may five his PemmlSSion for the b~uPni~ of SUch aate~_ /als on SUch Vacant o~ Othe~ lot, and )~ovlded fumthe~ that this seetlou Shall not apply to the bu~ain~ of SUch mater_ /als by the City of Sanfo~d Upon premises USed for that PUrpose. Seetlon 2. ~7 Pe~son, fi~m o~ eO~po~ation Convicted of Vlolat~n~ the P~OVisious of e . ueetlon 1 he~eof S~ll be Punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor than twenty_five dollats~ om b~ lmp~lsO~ent mo~e not than ten days. Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances i~ conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 4. That this ordinance shall become effec- tive immediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this l~th day of February _ , 1939. Attest: Mayor As the' City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. City Clerk