HomeMy WebLinkAbout278ORDINANCE NO. 278.. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CLEANLINESS OF ~ ALLEYS AND PRAISES IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ANI ING CERTAIN DUTIES AL~D CONFERRING C~TAIN POWERS UPON T~ OF THE FIRE DEPJ~RT~ENT IN RELATION THERETO, AND P~OVIDII PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. BE IT ENACTED BY ~ PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SAN~ FLORIDA: Section 1. That it shall be the duty of the o of any building to collect and remove daily, to a place lent for city garbage trucks, empty boxes, barrels, rub trash, waste paper, Section E. excelsior or other like combustible That no person or persons shall be to place ashes in any box, barrel, paper or wooden ves~ upon any wooden vessel or floor within any building or proximity thereto. Section 3. kept on the premises That no pmrson shall keep or perm: any oily waste or oily rage untes~ times when not actually in use such oily waste and oil] be kept in a metal can with self-closing cover end riw Joints, standing on metal legs which raise the bottom. container at least four inches above the floor, or kee mit to be kept on any premises any combustible trash o of any kind, but same shall be collected end removed as provide. in Section 1. Section 4. That ell owners or occupants of Buil~ngs ere required to permit the Chief of the Fire Department to in- spect or to have inspected their buildings or premises at any reasonable hour to see if the foregoing sections are complied with and it is hereby made the duty of the Chief of the Fire Department to make or cause to be made such inspection when- ever and wherever he may suspect a violation of the foregoing sections. Section 5. That any person found guilty of violation of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less then five dollars end not more th~n twenty-five dollars for each offense or by imprisonment for not more then ten de~s. Section $. That all ordiuances or parts of ~rdinance in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section ?. That this ordinance shall become effecti~ immediately upon its passage and Passed and adopted this . Atto st: - City Clerk adoption. 13th' day of Februar~ ,, City of Sanford, Florida