HomeMy WebLinkAbout281 A~ ORDIN~d~CE AMENDING SECTI0~T 1 OF ORDI1VA1VC] 252 OF ~E C~ 0F S~ORD' F~IDA, ~ITLED .~ ~D~ ~0VIDING ~T I~0 H~SE, C0~ ~ 0TH~ ~AZI~ ~ S, ~, P~NED, ~0US~ D~L~ HOUSE 0CCUPI~ S~0RD' FL~IDA, EXC~T ~0V~DING A P~TT F~ T~ VI0~TI0~ 0F TH~ ~DIN~CE PASSED ~ AD0~ED T~ ~ D~ 0F FLY,DA: BE ~T ~ACTED BY Section 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 252 the City of Sanford, Florida entitled "AN ORDINANCE l~0V~ T~LAT N0 ~0RSE, C0~' ~ 0~ ~AZING ~I~,~ S~L BE ~, ~, HOUSED ~ ST~ ~I~IN 0~ ~ED FE~ 0F ~ D~ELLING ~0USE OCCUPIED BY 0~ ~ T~ I~ ~E CITY 0F S~FORD, FL~IDA, ~C~T ~T OF T~ 0~ ~ ~EP~ 0F SU ~0VIDI~ A P~ FOR THE VI0~I0h. 0F ~IS ~DIN~cE-, ~saed and ad~p~ed by ~he Cl~y Co~lssion on ~he ~ day of ~, 19~, ~e ~d ~e sa~ la h~eby ~end. ac as ~o read as follows: sec~ion 1. Tha$ no h~se, c~, sheep, goa~ er O~he ~azl~ ~l~l Shall be kep~, ~ed, h~sed, S~ked or s~ wlShln ~ fee~ of eny dwe~lng h~se occupied by ~he ow~es or tenant in the City of Sanford, Flarida, provided, however, that this ordinance shall not ~.~revent the owner or keeper of such anl~ml or ani~mls from keepinf: such anl~::al or animals penned, housed, staked or st,.]]ed within -~-~ feet of the O~. occupied dwelling house Owned~y. such OWner or k~eper, so long as no dwellln~.L house occupied as aforesaid is within ~ioD Feet of said animal or anl~ls, and no horse, cow, sheep, goat or other ~aZing animal shall be kept, staked or stalled upon any street, avenue, parkway, sidewalk or park in the City of San- ford, i"lorida, or in such manner that such animal or ~nlmals may remain or graze upon any street, avenue, Darkway, sidewalk or park. Section ~ -?. That this ordinance shall immediately upo~ its passaEe and adoption. Passed a~d adopted this 28th day of 1939. Section o ~. That all ordinances or parta of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the Same are hereby repealed. ~ttest: ~Y/'C let k become effective _ ~aroh /'Mayor '~'/~ ' the Oity Co~isslo~ oF the ($anford Herald 3/39/39)