HomeMy WebLinkAbout282ORDINANCE ~0. 2&~'~ AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING T~ ?AY~IT OF AN ,~NNUAL OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TA~ Ai~D PRoCORE~NT oF A LICENSE BY ANY pERSON~ FIR~ OR C0RPORATIO~ F01~ SELII OR ~RC~NDISE WITHIN THE COR~O~TE LIMITS oF T~ CITY OF S~ORD~ FLORIDA~ $~ITHOUT ~ FInD pL~C~ OF BUSINESS WITHIN T~ COR~O~TE LIMITS OF sAID CITY; ~[CEPTING C~BTAIN B~I~ESSES FR0~ Tt~ oPERATION ~REOF; DEFINI~'~G T~ WO~S ,FIND PLACE OF B~SINESS"; pRESCRIBING AMOUNT OF SUCH LICENSE T~; pRoVIDII~G FOR TH~ ISSUANCE OF SUCH LICENSE; ~D PRESCRIBIi~G ~ pEi~LTY FOR THE VIO~TION OF THIS ORDINANCE' BE IT ENACTED BY T[~ pEOPLE OF THE CITY OF sANFORD, FLORIDA: firm or corporation, Section 1. That any person, before selling any goods, wares or merchandise of any kind within the corporate limits of the City of banford, Florida, whether upon order therefor for future delivery or immediate delivery, without a fixed place of businesS, as herein defined, within the coroorate limits of said City, shall be required to pay an annual license tax of ~ ~nd obtain a license for the transaction of s~ch businesS, aid license to be for the period beginning on the first day · October and ending on the 30th day of September of the ~l~wing year, and to be issued as now provided by OrdinanCe 223. This section shall not apply to the sale of agri- ~ral produCtS when sold bf7 the producer thereof, nor to sales by a wholesale dealer to a retail dealer. Section 2. The words .fixed place of business" shall be coastrued to mean a permanent, fixed and established place where goods, wares or merchandise sought to be sold are displayed for sale and usually sold, and shall not be conr strued to mean any vehicle or railroad car. Section 3. That any person, firm or corporation who shall violate the provisions of Section I hereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than 3200.00 or by imprisonment of not more than sixty days, and each separate sale shall con- stitute a separate offense hereunder. Section 4. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 5. That this ordinance shall become effective tm~ediately ~pon its passage and adoption, but persons engaged in the sale of goods, wares or merchandise in the manner de- scribed in Section i hereof who have obtained a merchant's license, or peddler's license, shall not be required to pay the license required by Section i hereof before the first day October, 1939. Passed and adooted Attest: -- Cit~ Clerk July this ~th day of ~r~,~ ~939. City of Sanford~ Florida. PUBLISHED IN SANFORD Hk~ALD ON DATE OF JULy 25th, 1939. Sanford, Florida January 25, 1962 Unlicensed Businesses City of Sanford. This is to notify you that according to City records you h~ve not obtained your license for conducting a business in the City of Sauford. This license was due and payable October 1, 1961. After January 1, 1962, all licenses are subject to a Ten Percent (10%) penalty, You are notified to come to the City Hall to obtain your license within fifteen (15) days from the date of this notice or else to cease doing business. After the fifteen day,period has passed the delinquent City license list will be turned over to the Police for enforcement. Please take care of this matter immediately to avoid embarrassment and trouble for both yourself and the City. Very truly yours, ~AA TREE o m,J~l ~ ! ~ E ~, ~ 0 PiNe Ave., o~nforcl ~'la. CITY L ..... N,,E - Tn!.E ~i~i~ ,,T~ENT ¢o~ol~e Tree Service