HomeMy WebLinkAbout284 o~Dt~A~CE ~IO. ~ .,~D.~o sECT~O~ ~ O~ O~CS ~0. ~) O~ CITT 0~ 8~0BD' ~LOBIDA, REQUIRING LIC~S O~ ~ T~ CITT OF 8A~O~' ~OBIDA, p~sS~D ~D ADOPTED 13t'~ DAY 0F ~O~E~, 19~, 80 FAB AS sAID S~cTIO~ BE IT E~Ac~ED B~ T~ pBOPLE OF T~ CITY 0F sA~OBD' FLORIDA: section 1. Thmt SectiOn 5 of 0rdl~auCe No- Z23 of licenses ~nd Pa~ent the City of Smnfor~, Floridm, requiring bUSinesses In the of license t~es for engmgi~ In certain pmssed and adopted b~ the City city of 8a~ord' Florida, of November, ~o~iSsion of s~td City o~ the 13th day prescribes the remount o~ license ~s hereby so f~r ~z said sectlO~ to be paid b~ lusura~ce age~tZ' be and the same a~ended so ~z to read ~s ~ollOWZ: ageut, e~Ch company repreze~ted ordiu~nces ~ud p~rtz of ordi~ i~zur auce Thzt ~11 repealed' section I. be ~ud the zame ~re hereby sh~lI become e~fectlV' in co~llCt herewith SectiOn 3. T~z ordluance az ~d of ~he first da~ of october~ 1939- ~zsed ~nd ~dopted this ~ day of ~ Attest: ~ lerk I, H. N. Bayer, City Cl~rk of the City of Banford, Florl~a, here~y certify that a tr~e copy of the foreg'ol~]~ Ordinance No. 284, pas.'ed ~nd adopted by the City Commis~ion of the City of Sanfo~, Florida, on the 2Sth day o~ Aug'ust, 1939, was POSTED at the front door o~~ the City Hall in the Cit}; of S~ford, Flori~a, on this the 29th day of August, 1939. '~!ty Clerk 6f the Cl~'y of Sa~rfo~d,' Florida