HomeMy WebLinkAbout285 ~N 0RDIN%I~CE ENTITLED : A~ ORDInAnCE ~AKI~S ApPROPR~TIONS FOR TH~ CI?Y 0~ s~FORD, FLOR~A, FOB THE FISC~ YEAR BEGIN,~iNG OCTOBER 1, 1939, ~D ~D~G S~TEI~BEB 30, 19~- ,~AS, the City Clerk has prepared ~nd su'bmitt~d a buret of revenues and expendit~es of the City of Sanford, Florida, for the fisc~ year beg~n~g October l, 1939, ~d ending September 30, 19~O, in accord~Ce with the Charter of said City of S~ford, Florida, ~d upon consideration thereof s~ld budget of revenues ~d e~endit~ee was adopted and ap- proved az the budget of said City for the fiscal yesr beginning October l, 1939, and endi~ September 30, 19~0, ~d ~R~S, the Co~nissioners are of the opinion that the several items of ex~nditureS for said fiscal year com- mencing October l, 1939, and endl~ September ~O, 19k~O, are reasonable, necessary ~nd proper for the administration of the affairs of said City ~d the proper condUCt of said City. NO~, THERE~RE, BE ~ ENACTED BY THE pEOPLE OF T~ CITY OF s~FoRD, FLORIDA : Section 1. That said budget of revenues and expendi- t~eS of said City of B~ford, Florida, for the fiscal year beginn~ October ~, 1939, ~d ending September 3 proVed by resolution of t~ze City Co~lssion of said City on the 25%h day of September, 1939, a copy of which is hereto attached ~d hereby ~de a part of this Ord~ce, be ~nd the same hereby ratified, apor°ved' confirmed, accepted ~d adopted- Section 2. That the said estimates of expenditures be and ~ey are hereby established ~d fixed as appropriations from the revenues to be derived by said City of Sanford, ~orids from taxes to be levied and collected, and from all other sources, for the various purposes as set forth in the said estimates for the said period beginning October l, 1939, end ending September 30, 19~0. Section 3. That all ordinances, or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. effective Section ~. That this ordinance shall become immediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this _26~h_ day of September, 1939. -- ~ayor --As' the City Co'mmisszon of City of Sanford, Florida. Attest : tha~ a true ~pY of the foregoing Ordinance No. 285, passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 25th day of September, 1939,was POSTED at ~he front door of ~he City Hall in ~he Ci~y of Sanford, Florida, on this the 26~h day of SepZember, 1939. ~ty~Clerk/6f Y of't~, Florida