HomeMy WebLinkAbout287O, DI .... CL ........ Di u SLCTIuN 186 O? ' T URD~,~.'~Cz. NO. 133 TITLED "aN DRDI3h~NCE C~-~_tIIO ~ b0~.RO OF PL, 0~=,I~G CU,~,iI~SION]~RS Z,~2=~I. IS~iI~G ~, Pl,b:,~bI:~d CODE Fo~[ T~ CITY OF SAtFORD, FLORIDA, P[10VIDI',;6 RJIig ~ID ~{~dO!,=~T!o~S FOR T~ I~{bTi~LLgTIJI OF PLU~ING ~J':D PNESCRILI 4G = Pi,2L~LTY Fok Ti'2 VIOL~TIoN OF ~d~Y OF T~ PRO- VISIof~Op T.IS 0RDI[],~}~C~i" nDOPTSD JULY 28, 1~26. Section 1 That" · oectzoa 186 of Ormiaance No. 133 ea- titled "~?{ ORDi~A~C± C~TI.,o ESTABLIShinG ~ o~ ~ ,~ ...... . ~ °kOVIDI~G n,L~ ~Jb ~hGuL~i'Iu4s ;~OR 2:~h~ I,~,~I, ,~.alu,~ uN PLJ~k:~ING ,~'~ PRi~C I~G ~ PL~,~LIY POt~ Ttb~ VIOLATION Ui;' ~dY oF ?hz, PNO- VISIONS OF '/iiI~) ORI)iN~,:'~CH:" ado,oted July 28, 1926, be an~ the same is hereb,~ amended so as to read as follow, s: Section 186. ~ualxz zcat~ons ~,11 insoectors snail be ~pointed bF the City Co~mnission of the City of Sanford~ Florida~ ano snail hold u, ffice oleasure of the City ~- ~ ' - - ooi~,lSslon aad sds.l] qot be directly or i~- directly engaged in any way with any fir~ or cor{)oratJoo in the , ' . ,xs~.2ess of contracting or installing Section 2. That ail ormi~aaces or ports of ordinances l~l C~a:~lCt herewith i.%, ', ~ ~ectlon 5 T~'~at tn_s ordinance snal] ~}ecome af~acmlv~ i~i~l{~diately upo~ its p~s~age and auoption. P~ss~.~d ~n~ ~do]0teu this 23r~_ ~'~' of OGtober .... , ~_ i~Iayor ~ttest: ~=s tn~ Ci[3~ Co~mi~ission of the City of TM ?] I, H. N. Sayer, City Clerk of the City of Sanf~n~, Florida, hereby cer that a true copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 287, pa~sed and adopte~ by the C~ty Comnis~ion of the City of Sanford, Flori¢]a, on the 23rd day of October, 193~, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, this 24th day of October, 1~39. ~ity Cl!~rk ~f the 8an~_~t, Fl'o ri~ a City of