HomeMy WebLinkAbout290ORDINANCE NO. 290 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE BUSINESS OF DEALERS IN CERTAIN SECOND HAND GOODS, WARES OR ~RCHANDISE IN FLORIDA, AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR THE ORDINANCE: TH~ CITY OF SANFORD, VIOLATION OF THIS FLORIDA: BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, Section 1. That every dealer in second hand goods, wares or merchandise, except junk, scrap metal, second hand plumbing fiatures, second hand bottles aha second hand bicycles, shall keep an accurate list or memorandum of all second hand articles purchased or accepted as security for money advanced, and shall each day, except Sunday, and on i~onday after the pre- ceding Saturday, before 10:00 o~clock ~. ~., report to the Chief of Police of this City on blanks to be furnished by him, the fol- 1wing information: 1. A list or description of all second hand articles purchased or accepted as security or on which money or other thing of value is loaned, on the preceding day, or on the oreceding Satur- day if the report be made on ~onday. 2. The name of the person from whom received. 3. A description of the person from whom said second hand articles were received. 4- The place of residence of the seller or borrower. H. a t~u Gommi or me.r 5. The occupation of the seller or borrower. 6. The amount paid therefor or the amount advanced as a loan against the security of such property. Section 2. That the word "dealer,, as used in the pre- ceding section hereof shall mean any person who engages in the business of buyin~ or selling or lending money or other thing of value on second hand goods, wares or merchandise. Section 3. That the words "second hand goods, wares or merchandise, as used in Section i hereof shall mean goods, wares or merchandise, which have been the subject theretofore of sale and purchase or use, except Junk, scrap metal, second hand plumb- lng fixtures, second hand bottles and second hand bicycles. Section 4. That any person, firm or orporation violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be pu~shed by a fine of not exceeding $200.00 or by imprisonment of not exceeding ninety d~s. Section 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith be and the same are hereby re~ealed. Section 6. This ordinance shall become effective im- mediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted tkls ...llth day of December , 19~J AS THE CITY COi~.~ISSIO~ OF THE CITY # # * # # # # # . # # # OF SANFORD. FLORIDA. Bayer, Olty Olerk cT ~hs Ulty of 8anford, Florida, hereby certify ~hst copy of the fore~oinm