HomeMy WebLinkAbout292 AN 0RDI!~.~CL ~E~DI~G S£~CTION 5 of Oi~DI"~NCE NO 223 OF THE CITY OF S~F~dD, FLO//ID~, ~: 0IRI~G !IC~i~Si~S ~D P~Yi~NT OF LICENSE T~ FOR hNO~Gii~G t"~ C~HT~I~ Bo~i ~L~,L. LS I~ %~ CITY OF SANFORD~ FLOf{ID~ [~LOJ~D ~D ~DO?TLD OP[ ~ 13th D~Y OF NOVEmbER, 1933, SO FAR =S S~ID SECTION 2Ri~gCRI~Lo T~R~ ~oGNT OF LICENSE T~ TO BE PAID DY COl[TRaCTORS: FLORIDA: BE IT ~.~ z~ BY T~[E ?EO~LE OF Ti~ CITY OF SANFORD, Section 1. That Section 5 of the Ordina~nce No. 223 of the City of ~anford, Fiorid~, re~iuiring licenses and payment of license tax for engaging in certain b~sinesses in the City of Sanford, £1orida, oassed a~d adopted on the ]3th day of Novem- ber, 1933, so far as said sectlon orescribes t~e amount of license tax to be oaid OY contr~ctors~ be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto the so_lowing. · Contractor, not a re~.ident of the City of Sanfora,FIorida, engaged in .~enera] contracti~g, ( anM ~erson, firm or cor~oration, cludiag sub-contractors, taking con- tract to Qarform wor~ by the joo ployi~ on~ or more new'sons to ~ssist in s.~ch work shall be deemed a contrac- tor) . $100.00 Section 2. ~a~t in conflict ne, ~ .... t be and the same are hereby reoealed. ~,~] ordinances and varts of ordinances IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR sEMINOLE C 0UNTY. STATE OF FLORIDA, EX REL, FALKNER, INC · , a corporation, Petitioner, va. ELLE~HOY, as Tax Collector of Ssnford, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Florida. Respondent. 0~DER OF COURT. This cause comes on to be heard upon the Alternative Writ of MandamUs; Return to the Writ and Motion for a Peremptory Writ, notwithstanding the Return. These pleadings raise no question of fact, and, as counsel agree, present only the question as to whether or not the City of Sanford may charge a higher license to nonresident contractors, as defined by the ordinance involved, than of a resident contractor. Our Supreme Court has had before it numerous times various aspects'of this same question and has stated the Rule to be : -Classifications for the purpose of imposing occupation license taxes which arbitrarily discriminate between resi- dents and nonresidents on the ground of residence alone, and without other practical Justification in point of fact ~ ~ ~ are usually rejected es discriminatory, particularly if such classification operates to exclude the nonresident solely on account of his residence." Hamilton V. Collins, 154 So. EO1. And cases cited. In the above cited case an ordinance providing for a license maintaining an established place the Court held invalid of $10.00 on persons of business in Quincy, Florida, and a license of $50.00 against persons not maintaining an established place of business in said citY, but engaged in the In a later O,Oonnell, etc., V. Keats ~ohn, 179 SO. 802. our supreme oourt, in my view, approve~ %he above general principle and stated: ._ residents a~d nonresidents , in the same occupation or ~usxnea .~.~_ .,-, subetan%xaA&Y ~, This ease further held that - - If the praatical ~ference in the burden lmpose~ by t~e lieense tax uld be de minimia, the classifica- +w~.~n~ on the basis of.localitY - ' m 1 means, aa applie~ to this ease, that if the unsubstantial then the ordinance ,eould be up~e~. It cannot be said, I think, t~t the difference here involved, $10.00 for resident contractors and $100.00 for nonresidents, comes within this Rule. It follows from the foregoin~ that PeremptorY Writ will issue. It is therefore, ORDERED, AD~UI)GED ABD DECREED, that the said Ellen Hey, as tax collector of Sanford, a municipal corporation, of the State of Florida, be, and she is here~y, ordered to issue a general contractor's license to Fal~ner, Inc., petitioner herein, for the same tax required of a general contractor residin~ in the said OitY of Sanfor~, namely, ten dollars. ABD IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AI~D DECREED, that Fal~ner, Inc., petitioner herein, as have and recover frc~ Ellen Hey, as tax collector of Sanford, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, respondent hereLu, the court costa which have been aseessed herein by the Clerk of the circuit Court of Seminole OountF, Florida, in ~he a~ount of Seven Dollars and fiftF ~ente. DONE AND ORDERED, ~n chambers at TltUsville,Rrevard County, Florida, ~his the End., day of May, A. D. 1940. CIRCUIT ~UDGE. Section 3. as and of the 1st day of October, Passed and adopted this That this ordinance siia].l becc~e effective 1939. 22nd day of Januar_~v ...... , AS Tile CITY C0~ISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. ATTEST: C ITY~ ~LERK i, H. N. Sayer, City Clerk of the City of $anford, Florida, certify that ~ true copy ~f the fo~egoi~ OrcL'_r~.nce No. 292, pa~'~ed and adopted by the City ~]ommlssion of the City of $$~nford, Florida, on the 22n~ dsy of Janusry, !~-~O, was P~STED at t~? front door of the Cit? Hall in the City of $anford, Florida, on this 23rd day of Janusry, 1940. ~ity ~!erk of the City of ,q~nfor~t,W Florida