HomeMy WebLinkAbout294ORDINANCE NO. _~9~__ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY oF SAI,~FORD, FLORIDA, RE- pEALING SECTION 183 OF Tlim REVISED ORDI~ANCES OF SAID CITY, -." CERTAI.4 FIRE LIi;iITS OF s~ID CITY. SAID SECTION DEFI~I~ BE IT ENACTED BY T~. pEOPLE OF T~ CITY oF SANFORD, FLORIDA: ~ d Ordinances of the Revise SectlO 1. That Section 183 of the City of Sanford, Florida, defiaing certain fire limits of said City be and the same is hereby repealed. Sectioa 2. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately uoon its passage and adoptioa. Passed and adopted this 2_~_ ~ day of ~ ........ ' .~AYOR ATTEST: .- v FLORIDA- OF SA~L OED, ~ - . ~ of BanfOrd, Flo~%~, hereby - ~*+~, d~rk of ~he Oi Y ,.,_ oak nassed and --r~i~ that a true ~ Clerk- o'~ th. Y of ~ford,/Florlda I, H. N. ~AY~, City Clerk of the 0ity of 8anford, Florida, hereby eertify that a treAe copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. ~95, passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Banford, Florida, on the 12th day of June, 19~O, was POBTED at the fron~ door c~f the City Hall in the City of 5anford, Florida, this 13~h day of June, 19~0. Ol~y 61ere o%' the Ol~y of ~anford, Florida. J