HomeMy WebLinkAbout297SA!tFO f~), FLORIDA: Meotlon 1. That ]?aragraP% (e) of section 3 of 0rdinanoe ~umber 126 ~dopted on the lOth day of ~Iay,19g6, and entitled:"A~ 0RDI~A~CE ~TABLI~HIEG A BUILDI~ ~ p~OVi. Dii~ ~ BUILDIt'~ G ~ TRE OITY OF 5A~Oi~D' ~o~tlDA, ~A~TY FOt{ THE VIOLATIOB A~ REG~TIONB A~ piil,iSCII~IB ~ A ~- - be ~d the OF A~Y 0~ THE ~OVISIOI~ 0~ ~DiIS O~IF AEOE" is hereby ~ended so as to read as (e) The fee ch~ged for permits sYall be aS follOWs: b~ilding O~ Oosting ~Oo0.O0 to ~l,O00.O0 ~ 0ozting ~1,000.00 to ~31,Oo0.O0 Coating SB,OOC ~ ~E,Bo0.O0 Go.ting SM,BOO.e0 to SZ,O00.O0 Oosting $~,000.00 to ~z,Bo0.O0 Oozting ~,000.00 to ~,000.00 costing ~,O00.00 to ~3&,BO0.O0 0osting ~,Bo0.O0 to t~B,O00.O0 The maxim~ fee in any case zhall be The minimum fee in ~ny 1.00 1.50 Z.50 5.00 3.50 ~.00 z.. 50 5.00 h'ive (~5.00) fifty (50~) Oent~- Section 2. That all ordinances or par~ of ordinanCeS in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed- ..... ~ be~me effective SeCtion 3. That this ordinance oL~l upon the 1st day of October, 1940. passed and adopted thisl3th day of September, 1940. Attest: of the Oity of Sanford,~lOr~'-a. I, H. N. Sayer, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, he~ certifY ~t a true copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 297, passed and adopted by the City Co~lssion of the City of S~ford, ~orida, on t~ 13~ day of September, 19~, was pOSTED a~ the f~nt door of the Cl~y H~l in ~he City of Sanfo~l, ~orida, on this ~he 2Otb day of September, 19~. San~~da