HomeMy WebLinkAbout499ORDINAECE NO. ~99 AN ORDILai{GL OF Ti~ CITY OF SA!qFORD, FLOR- ~ ~ '~?~'T OF ISIE CITY G0I~iIS- F~RIDA, 0F ~{AT ~RTAIN F~ICHI~ G~ED BY ORD~lf~CE I~B~ &&7, PAS~D ~D f~O~ED FEB- 19&9, T0 SIDEEY ~D~W ~, D0~G RUbY 28, ~' ~ D T~ BUSI~SS ~ o.<hWOR , FOR Oi~TIOi: OF A BUS T~SPqRTATIOE S~D C~Y, ,~IOh ~:OHISE ?[~S ~oSIG~D T0 o. ~ ~ .... ~=m'~ JR. ~ p~Q~RS~{IP, DOING BUS~x~ESS ~ CI~ BUS 00~5I ~A, ~CH TR~~[S~R B~I~G f~pRo~ED BY oiOliq~fCE I~2~.~{ER ~89, pA~D JfD ~0~ED I~Y 21, 1951; ~qD ~Ai~NG '~ sI~TY-DAY ifOTI~ PRIOR TO SEL- ~d~'CHi.SE ~ED 5Y sECTIOL T:~TT-01~ OF BE IT '~%oTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That the approval and consent of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, be, and it is here- by, given to the sale, assignment and transfer, effective at 12:01 A. ~., February 12, 1952, by Viola A. Allen, as Adminis- tratrix of the Estate of S. ~. ~ll~n, deceased, viola A. Allen, individually, R. R. Hartsell, and ~. D. Hartsell, Jr., a part- nership, doing business as City Bus Company, Sanford, Florida, to Sanford Transit Co., a Florida corporation with principal place of business in $anford, Florida, of the right and fran- chise for a period of five years from and after the ordinance grey, ting said franchise becs~e effective, to occupy and use all of the streets, alleys and highways of the City of Samford, Flor- ida, for the operation of a bus transportation system for the transportation for compensation of passer,gets, given and grant- ed to Sidney Andrew Allen, doing business as Sanford Transit Lines, by the City of Sanford, Florida, by Ordinance No. passed and adopted by the City Commission of said City on the 28th day of February, 1949, and scla, transferred, and assigned by Sidney Andrew Allen, doing business as Sanford Transit Lines, to S. A. Allen, Viola A. Allen, R. R. Hartsell, and A. D. Hart- sell, Jr., a partnership, doing business as City Bus Co~pany, Sanford, Florida, consent to such sale, transfer, and assign- ment having been given by the City Co~-~mission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by Ordnance No. 489, passed and adopted 21, 1951; and written notice having been first filed with the City Clerk of the City of Sanford of intention of the said part- nership, doini:': business as City Bus Company, to sell, transfer, and assign said franchise to Ssnford Transit Co., Sanford, Flor- ida, and the City Co~ission i~vir~g thoroughly considered the matter of such proposed sale, assignment, and transfer of sa~d franchise by said partnership, doing business as City Bus Com- pany, and deeming it advisable, expedient and for the best int- erest of said City to approve and consent to said sale, assign- ment and transfer, the requirement of Section 21 of said 0rdin- ance No. 447 of the filing of written notice with the City Clerk of the City of Sanford by said partnership, doing business as City Bus Company, of its intention to sell, assign, and trans- fer said franchise sixty days prior to selling, assigning, and transferring said fra~chise, be, and the same is hereby, waived and said approval and consent of the City Commission given to such transfer and sale, effective at 12:01 A. ~., February 12, 1952. Said Sanford Transit Co., as purchaser and assignee of said franchise, shsll be subject to all the ter~s, conditions and restrictions in said Ordinance No. 447. - 2 - SECTION 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordin- ances in cc~flict herewith be, and the same are, hereby re- pealed. SECTI 0h' 3. rive Immediately upon 1952. That this ordinance shall become effec- its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2~th day of February, ATTEST: Cit y~rk ~/~. ~. ~~ . .... As the City Commtssio~oT the City of Sanford, Florida. -3- CERTIFICATE I, H. lt. ~ayer, City Clerk of the City of San ford, Florida, hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 499, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Comn!ss!on of the Cl~y of Sanford, Florida, on ~he 25th day of February, 1952, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in ~he City of Sanford, Florida, on this the 26th day of February, 1952. ~ Clerk