HomeMy WebLinkAbout518 ,~ .... lC~ 1. Tkat Czdzn~,ce ~o. 511 cz the :.or~fl~, passed and ~do ~e,d the llth day of l~cve~:bez', 1952, zn6 Crdinance 70.~,"'~ passed and ~,~o,..~e~.,~_"" ~ Zuzy' ~.,°~ It 21, said latter Ordinance ~ .4 ~4,,~- for cc;l]= ec,.m~n and di??ositicn of zarhaTe, and ~ ocza~ pick-mi, service in said ar:e:;dt:ent proviaing ........ ' ~ o,,3es, '.md the fee to be pazc~. ~or such ,. vzce, be and the same ~s ..erc.y amended by revising 3ection 1.5(a), as set forth in sazd Ordina:sce "' to " ~ ' z,o. 511, read as ~.o1~o~ s. Secti::n 1.5 (a) .;hen no public alloy traversin~j an on'tire block has heretofore been opened an5 placed in use by city ~lt ,, Com- v.ehigles, or may, in the sole discretion cf the m:.sszon, be ~'erea_ver o~ened and placed in use by city vehicles, adjoining the premises cccuzied b;' the party off- ering garba?:e or rez'ua:e ;.o. ccllectkc,., such party, in ~or collection at the curb lieu of p]acin? the rece?tacle line in fr~ nt of his prem~se~ as above provided, mc~y obtain ~;lck-up service for such ~ ~ recep,,ac.e From the rear of ~'~' ises upon payment of a fee therefor. ;uch fee shall be at the rate of ,¢1.00 per month and shall be payable uarterly in advance, on or before Deco,mcr 31st, ?arch 31st, June ~Ot,. each year for the ensuir¢;¢ c ~e~dar 30th, and september ':~ quarter, prc:v::ded that if co[%'enoe'men~ of such serv ce be after +~ =uar~.e~ only toe ~:.~e oo~enoerqent of such calendar o * ~ pro-rata c~arge for the remainder of t;;at calendar quarter sba. 1 be so paid. Zayment, at the option of the party paying same, may be made in advance for the entire calendar year endinc December 31st, or portion thereof in excess of a calendar quarter, prov~:~ed thst any party mai:in:s such full or extra payment in advance who, prior to the end of the cal- endar year, shall desire to d;oco~n~.'o , +~ 'e theo~'--.ecz''a~ service herein provkdea shall, umcn filing ,¢~=tten avmlication there- for with the ....~a.~ Collector cf t~e City of ~a'.;ford, Florida, receive refund of any unearned prepay[sent covering the ~;eriod from the end of the ca!e~d;r ,uarter mn wbic), sLtch a-cpl~cation i:~ filed to December 31st of that calendar year; the rif;:~t torefund herein authorized shall exist only as to unearned payments subsecue_ut to filings' aoplication as aforesaid, end failure to f~.le or delay in ~ ~' z~.~nc said written application shall constitute a waiver of right to rez'u~]d for any period vrior tc the end cz' t~:e cale~dar quarter in whic~ a]pplicat, ion is filed; upon written ~. ~lca~.ion filed as az'oresaic] refund cZ' pre~m~ments beycnd the ca.iendar quarter of fili!,g is also hereby authorized of any prepayments made under Ordinance 511 Payment o? ~ · . the aforesaid fee shall be made to t~.e Tax Collector oi' the City of San~'ord, JSlorida to be used for the p~rposes of the Garbaf:e and Trash Department. The ~ee herein provided for pic~-u.p service shall be payable for each sing]e-fa~ly dv~elling unit on the presses requiring such service and shazl be paid by the occupant of such dwelling ~nit. ~C ICE 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in~c~nflict herewith are hereby repealed. S~,CTIfL 5. That this ordinance shall oecome effective i~m~ediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED ~!70 ADOPUED this 1~'53. day c~' ~ - ~ a~ybr ~ ~ C~at ~, ~rOd~lorSfO~daO~' the