HomeMy WebLinkAbout496AN 0RDIh~,,CE ~MEi~DING JECTIOi~S 123 A2qD 138, AS Ai..W.i~)ED, OF, MfD PROVID~NG ~OR 'rt~ ~DI- TION 0F A ~JE~.; oECTI~L 205 T0, O~I~DE N0. 133 0F I~HE CITY OF .~F02~, ~0~DA, ~S~D ~JD ~0PTED JULY 28, 1926, S~zID ~DILLNCE EST~LISHI~(G A PL~,[BIi<G CODE FOR TI~ CI~ 0F SAi~ORD, ~LOR~A, SECTICN 123, ~ ED, RE~TI~G T0 :;0IL :aI~ ~.V.~STE ~AC~, .~D SAID Ai~'D~ LCDI~I~'G T~ ~RE~,EhTS LS T0 gUCH ~T~C~ IN CERTaiN Ii~TAECES, SECTIcL~ 138, ~ ~ND~D, Id~LiPZ<G i'0 BRiC, CH I~ILG YHE ~E~;~ITiR 2 }:~?~ CF ~2~ID ~f~CTIG~ AS T0 ~slICH Vm~IT~i, ~]TO .~ID ~EL~ SECTI0f~ 205 i¥~K~ ING CERT~L i~ROVISIo~o ~ TO .HE !i~ST~LATI~ OF ,~ASi-~G L~G~i~ES ~I~i~{ G0~'~CTED T0 BUILD- BE IT E~!ACTED BY ['HE PEOPLE OF TH~ CITY OF :JANFORD, FLORIDA: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 133 of the City of San- ford, Florida, passed and adopted the 28th day of July, 1926, as amended, ssid ordinance establishing a plumbing code for the City of Sanford,Flcriaa, be, amd the same is hereby, amended as foll- (a) Section 123, as amende~ by Ordinance No. 480,is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 123. Soil ann ,,'aste Stacks. Every building in which plt~nbLug fixtures are installed shall have at least one four-inch (4") soil stack, extending full size through the roof, except th:. t the &" soil stack or soil vent may be reduced to 3" above the inlet of the uppermost closet in buildings not over two stories in height; no closet shall be con:.ect- ed to a soil stack or waste smaller than ~" or shall a lead bend, iron bend or lecd stub smal- ler th~ ~" be used on ~he waste outlet of a closet. Soil and w~ste stacks shall be as dir- ect as possible and free from sherp angles and turns. The required size of a soil or waste stack shall be independently determined by the total fixture units of all fixtures connected to the stack in accordance with the following tables. ,, as amended by 0rdinence hereby amended to read as Section 138, No. ~80, is foll~s: "Section 138. Branch and Individual Vents. No branch or individual vents shall be less than one and one-half inches (1½-1, ~d shall be ~f type ~ cop-Jer tu. binM, but n no case shell a branch Sr ma~n v~nt have a diameter of less than one-half that of the soil or w~ste pipe served; and in no case s~ll the length of a branch vent of a given diameter exceed the maximum length permitted for the main vent servi~ the same soil or vent stack.- (c) Add a new Section 205 to read as foll- ows: "Secticn 205. Washing ~achines. ~Jash- ing machines where connected to the build- ing drain of a building connected to a Pub- lic Sewer or Septic Tank slmll be considered the sa~ae as a plu~.~bing fixture and shall be properly trapped and vented the same as any other plumbing fixture. A permit and inspec- tion of sa~:~e shall be required., Section 2. The provisions of this ordinance shall ap- ply only to installations ~ade after the effective date hereof. Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be e~d the sa~ae are hereby repeeled. Section %. That t~is ordinance shall because effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED ~ND ADOPFED this__ 10th day of December 1951. ATTEST: Mayor As t~h& ~ity C~mmission of the City of Sanford, Florida. - 2 -