HomeMy WebLinkAbout522 0RDIIIANCE 1~0.. 522 A~ 0RDIN~,ICE CF ~]~E CI?Z OF S~CRD, FLORIDL, A?RE?~Di~C 0RDINRJ[CE ~62 0F S~ID Ci~, AS A~Q~'~ED, SAID 0RDII'7~;I~CE BEING ~I 0RDINM';CE ESTAB- CITY C2 S~FF0RD, SAID TR~SFERRING TERRITORY IY DISTRICT R-l-~ T0 DIS~ICT R-1-A IN SAID CI%~. BE IT A-%IACTED BY 'i~E PEOPLE OF ~ CI9~ OF ~'~ORD, FLORIDA: Section 1. That Ordinance Eumber $62 of the City of ford, Florida, passed and adopted December £6, 194~, as amended, said Ordinance being entitled: "An Ordinance establishing a zoning plan within the City of Sanford, creating eleven (ll) districts, regulating and restricting the location and use of buildingS, structures, lend and water for trade, industry, residence or other pur~oses, the height and size of structures, and size of open spaces for light and ventila- tion; adopting a map of said district; defining ter~ used; providing for the adjustment, enforcement and a~end~nent thereof; and prescrib- ing penalties for violation" be, and the sa~e is hereby amended as follows: The property zoned in District R-i-i=~ One (Single) Family District, particularly described as Lots l0 through ~2 of Block 9; all of Blocks 12, 14 and 19; and that portion within the City of Blocks 1Z, 15, 18 and ~0, of Drea~s~old Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book ~, page 90, of the Public Records of Seminole County, ?lot- ida, is hereby transferred to R-1-A One (Single) Family District. Section 2. .~hat all ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are Section 5. That this ordinance im~ediately upon its passage and adoption. or parts of ordinances hereby repealed. shall become effective · PASSED AND ADO?TED this day of June, 1953. ..... ~Mayor ATTEST: the City-Commi on of the City of Sanford, Florida. C E R T I F I C A T E I, H. N. ~ayer, C~ty Clerk ef the C~ty ef ~anferd, ~ler2da, hereby certify that a true and cerrect cepy ef the ferege~.ng Ordinance Ne. 52Z, passed and adep~ed by ~he Oemm~ss!en ef ~he City ef ~anferd, ~lerXda, en the 8th day ef June, 1953, was PO~TED at the fren~ deer ef the C~y Hall in the C~y ef Sanferd, Fler~da, th~s 9th day ef June, 1953.